
Acquiring any advanced degree under normal circumstances requires a variety of sacrifices: time, money, sleep, and occasionally sanity. Acquiring a degree in the face of an interplanar, apocalyptic invasion requires additional sacrifices that are beyond our comprehension. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the corporeal forms of some underlings to really crank the magical strength up a notch, I suppose.

As a final step in attaining their magical Bachelors degrees(?) Zimone and Dina are teaming up to defend their thesis that they can defeat Phyrexia, or any other deck across from them at any table for that matter. Victory and graduation are achievable through the combined powers of friendship, necromancy, advanced mathematics, and combos.

Now that Zimone and Dina have defeated Phyrexia, are they prepared to defeat the greatest evil known to the Multiverse - Student Loan Debt?

Based on my Moxfield deck list. That version may be more up to date as spoilers roll out, and has a much more extensive Maybe Board/Considering list.

The deck has a variety of different combo combinations which may get trimmed down through more play-testing.

Kodama of the East Tree lines

1.Golgari Rot Farm + Kodama of the East Tree + Tireless Provisioner / or Simic Growth Chamber/ or Dimir Aqueduct - Combo explanation

Outcomes: Infinite Treasures, infinite food tokens, infinite colored mana, infinite lifegain & lifegain triggers, infinite Landfall triggers.

2.Golgari Rot Farm + Kodama of the East Tree + Scute Swarm / or Simic Growth Chamber / or Dimir Aqueduct - Combo explanation

Outcomes: Infinite Scute Swarm tokens and Infinite Landfall triggers

3.Dimir Aqueduct + Field of the Dead + Kodama of the East Tree / or Golgari Rot Farm / or Simic Growth Chamber - Combo explanation

Outcomes: Infinite Landfall triggers, infinite Zombie tokens, & infinite ETB triggers.

Zimone and Dina lines

4.Bloodghast + Intruder Alarm + Zimone and Dina + Dimir Aqueduct / or Golgari Rot Farm / or Simic Growth Chamber - Combo explanation

Outcomes: Infinite card draw & draw triggers, near infinite ETB & LTB triggers, near-infinite sacrifice/death triggers, near-infinite landfall triggers, near-infinite creature untaps, & puts all lands from library onto the battlefield.

5.Bloodghast + Retreat to Coralhelm + Zimone and Dina + Dimir Aqueduct / or Golgari Rot Farm / or Simic Growth Chamber - Combo explanation

Outcomes: Infinite card draw & draw triggers, near infinite ETB & LTB triggers, near-infinite sacrifice/death triggers, near-infinite landfall triggers, near-infinite creature untaps, & puts all lands from library onto the battlefield.

Sakura-Tribe Scout Shenanigans

6.Dimir Aqueduct + Retreat to Coralhelm + Sakura-Tribe Scout / or Golgari Rot Farm / or Simic Growth Chamber - Combo explanation

Outcome is infinite Landfall triggers.

Any combo that creates an arbitrary number of creature tokens or landfall triggers can be augmented further with the inclusion of Altar of the Brood to deck out the table. Ruin Crab can achieve a similar finish with Landfall loops. Bastion of Remembrance and Zulaport Cutthroat can be used for combo loops that include death triggers, and Psychosis Crawler can be used in any combo that can draw out the deck.

Since the deck is a somewhat landfall build, ramping out & out-pacing other decks is certainly a possibility. For this reason the following cards can be win-cons in their own rights:

  • Torment of Hailfire - "Wow, who knew Torment could be good in a deck that has access to creating lots of mana?"

  • Psychosis Crawler - Can be an added element to any combo loop that could essentially draw out the deck.

Other alt win-cons & combos that could work here, but aren't actively in consideration

  • Thassa's Oracle & Laboratory Maniac - The combo loops in this deck can certainly lead to decking oneself, making these viable alt win-cons. Not really my cup of tea though.

  • Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood - The deck can be shifted to be more focused on Zimone and Dina's life gain / life loss aspect. I think the deck would need to have a greater emphasis on that element of her abilities to warrant inclusion.

  • Syr Konrad, the Grim + Mindcrank - A near-infinite combo, or at least one that has the potential to mill deeply and repeat enough to do some serious damage. Again, I think this could fit better in a build of Zimone and Dina that may be more focused on abusing the life gain / life loss element of the deck.

  • Presence of Gond - This can go infinite with some of the cards in the deck, but I figured it would be best to omit for now, and reduce how convoluted the combo-lines could get.

The ramp in this deck is a mix of the usual creature-based mana dorks and 3cmc Mana accelerators, as well as sorceries that can efficiently fix our colors and put lands directly onto the battlefield. The upside of a more creature heavy ramp/acceleration package is that they can be used as sac-fodder once their primary utility is no longer as needed.


This quantity may change, especially if I choose to convert one of the Accelerator slots. I could see Azusa, Lost but Seeking swapped out for Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, Fyndhorn Elves, or Elves of Deep Shadow if she feels largely superfluous.


Cards that can help us get extra lands or other means of extra mana onto the field.


Although Zimone and Dina have draw stapled onto them, it is helpful to have a variety of instances to keep the engine humming, and proc their first ability when possible. The deck features a mix of draw effects that include Cycling and lands that can sacrifice themselves to draw (extra good here with Conduit of Worlds - shocker), cantrips, burst draws, and repeatable but incremental drawing effects.

Land-based drawing

Everything else


Cards that can remove single or multiple targets. I try to make a decent chunk of my removal be Instant speed preferably, and/or able to hit a variety of permanent types:


Effects that either help protect my resources, or prevents opponents from interacting with their own as intended. This is the general catch-all category I use for things like counterspells, protection effects, and Stax/tax pieces.


Protection effects

Resource denial

  • Bojuka Bog - Can technically be slotted into Removal, since it removes a graveyard. Resource denial/removal for decks that care about their graveyard.

  • Tiller Engine - Can tap down permanents at instant speed in conjunction with Zimone and Dina's activated ability.

  • Torment of Hailfire - Depending on game state, can force opponents to sacrifice or discard resources to try to mitigate some of the life loss.

  • Faerie Artisans - Can steal beneficial ETBs with the token copies they produce.

  • Teferi, Master of Time - The phasing can temporarily remove threats, more often than not that are aggro.

  • Junji, the Midnight Sky - Can potentially steal creatures from opponents' graveyards, which has the potential to interrupt combos.

This section is more so for some of the smaller categories which are still important to making the deck flow smoothly, or work with various aspects of Zimone and Dina.

A handful of cards that care about other creatures dying, or have some benefit when they are destroyed.

Not the primary focus of this deck, but integral to some of the combo lines. In general the Landfall is meant more as accentual value-generating pieces.

Gotta find those combo pieces and counterspells somehow.

Under Consideration


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