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Sakashima's Spellslinging Shenanigans

Commander / EDH Clone Combo Competitive Partner UR (Izzet)


A partner deck based around copying Krark, the Thumbless to get massive value out of instants and sorceries. Any suggestions for improvements are appreciated!

The main gimmick of this deck is exploiting Krark, the Thumbless' triggered ability, by having more than one of him on the battlefield. Normally, the legend rule would prevent you from having more than on of the same Legendary permanent on the battlefield, and that's where my other commander Sakashima of a Thousand Faces comes in. He allows me to have any number of Legendary permanents I want, and thus allowing for shenanigans.

Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery, Krark, the Thumbless' will trigger. Now normally, this would result in either the spell returning to your hand, or getting copied. But, all this changes when there's more than one of Krark, the Thumbless on the battlefield. In that case, each will trigger simultaneously, allowing the spell to both get copied, and return to your hand. (Depending on the coin flips.) This essentially gives all your spells a chance of having buyback for free. The more copies of Krark, the Thumbless you have, the more copies of your spells you can make, and it increases the odds of having at least one loss, putting the spell back into your hand.

The main combo involves Underworld Breach + Brain Freeze + Storm-Kiln Artist + Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. You have to have either Storm-Kiln Artist on the battlefield, and Underworld Breach and Brain Freeze in your hand with 4 open mana, or Storm-Kiln Artist and Brain Freeze in your graveyard with at least 3 other cards in the graveyard for each of them with 8 open mana, or any combination thereof. All that matters, is that you have Underworld Breach in your hand. You start by casting Underworld Breach. If you already have Storm-Kiln Artist on the battlefield, you're good to go, if not, you want to cast him next. After both Storm-Kiln Artist and Underworld Breach are on the battlefield, you cast Brain Freeze, with all copies targeting yourself. This will produce 2 treasure tokens and mill your library for 6. Spend the mana from the treasures generated by Storm-Kiln Artist to repeatedly cast Brain Freeze by either losing coin flips and returning it to your hand, or escaping it from your graveyard. Repeat until you mill Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. Cast Jace, Wielder of Mysteries, then mill the rest of your library. Activate Jace, Wielder of Mysteries +1 ability and win the game.

Now let's talk Extra Turn Spells. It's fairly simple, say you have four of Krark, the Thumbless on the battlefield, and you cast Temporal Mastery. That will put four instances of Krark, the Thumbless' ability on the stack, and assuming you win at least one coin flip, and lose at least one, you will get the extra turn and the original spell will go back to your hand. It's possible to stack multiple extra turns back to back with Krark, the Thumbless. Rinse and repeat until you draw a way to kill your opponents.


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97% Casual


Date added 4 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.77
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Copy Clone, Elemental 4/4 UR, Emblem Rowan, Scholar of Sparks, Treasure
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