swamp_water says... #2
Yeah it was a weird thing but it's better to have the "I get big because of death" guys to be a bit bigger than 1/1 when they come out otherwise they are a bit too weak. Also if they Mind Control one of my other humans and I kill it, Village Cannibals still gets +1/+1. Yeah it happened.
February 27, 2012 12:10 p.m.
Dreamlocke says... #3
Not so sure about the benefits of Thraben Doomsayer and Royal Assassin , but overall I like this deck. It has a lot of good synergy. Very nice. +1
February 27, 2012 6:59 p.m.
swamp_water says... #4
Thraben Doomsayer is a huge part of this deck. He's a human making machine. Royal Assassin is because this deck has poor removal. I'm still testing him out so the jury is still not in on him.
February 27, 2012 7:05 p.m.
makeshiftplayer says... #5
if your running lots of humans maybe think about splashing in angelic overseer
February 28, 2012 10:17 a.m.
permhole96 says... #6
hey, would you be so kind as to help out a friend whos just starting magic and saw ur deck and wanted to build it kind of like your B/U???
he needs the help and i would be very appreciative if you could offer some advice to a player just starting. This goes for anybody who wants to help him get started...
the deck is called deck:sorin-and-tokens
thx, and just ask if u need shit
February 29, 2012 12:50 a.m.
MetaphysicalxProdigy says... #7
Nice, so this is primarily a human token deck then. I must say that this looks really solid too, I playtested it a few times and this deck can really handle itself.
How do you find the s in the deck? With so many human tokens running around, i'm suprised you don't have 4 of them (especially with 24 lands and a generally fair/low curve). Why not add two more in exchange for your Disciple of Griselbrand , and sideboard the disciple for either your 2 Go for the Throat or Geth's Verdict ? You already have a lot of removal in that sideboard, especially with Day of Judgment .
That way, your aggro threats will not only be Champion of the Parish and Village Cannibals but better odds of some brutal flying Archdemon of Greed cards too!
+1, especially for putting the cannibals in here XD
March 1, 2012 5:48 a.m.
Zombie Apocalypse would murder him with 4 Archdemon of Greed s. Disciple of Griselbrand gives him solid sacrifice good for the Skirsdag High Priest which in my opinion is better than the 9/9:
March 1, 2012 6:09 a.m.
Sorin_The_Lord_of_Beans says... #9
I think this deck would go great with a Doomed Traveler + Undying Evil or Mausoleum Guard + Undying Evil If you can plz leave tips on my deck.
March 2, 2012 10:41 p.m.
shadowdart says... #10
Didn't like Village Cannibals so i replaced with Accorder Paladin . Also, don't have money for Sorin so i replaced with Oblivion Ring . here it is: Morbidly Human
March 3, 2012 3 a.m.
this is deffinately one of the better thought of bw decks on the site, so u have my approval. lemme point some things out here
Skirsdag High Priest a 2 of! haha i always tell people u only need 2 in a deck but your some1 who figured it out so cheers
Thraben Doomsayer costs 1WW so with less plains than swamps i wonder how much you get him out without much problem...it must be your shuffling coz ide never get away with it lol. ide do something about it though, coz luck tends to run out,
lets think about Sorin, Lord of Innistrad at release he went $60 in some places yet never impacted standard like jtms or even lili (who was around the same price)...and his price went down quite fast too, why? coz he is actully overhyped..im not saying hes bad..he is actually good. but not good enough to simply be in every bw deck especially since ur not doing the common token swarm attack plan with a shizloada anthems. the emblems arent that important..just saying..
but a pw is your personal thing i guess it all depends on taste
my take on your deck for my personal playtesting (against my bw decks X_X Morbid the humans crusaders are in coz there such a beast in standard, the Suture Priest is ther coz it hurts with the tokens i have and hero...gl mate and remember, your doing extremely well
March 17, 2012 5:39 a.m.
swamp_water says... #12
I'll be the first one to admit that Sorin doesn't do much in this deck but make tokens and emblems. I pull one in a draft and one in a random pack so I thought might as well get my value for him. Thanks. :)
March 17, 2012 12:51 p.m.
I wonder what avacyn's return will hold for this deck... Also, does anyone have any advice on replacements for Royal Assassin ? I was thinking Wakedancer , for it's morbid bonus. Any ideas? I'm trying to make it only from the Innistrad block to make sure it doesn't lose anything big and can have the best longevity in standard play.
March 23, 2012 2:50 p.m.
u will also need to replace practically the hole side board too, maybe the doj, but where you get to choose one creature who live (sorry i don't know its name), that way you can keep the reaper of abyss or a pumped champion
March 23, 2012 3:44 p.m.
I built this, almost card for card, I subbed in Bloodgift Demon for Royal Assassin granted haven't seen it yet, but that's what I did.
March 24, 2012 8:01 a.m.
Freakonature00 says... #16
Have you thought of Thalia, Guardian of Thraben as a 4-of in place of the Royal Assassin s and Reaper from the Abyss '?
They'll disrupt their early game more and will be better for you to set up nicely. And once you don't need it or have another one in hand, you can just sacrifice the one in play (and still benefit from it as its a human) and play the other.
April 6, 2012 8:22 a.m.
swamp_water says... #17
The Royal Assassin always get's the shaft but people forget how powerful he really is. Just as a deterrent to your opponent attacking you because he knows that his best attacker will die before it get a chance is enough to make most of the people I play this deck against pause. And one pause is enough for me to human/sac engine my way to victory. Yes don't underestimate the Royal Assassin . He's better then you might think.
April 8, 2012 3:33 a.m.
comando123 says... #18
Swamp ive gotta tell you man you've got a very well thought out deck, one extremely similar to one ive been homebrewing for a while. At my local fnm theres alot of competitive guys that ive showed a version of this off to and a few takes ive made of it myself.
Anyway have you Considered Gideon Jura ? back when you were still running the increasing devotions mainboard i swapped them out for 2 Gideon Jura s i had taken out the disciple of Grisslebrand and the royal assassins at the time and replaced them with a playset of lingering souls for testing purposes(at this time i rebalanced the land to make it a little more smooth).later i removed 2 of them and put in 2 more Altar's Reap s because having that draw advantage was just so amazing.
anyway on to what i had thoughts wise to the Gideons 1. often times my opponent doesn't want to swing when you need to remove something important on his board when he knows you have vault of the archangel up, when you use gideon's 2nd ability this sets up a perfect way to blow through alot of his guys with some of your tokens and other things possibly making your village cannible ginormous depending on how many humans die in that process.2. if by some chance you still need more things dead and Gideon Jura lives his -2 does the exact same thing as Royal Assassin in a sense. Although Gideon doesnt deter an attack as well as he does.
Also something else i had experimented with was Massacre Wurm (swapped one out with a ravenous demon, running one of each was definitely interesting) however doing that i fealt like the sacrifice part of the deck was lacking a bit as id end up flooding the field with human tokens occasionally. for this purpose if you like Massacre Wurm it may be worth putting into the sideboard if you play a guy who is flooding the field with anoying 2 toughness peoples.
Just wandering on your thoughts as far as those changes go.here's my version of it:
April 9, 2012 2:26 a.m.
This is one of my favorite of your created decks by far. A BW innistrad sacrifice deck with some serious win conditions and a buttload of nontraditional cards- excellent, excellent, excellent!
February 14, 2013 9:36 p.m.
February 21, 2016 4:10 p.m.
epixpivotmaster2 says... #24
Nice deck, needs to be updated. Bloodsoaked Champion is a crazy good addition.
April 19, 2016 7:09 p.m.
TigerAce77 says... #25
swamp_water: Love the deck! I built my version based on what you made. Check out Tomorrow is a Latter Day! . Would like to know what you think.
Anyways, check out Mindwrack Demon. He might be a perfect fit to update your deck rather than Reaper from the Abyss. Its cheaper, has trample, and getting Delirium shouldn't be that difficult with instant's, sorcery's, creatures, and enchantments present in your build.
Also, check out Hanweir Militia Captain Flip. When she flips, shes another human token engine.
theonyc says... #1
but Unruly Mob
is cheaper, but i still agree with that
February 27, 2012 11:28 a.m.