Objective: Flood the battlefield with Dragons using Sarkhan Unbroken, Dragon Fodder
Hordeling Outburst
then drop Descent of the Dragons and Dragonmaster Outcast with the added pump of Dragon Tempest giving them Haste and taking a decent hit at your opponent and a potential killshot on T7 if you pull it off properly.
Atarka, World Render - 6/4 Flying, Trample and adds Double Strike to all attacking dragons. Potential Wincon if multiple dragons are on the battlefield.
Icefall Regent - Freeze enemy creatures in their tracks to give yourself time to build the dragon army.
Thunderbreak Regent - 4 Drop dragon that protects your army by attacking the opponent when they target your babies.
Natural Connection - Found this to be the card that balanced the deck. Allows player to pull the correct mana necessary. I was using Rattleclaw Mystic for this purpose but it just took up room and got in my way. MANARAMP!
Ruthless Instincts - Deathtouch for defense and +2/+2 Trample for offense.
Titanic Growth - +4/+4 after opponent declares blockers, oldest trick in the book. Brutal Green Control.
Winds of Qal Sisma - Prevent damage
T1: Land, Dragonmaster Outcast
T2: Land, Dragon Fodder (2 1/1 Goblins)
T3: Land, Hordeling Outburst (5 1/1 Goblins)
T4: Land, Thunderbreak Regent
T5: Land, Icefall Regent
T6: Land, Dragonmaster Outcast, Dragon Tempest, Hordeling Outburst (8 1/1 Goblins)
T7: Land, Add 2 5/5 Haste Dragons using Dragonmaster/Temptest, Descent of the Dragons, Sac Goblins add 8 4/4 Haste Dragons and burst opponent w/ Tempest doing 36 Damage, attack w/ Regents, 2 5/5 Tokens & 8 4/4 Tokens Flying, End Game.
T8: OR land, Atarka, World Render giving the whole army Double Strike during the following attack, End Game.