This deck focuses on two cards: Combat Celebrant and Saheeli Rai. Combat Celebrant on its own essentially necessitates removal. When coupled with Saheeli Rai's -2 ability, which essentially functions as a Splinter Twin, we can get not just an additional combat phase but often three or more combat phases in a single turn.
Other cards in the deck are not only powerful on their own but also support the Saheeli/Celebrant combo in key ways. Siren Stormtamer protects our combo pieces while providing early damage. Warkite Marauder and Ahn-Crop Crasher help protect Combat Celebrant while it attacks so that it can live to attack more than once. Glorybringer is already a staple finisher in Standard that pairs especially well with Combat Celebrant because it can be exerted twice in one turn, as can Ahn-Crop Crasher.
This deck plays 12 pirates, which is often enough to support cards like Lookout's Dispersal and sideboard in Fiery Cannonade while not being a strictly pirate tribal deck. The pirate two drops, Warkite Marauder and Dire Fleet Daredevil are not only powerful on their own, but also serve as additional removal. Warkite Marauder usually renders the few flyers an opponent might have useless and also makes Shock a legitimate removal spell that's able to deal with bombs like Hazoret the Fervent, which is a reason the deck prefers the one-mana spell to Lightning Strike.
Dire Fleet Daredevil is great in the early game thanks to first strike and many early-game creatures in standard having only 1 or 2 toughness. However, we often play it as a four drop in order to gain card advantage while using an opponent's spell against them. Opponents will need to remove Combat Celebrant or take a lot of (flying) damage, so after they use Fatal Push, Abrade, or another common removal spell on turn 3 to get rid of our celebrant, we use Dire Fleet Daredevil as a two for one. We force our opponents to play removal and then punish them for doing so.
Dire Fleet Daredevil is also an excellent target for Saheeli's -2 ability because its ETB effect is repeated and we gain more card advantage. When considering adding a third color, cards with strong ETB effects are excellent choices to work with Saheeli - examples are Cloudblazer and Ravenous Chupacabra. With exert creatures and strong ETB effects, the deck has so many targets that it does not play any artifacts as targets for Saheeli's ultimate. Instead, Saheeli's +1 will allow us to find targets for her -2 and we never intend to use the -7 ability.
The flying theme and ability to nullify blockers with Warkite Marauder and Ahn-Crop Crasher make this deck evasive while remarkably explosive. For more grindy matchups, it can employ bigger creatures like Rekindling Phoenix and vizier of the many faces, which are especially difficult to remove entirely when the oponent is focusing removal on Combat Celebrant.
Saheeli Rai helps with card selection, although the mana-base is a little clunky. Unclaimed Territory doesn't function well because we need to cast removal and Lookout's Dispersal can often swing matches. Dominaria should provide additional enemy-color lands to help smooth the colors.
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