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Triple S(age), winner Raging Bull Series 2024

Oldschool 93/94 Card Draw Matters Competitive Midrange



Removal (3)

Burn (2)

Recycle (1)

Mana (2)

Swedish Old School format. Tournament website is here: https://ragingbullseries.com/.

Deck by Svante Landgraf. Deck photo and Svante's tournament report is here: https://endofturndrawacard.wordpress.com/2024/06/06/just-some-midrange-bullshit/.

Live stream of the entire tournament, with live commentary by Timmy and friends is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFeRMVMS_hI.

Deck is typical UW Triple S archetype but swapping Savannah Lions for Sage of Lat-Nam. Check the tournament play live stream to see what a huge difference this makes to gain extra card draw. Very small splash of R (Fireball) and B (Demonic Tutor and Mind Twist), all staples. The innovative feature is the Sages. Armageddon is also unexpected.

Svante's comments about the deck:

"As I said before, it’s based on what Reindeer has been brewing. Sort of like SSS, but with Sages instead of Lions which I just think is better, and also Copy Artifact. I don’t like Lions very much if I don’t have burn. They are just too easy to ignore and then they are outclassed late, whereas Sage fits your gameplan much better."

"Regarding the deck, I think it’s pretty good. Not the best, though. It’s very weak to Twiddlevault, it’s not great against The Deck, and it’s at best even against the good all-in burn decks (Fantasy Zoo and UR). It is, however, very good against the other midrange decks, like SSS and Robots, as we have seen, and it does have game against everything (besides Twiddlevault).

Some things can be improved. I want another mana source, and swapping the sb Plateau with one md Copy Artifact is pretty clean. I might also make a Serra into a Trike to lessen the colored mana requirements. I’d also somewhat like another threat in the main (another Trike, or the Recall), but I’m not sure what I could cut there. And the Falling Star should be another removal, like Wrath, Psionic Blast or Terror, something I can bring in against SSSS. Besides that, I think the improvements would mostly be in my playing. :) Like saving the Counterspells for the important threats, and playing around Balance by having artifacts in play instead of sacrificing them all to Sage. I already improved vastly by sideboarding correctly now compared to the first time I played the deck. Especially boarding for the midrange matchups isn’t obvious. At times, I cut Sages, or Serras, or Su-Chis; sometimes you want Books and sometimes you want Geddons.

I do like the deck. Most games are grindy and fun, while still not really problmatically slow. It has some of the same strengths as The Deck while being more proactive. I am not sure how often I will play it going forward but it will definitely be a part of my gauntlet."


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96% Competitive

Date added 8 months
Last updated 8 months

This deck is Oldschool 93/94 legal.

Rarity (main - side)

25 - 6 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 8 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.98
Folders Swedish Old School Tournament winners
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