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Sakkura-Tribe Lands

Pauper Midrange Ramp Tribal



Instant (5)

Land (1)

Creature (4)


Creature (1)

Instant (1)

This deck tries to utilize lands with an extra effect making it a land triabal deck.

The lands that this deck tires to abuse are:
- Halimar Depths for better draws.
- Radiant Fountain against aggro decks.
- Teetering Peaks for more damage.
- Sejiri Steppe for protection.
- Khalni Garden against sacrifice and for Adventuring Gear .

Skyshroud Ranger and Sakura-Tribe Scout are in the deck to get those lands out and to ramp.
Crop Rotation is very good in this deck because it can search for the lands at instant speed and put them into play.
Yavimaya Elder and Gatecreeper Vine are in the deck to help you find enough lands to ramp into, however Gatecreeper Vine is also excellent for colorfixing, because it can find you the 1 copy of Gateway Plaza .
Oboro Breezecaller , Simic Growth Chamber and Gruul Turf ensure that you are able to play lands that are on the board multiple times.

Now we come to the payoff of all the ramping:
- Wretched Gryff for good value, sacrifice Gatecreeper Vine or Yavimaya Elder if possible.
- Mulldrifter for good value.
- Adventuring Gear for a lot of damage in the air (attach to Mulldrifter , Wretched Gryff , Oboro Breezecaller or the plant token).
- Rolling Thunder as a nice removal or finishing tool.



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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.61
Tokens Plant 0/1 G
Folders cream
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