RWB Midrange (Post Rotation)

Standard joegio66

SCORE: 12 | 20 COMMENTS | 3611 VIEWS | IN 3 FOLDERS says... #1

I would recommend Odric, Master Tactician , Captain of the Watch and Field Marshal for your deck and use in combination with both assemble the legions. Also Tajic, Blade of the Legion would be quite trolly. What do you think?

July 7, 2013 1:28 p.m. says... #2

I might also reccomend replacing Rakdos Keyrune for mountains, swamps or dragonskull summits.

July 7, 2013 1:30 p.m.

joegio66 says... #3

I already run dragonskull summits, radkos keyrune is to help accelerate into 5 drops. Legion initiative would be intresting as a 2 of sided in vs control. I just find I need mana open early for burn spells to hold off vs aggro

July 7, 2013 1:47 p.m.

Araj says... #4

Hey man, thought I'd drop off some feeback! I run a very similar deck The Path to Insanity, so I have some experience in these colors too! Personally, the impact of Lingering Souls is a lot more lackluster than I thought it would be in this format. I prefer to drop either the nighthawk or reckoner on turn 3, and how many 3 drops do we really need? I like Lifebane Zombie , which is a new card that is an allstar against most decks in the format! What's your reasoning behind Searing Spear ? It seems to me that if you're looking for creature control at that CMC you'd be better served with either Doomblade or Dreadbore or Mizzium Mortars . If you could also explain why you prefer 3 Vampire Nighthawk and 3 Blood Baron of Vizkopa as compared to the 4 I run, I'd appreciate it! Also, what do you think of Aurelia? Well, that's enough from me! Let me know what you think.

+1 Mate

July 16, 2013 10:21 a.m.

joegio66 says... #5

Hey @araj thanks for the feedback. My local meta is heavy split between aggro and mill so i find lingering souls effective as chump blockers, and to play from graveyard when I flood out or get milled. Searing spear has taken the path of mizzium mortars for a variety of reasons. Mortars was always a dead draw game 1 against non creature heavy decks while spear can deal damage to player or instant speed target haste creatures like hellrider. Only own 3 bloodbarons and cut 1 nighthawk for lingering souls but can easily switch. Doom blade and lifebane zombie will likely both be added but I am also considering playtesting young pyromance since there are alot of spells. Auriela, the war leader is a great top deck late and can win games especially with spirit tokens. Dealt 22 dmage in one turn with her. Im trying Slayers' Stronghold as a way to increase speed of deck.

July 16, 2013 10:44 a.m.

dhoard1320 says... #6

Faithless Looting would be righteous in this deck because you have targets for Unburial Rites and it lets you filter your hand to find the limited amount of removal in the deck. You might want to add another Warleader's Helix because that is a gret way to stabilize against aggro after Boros Reckoner and then land Blood Baron of Vizkopa , it (Warleader's Helix ) also works well as reach against control decks. Also Blasphemous Act works great aginst both aggro as a board wipe and control as a game ender when the game goes long enough.

July 24, 2013 11:39 p.m.

dhoard1320 says... #7

I have a BWR Midrange/Control deck that opperates similar to what i imagine this one does, check it out for ideas, leave enta and suggestions I Reckon That's Olivia, The Ghost Baron

July 24, 2013 11:44 p.m.

joegio66 says... #8

Hey thanks for the comment. I used to have blasphemous act in the deck but because I dont cast many creature like my old act 2 deck, the card usually gets casted only for 5+ mana and was useless early game against my heavy aggro local meta. Faithless looting was tested but i found i needed to keep early mana open for burn spells to carry me. In terms of warleaders helix, playing the fourth typically resulted in me not wanting to cast in as I would rather drop a creature. Testing out imposing soveriegn rigt now and it has been solid so will get 2 more for it in place of lilianas reaver.

July 24, 2013 11:46 p.m.

dhoard1320 says... #9

Blasphemous Act would be uber uber effective against aggro just like Boros Reckoner becauae it counts both your creatures and your opponent's creatures. So it acts as a board wipe an combo enabler

July 25, 2013 10:10 a.m.

joegio66 says... #10

@dhoard1320 - like I said, I just find that Blasphemous Act combo is to slow verse r/g aggro or RDW as I don't get the bulk of my creatures out until turns 3-5. Every time I would draw it it would be a dead card.

July 26, 2013 10:16 a.m.

Free_Iona says... #11

I would -2 Unburial Rites and +2 Doom Blade Just because you're running so many copies of your bombs that spending time and mana on a reanimator sub-theme with 2 cards isn't worth it. I think the consistency of the 2cmc removal spell will serve you better. This is one of the better B/W/R builds I've seen. +1

July 26, 2013 10:54 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #12

I agree take out the Unburial Rites and add more removal but I would suggest Dreadbore over Doom Blade since you have access to red

July 26, 2013 11:40 a.m.

joegio66 says... #13

Thanks for the comments, was thinking with unburial rites I could utilize it when I'm flooded or value 2 casts off one card. Decided to do 1 Doom Blade and 1 Rakdos Keyrune . I don't like loading up to heavy on non burn oriented removal since if I play game one against a non creature heavy or Jund with black creatures they tend to be dead cards. What's your thought on playing a mutavault as a situational creature to get around Far which always beats Blood Baron of Vizkopa ?

July 26, 2013 1:01 p.m.

dhoard1320 says... #14

Your mana base is far too fragile to play any copies of Mutavault . I wouldn't run it in anything except in a mono colored deck. Mizzium Mortars always takes care of Blood Baron of Vizkopa and can work as a secondary board wipe later in the game.

July 26, 2013 11:02 p.m.

dhoard1320 says... #15

I remeber that you suggested Imposing Sovereign to me a while back, i liked the ability but didnt like the fragile body so i decided to go with Blind Obedience because it is the same effect, affects artifcts, is a lot more difficult to remove AND can be used for extort triggers late in the game to close things out.

August 2, 2013 7:34 a.m.

JohnnyBlue says... #16

One thing I'm not quite understanding...what would be your response to Burning Earth ?? I'd imagine that would put a hurtin' on this...

August 7, 2013 9:58 a.m.

JohnnyBlue says... #17

Ok, I see the Slaughter Games in sideboard..could be a response to Burning Earth unless they beat you to the punch and have it on the field already. You might want to find a better answer to that, as Burning Earth is starting to be played or at least sideboarded in every red deck I've come across since m14 came out. I can see that one card ruining your entire day, and it's become extremely prevalent especially since the meta at the moment is flooded with non-basics (ie your deck).

August 7, 2013 11:26 a.m.

joegio66 says... #18

Game 1 I take my chances, post board I load up on salughter games, and I am going to add in a 2nd Oblivion Ring to the side board. I gain a lot of life with this deck so I can trade a bit. Yet to truly encounter that threat yet though so I will report after fnm and game day.

August 7, 2013 10:30 p.m.

Svedishgypsy says... #19

Mindsparker in sb for America/Esper control?

August 15, 2013 7:58 a.m.

joegio66 says... #20

I actually dont have an issue with either of those decks since Slaughter Games just removes the few win cons they have. Grixis control is an issue, especially one that plays many planeswalkers. Im going to add inPossibility Storm to disrupt control tempo

August 16, 2013 9:59 p.m.

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