
The Rock with Devotion, aka Saint Peter

The Rock is a B/G archetype which utilizes efficient hand and board removal spells to control the game in a manner which sets the player up for large midgame threats. Historically, The Rock ran a similar creature package as Jund decks today, and sometimes utilized Phyrexian Obliterator as one of their main threats. Although Obilterator is certainly a formidible creature, people figured his casting cost was too restrictive and his payoff wasn't great enough, as such, The Rock has largely been replaced in the format by Jund. However, I believe that the old Rock decks were not unlocking the full potential of Phyrexian Obliterator. When you choose cards for a deck it's obvious that you want those cards to synergize well with the rest of your deck. So you take a card like Phyrexian Obliterator and you aim to abuse his powerful ability and use his restrictive mana cost to your advantage. That's where cards like Arena, Deadly Allure and Gray Merchant of Asphodel become relevant. What your left with is a hybrid of The Rock and Mono-Black Devotion, a build I'm calling Saint Peter. (I'm glad my Catholic school education was worth something xD)

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This is my favorite deck and the recipe is my own. I encourage you to use this build and play around with the archetype, I only ask that you give credit where it's due. I've put a lot of time and effort into crafting this deck and every card was carefully chosen to make this deck as competitive as possible. Please share your experiences!

(card choice descriptions below)

Fear is the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind.

-H.P. Lovecraft

Abrupt Decay: One of the best removal spells ever printer and can hit almost everything in the format.

Arena: Super scary for the opponent when combined with Phyrexian Obliterator. The way it's worded means we can use it on Obliterator when he is already tapped, making going on the offensive possible.

Bitterblossom: An amazing 1 of in this deck. This card has single handedly one me a multitude of games. Some decks just can't beat a board with Liliana of the Veil and Bitterblossom out there. It provides flying defense and chump blockers against other decks and counts for two card types in the grave

Bloodghast: An aggressive creature that won't stay dead. It synergizes well with all the discard outlets in our deck like Liliana of the Veil, Grim Flayer and Collective Brutality, making it a free creature that keeps the pressure on and ensures devotion on the board for when a Gary is dropped. This little guy is also likely to attract opponents' Path to Exiles which helps us ramp into much scarier threats which the opponent wishes they saved their removal on.

Deadly Allure: A spicy multi-use removal spell that has great synergy with Phyrexian Obliterator and Bloodghast

Fatal Push: The new premier black removal spell that can hit 99% of creatures in the format including manlands.

Gray Merchant of Asphodel: Gary is our closer in the bottom of the 9th. Underwhelming by himself, overwhelming with a Phyrexian Obliterator or any other devotion on board.

Grim Flayer: His ability to filter our draws is very powerful. He enables delirium for himself, adds B devotion to the board, and becomes a 4/4 trampling threat our opponent needs to find an answer to.

Inquisition of Kozilek: Efficient hand removal to get us to midgame

Liliana, Death's Majesty: She can close out a game by reanimating a Gary

Liliana of the Veil: Keeps them off cards, keeps their creatures in check, makes Bloodghast free, one of the best planeswalkers ever printed

Nihil Spellbomb: Shuts down grave based strategies, cycles itself, adds a revolt trigger, and adds a card type to the grave

Phyrexian Arena: Card advantage and 2B devotion on the board

Phyrexian Obliterator: The face of GOD, Saint Peter himself. "Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds."

Thoughtseize: Efficient hand removal to get us to midgame

Traverse the Ulvenwald: Delirium is pretty easy to turn on in this deck making this a 1 mana tutor for a relevant threat. Grab Gary to close out the game or Arena to abuse with Obliterator

Collective Brutality: Suprisingly good card in Modern. It's a toolbox that has utility at all points in the game. It's fantastic against burn and infect and has awesome synergy with Bloodghast which potentially allows us to 2-3 for 1 our opponent and establish board presence. Its escalate ability can also help turn on delirium for Grim Flayer and Traverse the Ulvenwald.

Damnation: If things get out of control

Fulminator Mage: Primarily here for Tron (probably our toughest match-up). Also good against Scapeshift, Infect and Control.

Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet: Great against decks that want to reanimate, and also helps gain life back against aggressive decks. Has good synergy with Bloodghast

Lost Legacy: Wrecks combo decks or can hit whatever you're having a hard time dealing with.

Maelstrom Pulse: Whenever you need this card, you really need it. Good against larger creatures/planeswalkers and tokens

Night of Souls' Betrayal: Shuts down Infect, Affinity, Bobs and some aggro decks. Kills our Bloodghast but is worth the trade in certain match ups

Surgical Extraction: Very powerful in conjunction with hand attack spells in shutting down combo decks. Also very satisfying when used with Fulminator Mage to take out a set of Tron lands

The name of the game is to stack black devotion on the board while utilizing efficient hand and board removal spells to keep your opponent in check. The primary engine of this deck is Grim Flayer as he has the ability to mill Bloodghasts, and turn on delirium for both himself and Traverse the Ulvenwald. Bloodghast fills the role of "free and guaranteed" devotion on the board as we hardly ever cast it, and it keeps coming back into play unless exiled. This devotion, in conjunction with our other permanents, should provide ideal conditions for utilizing Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and dropping a devastating Gray Merchant of Asphodel. If things aren't going our way, we can always go on the Phyrexian Obliterator beat down plan and seek to abuse his powerful ability with cards like Arena and Deadly Allure.

Ideal gameplay would go:

T1: fetchland, Inquisition of Kozilek/Thoughtseize

T2: land, Grim Flayer

T3: Nihil Spellbomb, crack it, Fatal Push, swing in with Grim Flayer for 4, mill 3 Bloodghast (unlikely), play Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, return Bloodghasts to battlefield

T4: Do degenerative shit. With 7 devotion on the board you have enough to drop a Phyrexian Obliterator, play Arena and tap into it. With another land you could also drop both Geralf's Messenger and Gray Merchant of Asphodel in the same turn which would drain your opponent for a total of 14 life without even attacking.


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Revision 122 See all

(6 years ago)

+2 Cast Down main
+1 Damnation side
-1 Deadly Allure main
+1 Expedition Mapfoil main
-1 Liliana of the Veil main
-1 Lost Legacy side
-1 Traverse the Ulvenwald main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #3 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 1 Mythic Rares

37 - 12 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

1 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.30
Tokens Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Ideas , mono black grave, Try out, Possible Testables, Decks, Mono black , BlackDevotion, B, monoblack, Modern interesting
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