Ryx of the Temur

Standard Ryx


redkhan says... #1

I like it and the only suggestions I have besides more Stormbreaths or Maulers would be at most two more Boon Satyrs, Prophet of Kruphix, Savage Knuckleblade, or some Heir of the Wilds. Reason for suggesting Prophet is because having all of your stuff untap during your opponent's turn allows you to always have combat tricks ready.

October 18, 2014 9:51 p.m.

Ryx says... #2

I've been a little uncertain on the Prophets of Kruphix, though after having some annoyance with a freeze-heavy deck, it might be worth another look. I'm decided against Coursers of Kruphix, the improved draws and minor life gain isn't worth telling my opponent everything I'm drawing. More than once I've psyched out an opponent into playing around cards I don't have in my hand.

I'm certainly keeping my eyes open for Savage Knuckleblades, they're just great face-smashers. Also trying to get my hands on two more wooded foothills, not sure if I want to look into a couple Shivan Reefs or not, it depends on where my deck finds itself creature-wise.

October 18, 2014 10:40 p.m.

redkhan says... #3

I'm currently running two Prophets mainboard and I don't know if I want to move one to sideboard.

October 19, 2014 8:53 a.m.

Ryx says... #4

Moved the Savage Punches to sideboard in favor of the third Ascendancy and another forest. Even with eight mana creatures, I'd rather air on the side of safety for land drops since this deck wants to hit 4-5 mana as quick as possible.

It can survive perfectly fine on three lands with a couple mystics in play. Elvish into a Morphed Rattleclaw on turn 2 sets up for a 5-6 drop creature on turn 3 which is even more effective when it's stormbreath or Sagu.

October 20, 2014 2:56 p.m.

Xenagos, God of Revels might buff your fatties a little more to get you to a finish

Ranger's Guile might be good with all that green mana floating around, hexproof saves lives

Sagu Mauler has won me basically every game I've played Temur, that hexproof is no joke, if you have any more, I'd suggest slipping them in, maybe instead of Avalanche Tusker

Commune with the Gods or Scout the Borders might help you as a semi-tutor if you ever run out of big creatures, and they also serve as activators if you want to use delve cards in this deck like Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time

I think three Temur Ascendancy s is a little excessive, but if you wanna get it out early, I guess it works

I'm not sure if Bow of Nylea 's deathtouch helps too much when you're using big creatures, but if the tap effects work for you, stick to what you like

I'm not sure if Dragon Grip does enough for it's cost, you might want to try something like Magma Spray for a similar-ish effect and more Sultai hate (if you need it)

I'm not sure if enchantment decks are a common sight for you, but I feel like Polis Crusher and Back to Nature might be overkill, and your sideboarded Naturalize s are probably enough

I'm not sure why Alpine Grizzly is in there, I'm sure you have something better, maybe toss in some more Boon Satyr s, I think they're pretty great

Overall though, I think this looks like a really fun Temur deck and really abuses that green ramp in current Standard play

October 27, 2014 4:02 a.m.

Xenagos, God of Revels might buff your fatties a little more to get you to a finish

Ranger's Guile might be good with all that green mana floating around, hexproof saves lives

Sagu Mauler has won me basically every game I've played Temur, that hexproof is no joke, if you have any more, I'd suggest slipping them in, maybe instead of Avalanche Tusker

Commune with the Gods or Scout the Borders might help you as a semi-tutor if you ever run out of big creatures, and they also serve as activators if you want to use delve cards in this deck like Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time

I think three Temur Ascendancy s is a little excessive, but if you wanna get it out early, I guess it works

I'm not sure if Bow of Nylea 's deathtouch helps too much when you're using big creatures, but if the tap effects work for you, stick to what you like

I'm not sure if Dragon Grip does enough for it's cost, you might want to try something like Magma Spray for a similar-ish effect and more Sultai hate (if you need it)

I'm not sure if enchantment decks are a common sight for you, but I feel like Polis Crusher and Back to Nature might be overkill, and your sideboarded Naturalize s are probably enough

I'm not sure why Alpine Grizzly is in there, I'm sure you have something better, maybe toss in some more Boon Satyr s, I think they're pretty great

Overall though, I think this looks like a really fun Temur deck and really abuses that green ramp in current Standard play

October 27, 2014 4:02 a.m.

Ryx says... #7

I've only been back into the game for a couple months, and I haven't traded for everything I need just yet. A few Sagu Mauler are definitely on my need list, and I may get them online if I can't find anyone willing to part with them. I know they're inexpensive right now (seeing as nobody's brought them out to wreck a pro tour...yet).

A number of creatures here are simply temporary placeholders until I get better, including Siege Dragon despite my love for dragons. Avalanche Tusker is another member of my "To be replaced" list.

I wasn't playing at all during Theros block, so any cards I have from the set have been acquired through trade (and nobody's willing to part with their stormbreath dragons!). Polis Crusher has some use for me, since there are a couple enchantment-heavy decks in my meta I have to deal with, though I'd rather move him to sideboard.

Xenagos, God of Revels might be worth looking into, it lacks the card draw of Temur Ascendancy but it'd lighten up on my blue splash, and the +X/+X factor on Temur monsters...yeah, he could very well be worth it even if he never becomes a creature.

Magma Spray might be worth a sideboard in against lightning strikes against certain decks I'm sure are being built, looking at Bloodsoaked Champion ...I haven't played against it, but I'm sure someone's building it, and it's not me despite pulling one at my last draft.

October 27, 2014 5:54 a.m.

Ryx says... #8

Commune with the Gods and Scout the Borders feel a little clunky to me without any delve mechanics in my deck.

Treasure Cruise is a fine card in limited, and I'm sure it has constructed play in control decks, I think it's just a little too slow and clunky when my deck wants to punch as fast as it can. One of the more troublesome opponents in my meta (and the reason I didn't win game day) is a fast-paced Jeskai deck, and I need to floor the gas pedal...or annoy the hell out of him with counterspells.

Dig Through Time has the same vibe going as Treasure cruise, it's just a better version of it that's even more concerning asking double blue on my splash.

Ranger's Guile is a card I absolutely loved in M15 draft (especially with Titanic Growth being so hard to come by), and it could be worth considering. I was also rather fond of Crowd's Favor though, which is what Dragon Grip basically gives me in a more expensive but lasting effect...that can still be used as a combat trick.

My LGS has only run standard a couple times since KTK's release (and like five drafts), everyone's still finding their new direction, and some people are sticking to their guns with Theros-based decks.

October 27, 2014 6:20 a.m.

Hello there, and welcome back to the game. Looks like you have a great start for coming back in this meta. Some cards for you to consider would be Setessan Tactics , Nylea, God of the Hunt , and Crater's Claws . If you are interested in acquiring any of those, or you acquire some more of your maybeboard, I'd make the room by taking out Dragon Grip . First Strike is nice, but a lot of your guys don't really need it, and it's expensive for what it does. +1

October 30, 2014 1:31 p.m.

Ryx says... #10

I agree that the Dragon Grip are a temporary measure, feels like they should be sideboard for deathtouch-heavy opponents (the only thing my big creatures will trade down for), and most of them can be avoided or removed by temur charm (option 3) or lightning strike. I might swap them out for another charm/denial, any non-mana creature will trigger ferocious turning denial into a one-mana negate, which is hard for opponents to play around and easy for me to leave up...as long as I have blue sources, that is. With the recent additions to my Savage and Sagu counts, I'm feeling the Shivan Reef are something I should push to get for my deck.

Nylea, God of the Hunt feels more like a mono-green deck or at the least a two-color card since she's rarely going to be a creature on my field. I already have Surrak Dragonclaw giving all my other guys trample, coming down at instant speed (and thus a combat trick of sorts in his own) with the added benefits of always being a creature, and protecting every creature after from counterspells. I realize Nylea's last ability can be a nice mana-sink to pump my creatures if things drag out, but with Temur Ascendancy giving me extra draws for playing my creatures, and leaving mana up for combat tricks or Savage Knuckleblade effects, I'm not all that worried about having an excess of mana at my disposal.

Crater's Claws have been ghosting my considerations list, they are a good finisher to the face, or mana-efficient (by Khans standards) burn spells when I need more than a lightning strike's damage.

Setessan Tactics seems a little awkward with my deck, the main perk would be giving my guys +1/+1 as the fight addition requires tapping which means my guys (since there's no vigiliance in the deck) aren't attacking and fighting in the same turn. I think Triton Tactics might be a better card with that in mind I have seen Setessan Tactics used against me, but it was giving it to deathtouch insects from hornet's nest and hornet queen, which made them into trade-up removal.

The Siege Dragon is a bit big and clunky, being the only creature I can't play on turn 3 with a mystics combo, but he's damn good at removing chump blockers. He'll be replaced eventually, when I can get my hands on more stormbreaths. Seven mana is just a lot to ask, making him at earliest a turn 4 play, when my deck would rather see its opponent dead or defensive by turn 5. There's a hypothetical turn 4 kill in this deck, but it requires an improbable combination of cards (Yavimaya Coast, Elvish Mystic, two mountains, three Savage knuckleblades, and no blocks. Can also substitute one knuckleblade with a boon satyr and a fourth non-tapland, preferably a forest)

October 30, 2014 4:16 p.m.

Ryx says... #11

Getting another Stormbreath Dragon to replace my Siege Dragon, that seven mana casting cost is a little too much when my deck wants its opponent dead or defensive by the end of turn 5, I'll update the deck list when it arrives.

Crater's Claws are now on my for sure "want list" as a sideboard card, it'll come in against opponents playing large creatures of their own, or who really need their face punched in by fire.

Xenagos, the Reveler came off my want list, decided he's a little too slow for my deck. I want to be done ramping by turn 3 and with my deck's curve topping out at 6 mana, there's not a whole lot for him to ramp into by the time he comes out. I'm not running tokens either, so I'm only going to have a small handful of creatures on the board for him to generate mana off of, odds are I won't even get my mana back off casting him if +1'd on the turn he comes down. My deck doesn't want to care about the long game, its goal is to end it long before that.

However, Xenagos, God of Revels is still very much on the table as an alternative to Temur Ascendancy , lightening up on the blue in my deck, and that effect is just so strong with Temur's big, beefy creatures ready to lay a smackdown on your opponent. Turn three mauler (mystics combo) followed by a turn 4 God? That's a 12/12 Trample, Hexproof at your opponent's face, I'd hate to see the beast that can block it (there's one creature I know of in standard that can do it: Xathrid Slyblade and it becomes a Strike target to do so). He might even become a creature if the game goes long enough...and a Stormbreath hits the field.

November 2, 2014 7:32 p.m.

Gizmohi says... #12

I honestly feel like surrak is better in the side board versus control, you also might want to consider adding 2 more polukranos. Other than that I like it.

November 8, 2014 7:25 p.m.

Ryx says... #13

Idly toying with thoughts of Ancient Silverback, standard is almost completely devoid of removal that can deal with regeneration right now, other than strait-up Exile (Utter end, Abzan Charm, etc.), so while it may seem a little clunky and vanilla, that 1-mana regenerate makes me think about it, especially since it's mono-colored.

November 15, 2014 3:17 a.m.

Gizmohi says... #14

Sagu mauler just does it better than Silverback

November 15, 2014 12:02 p.m.

Ryx says... #15

True enough, the only things that can kill mauler are board wipes (Denial), deathtouch (Strike), and counterspells (Surrak, or morph in).

Need to figure out how relevant that third damage is from Lightning Strike, as Magma Jet could be a nice alternative for the Scry 2 if it can take care of most of the things I need it to.

Decided I want to up the Coast and Reef counts to 4/each and take out the Bivoauacs (taplands in aggression are just kinda meh), though I might playtest simply replacing them with islands in the mean time. If only the checklands were standard legal.

November 15, 2014 3:32 p.m.

Ryx says... #16

Decided to swap out my Bivouacs for Islands. Mana-fixing is important, but taplands in aggression...there's such a small window of opportunity to play them without feeling the sting of the tapped entry. It's rather amusing what this does to my displayed land-balance, as the wooded foothills are considered colorless despite being red or green fixing.

I'm feeling two Shivan Reefs will be enough, but a fourth Yavimaya Coast should be added when possible, just because it's so crucial to Knuckleblade aggression. It'll replace a forest, so that'll put me at (counting foothills as red and green) 14 green, 10 blue, 10 red lands, without factoring the mystics

November 16, 2014 10:42 p.m.

Ryx says... #17

Atarka, World Render has been spoiled and I...am on the fence about her.

6/4 Flying, Trample and double strike for attacking is insanely powerful, though the /4 means she can trade down for mid-late flyers when she blocks. My biggest issue though is that she's SEVEN mana to cast. I used to have Siege Dragon in this deck, and that 7 CMC was just asking too much of an aggressive beatdown deck. There's no way to cast it before turn 4 at the earliest in this deck, and that's calling on three dorks or saving a rattleclaw morph I'm rather fond of popping for a turn 3 mauler.

I definitely want her, I'm just not convinced my standard deck is ready for her. Maybe I'll need to slow things down, play a little more midrange, which unfortunately means picking up coursers and caryatids. I know a casual Elf/Dragon deck that will absolutely love her though.

January 6, 2015 1:39 p.m.

AfroBuddyMan says... #18

Thanks for leaving a comment on my deck profile Battle Ready Temur Aggro (FRF). I had decided to try a solid consistency strategy rather than the explosive ramp strategy. I found getting the ultimate turn one play with Elvish Mystic or the turn 3 six-mana Rattleclaw Mystic to be too inconsistent. I just focused on creating situations I knew were much more consistent than trying to get a turn-2 Savage Knuckleblade or a 6 mana power swing early game. It's amazing when it happens, but I found it impractical. The only thing would like to play would be a Sagu Mauler, but as a 6 drop it's too expensive, for me anyway. I've tested it myself in the past and I've had many a hand where it stayed there because I was stuck at 5 or even 4 mana.

You're definitely right however, about not having enough action early game. I am pretty sure that I will have a rough match-up against aggro decks, but that's just something I have to deal with. I build the deck with midrange and control decks in mind since that's something I deal with most often which explains why I didn't bother putting in any answers to early game stuff.

That's just how I felt about the Temur deck and why I changed it to how I see it now. I felt it needed more evasion and trample damage on an individual basis rather than waiting for the random Surrack Dragonclaw to show up. I value the trample effect over the 6/6 body, so I would rather run a full set of Temur Battle Rage. It may not be a conventional deck list, but it is what it is I suppose.

January 17, 2015 7:08 a.m.

Ryx says... #19

Yeah, playing to your local meta is very important. I personally have to deal with a variety of decks at my LGS, every clan represented except Sultai. I'm the Temur aggression guy, who will annoy the hell out of people with my tricks while rocking the biggest creatures on the field.

I was up against Jeskai burn last night at FNM and he basically had to ask on every spell he attempted to cast, because I was countering and responding to everything while a knuckleblade and two Rattleclaws beat his face in. Brought in the third denial and fourth charm (for use as a mana leak) to deal with him, along with the lightning strikes for Mantis Riders.

To each their own though, I'm certainly debating Temur Battle Rage, but I'm not entirely sure where/when it'll come up. Also not sure if I was right to take out my third maindeck Stubborn Denial for Sarkhan. Not that Sarkhan isn't great, but Denial is just a key staple of this deck answering my opponent's tricks/walkers.

One of my favorite things about Surrak though, is his use as a combat trick thanks to flash. People know I run him, so they have to question attacking into 5+ mana open, and leaves it open for counterspells if needed instead. There's not a whole lot that can safely attack into a potential flashed 6/6.

Atarka, World Render is definitely off the considerations list, at least for my deck's current form. I do eventually want to build for her, but even with explosive ramp plays she just can't come out until turn 4, and that's unreliable and a little too slow, especially for a bad blocker. Absolutely AMAZING attacker, but I would never want to block with her.

January 17, 2015 1:25 p.m.

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