This idea came to me long ago in Zendikar. When I first saw
Contaminated Ground
. "There's a deck here, I just know it", I said. Against the advice of my playgroup, I went ahead and started deckbuilding. Several months of play-testing later, Sadism was born! (and simultaneously banned by my playgroup) Hahaha!
The aim here was to apply control into one of the most fundamental parts of the game, Mana. If we can manipulate the core mechanic of the game, there's gonna be a lot of pain and table flipping. Thus we bring in Contaminated Ground,
Pooling Venom
Psychic Venom
Card draw:
RS works very well here. Its basically "Draw a card unless your opponent pays 2 life."
Creature Control:
Sorin Markov fits perfectly. His first ability lets me ping and keeps me alive just a bit longer. His second ability primes me up for a game ending
Mana Short
with enough enchantments in play(or saves my life). His third ability lets me take his turn and tap his lands out. Really sadistic to take over someone's mind for a turn.
In the end, the Sands of Time will catch up with all of us. A bitter end awaits.
+1 if you love being sadistic an/or the most hated person in your playgroup
*PS: Yes, this is the same deck from donr. That was my account, to which I forgot the password. I am reworking some of those decks on this account now.