Sacrificial Goblins | My First Deck | v2.5!

Standard SabbothO


Maybe Replace Reave Soul with Doom Blade or Go for the Throat. You could also consider replacing one Shadows of the Past with a Grave Betrayal

August 22, 2015 2:15 p.m.

Guildsofravnica I think he's considering keeping it Standard lol.. Bellows Lizard is nice, but you should consider Lightning Berserker. Same, Fire breathing ability as Bellows Lizard except it cost 1 instead of a for each +1/+0 on her. PLUS, She has Dash so in order to dodge those pesky removal spells, or if you just want to have her hit as soon as she hits the field, you can pay a for her dash cost and return her to your hand during your end step.

I also believe that Silumgar Assassin would make a nice edition to this deck. Best of luck to you in the multiverse! This deck is not bad at all for your first deck.

August 22, 2015 2:26 p.m.

SabbothO says... #3

GrandMasterPenta That's some really good advice, I'll definitely look at Lightning Berserker, it's everything Bellows Lizard is and more. I'll definitely consider picking her up since she's an uncommon that I can find in the singles at my LGS. I do like Silumgar Assassin, it's kind of like a creature and Reave Soul rolled into one but I'll really have to learn how to play it effectively since it takes a couple turns to get it going.

Thank you again for the advice and also for the compliment! Even though I lost all my rounds at FNM my opponents still said they liked my deck, it was a lot of fun. :P

August 22, 2015 3:08 p.m.

philthVader says... #4

Good deck! I like the concept. Since its black/red, I would suggest Kolaghan's Command. Can't rave enough about this card. It's tailored removal and fetches a creature back to your hand. Another thought is Bloodsoaked Champion. He can be sacrificed to the Nantuko Husk then 'raided' back onto the battlefield and re-sacrificed as many times as you have the mana to do so... every turn. Once you've declared an attacker, raid triggers and in he comes as nantuko fodder. I like the homebrew decks that look like fun to play over the pro net decks, and yours looks like a blast!

August 24, 2015 9:36 p.m.

philthVader says... #5

One more thing, Butcher of the Horde is fun if you're into sacrificing stuff and splash white instead of green. Also gives you a beefy flyer and some more lifelink possibilities.

August 24, 2015 9:44 p.m.

SabbothO says... #6

philthVader - Thanks for the ideas! Kolaghan's Command is a little too pricey, but I feel like Bloodsoaked Champion would be PERFECT. Not nearly as pricey, but I'm still not used to spending that much on a playset of card, though I feel it would totally worth it in this deck. After I manage to get my hands on 4 Lightning Berserkers I'll probably proxy in both of your suggestions and playtest them with a friend or a willing person over at my LGS.

August 24, 2015 10:34 p.m.

TacomaChem says... #7

I like the concept of this deck, lots of fun interactions. I'm impressed that it is your first deck! +1

August 25, 2015 8:08 p.m.

DragonDrum says... #8

I tried playing something similar. I had to change it to Mardu to make it aggressive at the same time function.. I added and the cards are cheap, butcher of the horde,hordeling outburst, crackling doom, the most expensive rabble master to continue token regeneration. He is coming down in price. I also put 2 ankle shanker in the deck when attacking with goblins before you sack them it gives them death touch and first strike pretty brutal.. Last I would put 3 Mardu ascendancy in the deck it's just great for keeping your tokens on the board and gives a extra goblin when attacking with non token.

August 26, 2015 8:59 a.m.

Aleboth93 says... #9

August 26, 2015 9:22 a.m.

Aleboth93 says... #10

Oh sorry didn't see the 4x Dragon Fodder, I don't know why XD Maybe are still better the Hordeling Outburst instead of Goblinslide, imho :)

August 26, 2015 9:27 a.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #11

I like Hordeling Outburst over the Goblinslide. You get 3 gobs on one turn as opposed to needing to have the extra mana whenever you cast a non creature spell. If you have tremors down its effectively 3 critters and a bolt to the face. Good concept though for a first deck, +1.

August 26, 2015 9:35 a.m.

jsansoldo says... #12

Goblinslide is ONLY good in a deck full of 1-2 cost spells, so you need more enablers.

My take? Try this with Mardu colors. Mardu will give you Raise the Alarm for a total os 8 token enablers with cmc 2, Iroas, God of Victory for evasion and grinding, Spear of Heliod vs Abzan and G/R and Mardu Ascendancy for games 2 and 3. Also think about Flamewake Phoenix and some Brutal Hordechief. Phoenix is Nantuko best friend: you sacrifice her, buff him into Ferocious, and cast her again!

"Ascendancy? But it doesnt combo with tokens!"

Yes it does. Your Bloodsoaked, Phoenix and Nantuko will make tokens with it, and on game 2-3 people will try to stop you the easy way - Anger of the Gods, Seismic Rupture, Bile Blight, Drown in Sorrow and Languish.

People always deal with tokens in the same fashion, and Mardu Ascendancy is the answer to it. Their spells are usually Sorcery speed, so its only a matter of not overextenting before the Ascendancy.

My token build is something like this Mardu Broken Tokens. Rabble will give space to Slide after rotation.

Overall, +1. Hope you crush the Meta. Go tokens!

August 26, 2015 9:52 a.m.

emptydog says... #13

Goblinslide isn't really good if you don't have cheap spells to fuel it and you barely have any mana in the first place. You could consider using it as a mana sink, but that is kinda situational.

Like the others would have suggested, perhaps adding white might be using. You would have access to Raise the Alarm or Secure the Wastes. Both really powerful token generator.

And talking about sac outlets, really, Mardu does best with Butcher of the Horde, again with access to white. And more so, Reave Soul is really bad, you could get Crackling Doom or even Utter End with mardu colors.

I would replace Subterranean Scout with something like Zurgo Bellstriker or Monastery Swiftspear. If those are out of your budget, consider Frenzied Goblin instead, since it provides constant unblock-able rather than just a one-off.

August 26, 2015 10:06 a.m.

SabbothO says... #14

All awesome advice everyone! I'm starting to see why everyone is asking to splash white in, it looks like a great choice for cards like Mardu Ascendancy and Crackling Doom. Anyone suggesting anything from M15 or the Theros block, thanks for the suggestions but I would rather avoid adding cards that will drop out of standard in a month.

After this next FNM I'll decide whether or not I would rather take Hordeling Outburst over Goblinslide. I do kind of prefer Goblinslide since it does make Dragon Fodder into a Hordeling Outburst with one goblin having haste. We'll see! If anything, I'll probably only make room for Mardu Ascendancy over Hordeling Outburst.

August 26, 2015 1:44 p.m.

khaos2639 says... #15

Two quick suggestions... to build on Impact Tremors... Purphoros, God of the Forge... and to do extra damage to them on the way out, Outpost Siege calling dragons.

Hit them double on the way in, hit them with the sacrifice, then hit them a third time on the way back out

August 26, 2015 3:15 p.m.

SabbothO says... #16

I'm loving Outpost Siege, it'll be tough to find room for all these suggestions, but I really enjoy it. I would look at Purphoros, God of the Forge but he's going out of Standard after BFZ comes out. Thank you!

August 26, 2015 3:21 p.m.

If I were to add a third color, white, what cards would you suggest replacing? I was thinking about adding Butcher of the Horde, Secure the Wastes, Iroas, God of Victory, etc. I'm trying to figure out which cards are easily replaceable so I can change it up a bit.

August 28, 2015 2:08 p.m.

emptydog says... #18

I would cut Impact Tremor to 3 and Break Through the Line to 2. Instead, consider Mardu Strike Leader. If you are going to add white, Butcher of the Horde coupled with Crackling Doom is a a great addition.

I would suggest Sign in Blood or Read the Bones over Tormenting Voice since you don't really have a delve function and there is limited interaction for graveyard.

August 30, 2015 12:15 p.m.

AshSewell says... #19

I really think you are really lacking creatures in your deck. You should definitely consider adding Alesha, Who Smiles at Death with Priest of the Blood Rite and Subterranean Scout. Here is why; when you have a husk and alesha on the board swing with both then bring back the priest and sac him with your husk. Repeat this can you basically have infinite 5/5 demons. Also, instead of bring back the priest you can bring back the scout, making your husk unblockable, sac scout and repeat. I hope this helps with your deck. Good luck.

September 1, 2015 8:10 a.m.

Finnithy says... #20

I really like this deck. I am quite impressed if this is your first deck. The one problem I am seeing is that you can only win with 4x Nantuko Husk which is like a combo deck. This seems the opposite of what the rest of the decks is doing. Adding 4x Collateral Damage, 3x Hordeling Outburst, 1x Dragon Fodder and some Monastery Swiftspears (if budget allows) can in my opinion really transform the deck into an aggro deck and get away from what seems like an almost aggro almost combo deck.

September 1, 2015 10:08 p.m.

Jester57 says... #21

I like this deck. +1 from me

September 2, 2015 11:49 p.m.

nick_bucchia says... #22

This deck is a good idea and it's close to being really good. First off you should take out some lands, maybe 3 or 4. Your average converted mana cost is low so there is no need for 24 lands.I also think Collateral Damage would add a touch of control and end game burn.Also you're just relying on your Nantuko Husk to bring back your Flamewake Phoenix (which seems unlikely to happen every game), just something to think about.

I think this deck can end up being a quick (and annoying) sac-aggro deck that could do some damage at FNM.

September 3, 2015 8:31 p.m.

Zilkios says... #23

Maybe some Hordeling Outburst, Raise the Alarm, or Secure the Wastes to trigger them tremors.

September 20, 2015 11:12 a.m.

SabbothO says... #24

I'm most likely going to replace Dragon Fodder with Hordeling Outburst, Dragon Fodder is mostly there just because it was cheap when I originally was building the deck. Hordeling Outburst makes more sense though because turn 2 I play Impact Tremors and turn 3 I play Hordeling Outburst, land permitting. Though for the same reason, if I -don't- have a third land, I can still play Dragon Fodder after I get out Impact Tremors. It's something I'd like to test on Cockatrice. Raise the Alarm isn't currently in standard so that isn't an option! lol, but Secure the Wastes is a great suggestion, definitely a late game finisher coupled with Impact Tremors. Not sure what I would give up for it, though.

September 20, 2015 11:33 a.m.

Zilkios says... #25

Well it is for about 12 days lol, I forgot it's a m15 card

September 20, 2015 12:11 p.m.

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