Salt Sisters

Modern aholder7

SCORE: 98 | 162 COMMENTS | 11444 VIEWS | IN 67 FOLDERS

Jonathynx5 says... #1

I love the idea for this deck! It's like force draw decks but with creatures lol my only advice would be to add a lot of artifact hate to your sb. Torpor Orb pretty much shuts your deck down and it's run in most sb's

April 13, 2015 9:52 p.m.

Zur-En-Arrh says... #2

what about Virulent Plague? With one copy you will say bye bye to all the goblins brought by Hunted Phantasm and you will make all the others weaker, and with two on the board you will destroy also the ones brought by Hunted Horror and Hunted Lammasu.

April 13, 2015 9:53 p.m.

Jonathynx5 says... #3

Or you could just run Torpor Orb if you never want them to get the tokens lol

April 13, 2015 9:55 p.m.

aholder7 says... #4

i want them to get the tokens. i just dont want them to stay. so i probably wont play torpor orb. thanks for the SB advice. and i like the virulent plague idea, but im not sure if it warrents another a spot. i would need to replace something weaker.... wait i still have gen chamber. yeah i can make some room and play test it.

April 13, 2015 10:38 p.m.

aholder7 says... #5

the deck is feeling kind of slow and inconsistant. any ideas on what to tweak? the plague is nice for removing tokens. im thinking of switching it to Illness in the Ranks since it only kills the goblins right now, and hampers the others, which this would do fairly well, but doesnt take 3 mana to play.
im also thinking about removing a few bounces since the plague makes most of them resonable. any idea what would fill the gap?

April 14, 2015 midnight

Zur-En-Arrh says... #6

I thought about Illness in the Ranks too, but in the end it depends on you, its mana cost is obviously better than the Plague's one, but while if you draw two Illness, the second one is pretty useless, if you do the same with the Plague, you will totally resolve the tokens problem. At that point you could really reduce the bounces, and the ones you leave in the deck can be used against the non token creatures your opponent controls.

By the way, I'd play a full set of Serum Visions in almost each deck with blue in it. I know that it's not a cheap card, but its price isn't so high in the end, and it helps a lot to build your strategy.

Also with lands, I would add at least 1 basic land for each of your colors, maybe 2.. You know, Blood Moon or Ghost Quarter are always much played, and your lands are all trying to kill you.

April 14, 2015 7:48 a.m.

aholder7 says... #7

thanks for the advice. i'm thinking illness as of right now, because im also switching the mana and some other lands around for Forbidden Orchard. which means i really want a token killer down early. im also moving out a few bounces in favor of Mercy Killing because it removes the big tokens that didnt die to the illness or their big creatures, with the added bonus of giving them more tokens to help me with.
it works perfectly if i have an illness out. and if worst comes to worst i can always hit my Hunted Horror with it (assuming i dont have an illness out).

ill look into serum visions. thanks again everyone for all of your advice.

April 15, 2015 2:23 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #8

In my deck A Token on the House, Suture Priest and Forbidden Orchard do a lot of work, but the main blow is almost always delivered by Blood Artist and things like Ratchet Bomb or Zealous Persecution. This is a different strategy than yours (I want them to have many tokens and hide behind Ghostly Prisons), but a few cards could find their way in here:

Your family could adopt Blood Artist. It's another ping on your opponent's life total whenever a 1/1 token dies to Illness in the Ranks. As it is also life for you, you could take out one of the sisters.

You need more Forbidden Orchards. Vesuva and Thespian's Stage can take care of that.

And last but not least the card that spawned the idea for my deck: Varchild's War-Riders. A second-turn 3/4 trample creature is not bad at all, and they are spewing tokens all over the field.

Great deck, always glad to see other people playing this strategy.

April 15, 2015 5:46 a.m.

hyperlocke says... #9

Ah crap, didn't see this was for modern. Well, no Varchild's War-Riders for you, I'm afraid...

April 15, 2015 5:48 a.m.

aholder7 says... #10

hyperlocke - thank you for all of your suggestions. i wish i could have the war rider. the family is always looking for new members, and they might try and find a spot for Blood Artist.

on the note of the Vesuva and Thespian's Stage: i might add in a few vesuva, but i dont think i have the mana to turn thesbian stage into anything. it would waste an entire turn also trying to quicken the deck.

i like the idea of Ratchet Bomb in the deck. maybe as a 2 of. it would clear all tokens that survived the illness or would kill them all when i didnt have an illness out.

thank you again for all of your suggestions and help.

April 15, 2015 5:36 p.m.

aholder7 says... #11

I've made some alterations.

I have removed all bounces in favor of a play set of illness as well as a few plagues and mercy killings.

The white hunted creature was taken out in favor of the green one since it produces smaller tokens which die to the illness as well as producing more of them. (Which is better for me). My mama base is pretty flexible with 4 orchards 4 cities and 2 confluence.

Also the mana base hasn't been too painful considering I have a full play set of each soul sister as well as a play set of the priest.

ratchet bomb is removed because I have lots of removal for tokens in the form of enchantments.

I was also thinking of testing out Beck since it would turn my deck into a drawing machine. But the problem is that it is essentially a 4-6 drop. Because if I am playing Beck, then I should be playing a hunted card. So 4 if I play beck and the horror. 6 if I pair it with the troll. Either way it's sort of expensive for the deck especially for a card that requires me to also have another card in my hand that I would have probably playe considering I had enough mana to play it earlier.

April 18, 2015 12:27 a.m.

Modmar says... #12

I was thinking about dropping City of Brass but you're gaining so much life you don't need to. All around pretty good and I like.

April 26, 2015 11:54 p.m.

griz024 says... #13

I cant seem to link the deck correctly, but you check out a deck called "pain has an element of blank."

It is very similar to yours.

May 1, 2015 9:55 a.m.

aholder7 says... #14

i like some of the things you have in your deck. i may think about adding some Cloudshifts in because of fun.

your right we have a lot of similarities. mine is a little more splash happy. i think you have a bit more response in the form of detention sphere. ill look into some of the card choices.

I wish you the best of luck with your deck.

May 1, 2015 10:55 a.m.

Chronoloco says... #15

Torpor Orb works really nicely with the hunted.

May 6, 2015 9:10 a.m.

aholder7 says... #16

The only problem with Torpor Orb is that it prevents my opponents from getting tokens, which is the entire reason the hunted are in the deck.

that and they are pretty good on their own. (4/6 unblock-able for 3? OK!)

May 6, 2015 9:12 a.m.

warpedcolor says... #17

Maybe Swan Song in the sideboard?

May 7, 2015 12:26 a.m.

warpedcolor says... #18

Also, its awesome that you can foil this deck for a pretty cheap amount, compared to most of modern

May 7, 2015 12:29 a.m.

aholder7 says... #19

good card suggestion. it will probably be replacing Countersquall. my only concern is that it doesnt hit artifacts, but i guess for 1 less mana thats not too bad of a loss. also if artifacts are my problem i would probably be siding in Disenchant.

May 7, 2015 9:08 a.m.

kingofcramers says... #20

My deck started out a lot like this one, but I discovered that Blood Seeker and Suture Priest just aren't mana efficient enough for what they do. Also, life gain is more valuable than damage in this deck with all of the pain lands. Besides, Hunted Troll and Hunted Phantasm are excellent win cons on their own, so you might as well use them to their full potential instead of weakening the deck for a different win con. They are part of what makes Golgari Charm viable. It's not the perfect spell but it's very versatile.

For small creatures, the soul sisters are obviously your best bet, and Blood Artist is super strong because it is twice as effective, and immediately discourages board wipes (making Golgari Charm a potential win con on it's own), while also making chump blocking a viable option with your soul sisters. I recently took out 4 Soul's Attendant, and added 4 Ajani's Pridemate at a friends recommendation. I'm not totally convinced that it's the right move, but it's certainly a powerful card with 8 soul sisters. I'll probably keep 2 or 3, but put some soul sisters back in.

More token hate at instant speed is also good. Actually just having more instant speed anything is important. Zealous Persecution is arguably the best card in my deck; it kills their tokens and gives you a combat trick that you can win the game with or even just bluff -- if someone who knows your deck sees you attack into a 2/2 with a Blood Artist and some soul sisters, they might just let you through. Also if you have enough instant speed token hate you can take out some of the enchantments, because after the first one they become fairly dead draws.

I see Swan Song in your sideboard, and I would include at least 2 mainboard. It's not always super useful but it's already a very efficient counterspell, and this deck gets more value out of it than most. More importantly, if it's in your maindeck, opponents will have to play around it (this is why instants are huge).

Mercy Killing has soooooooo much potential in this deck, but unfortunately it's way too inefficient. I think I might have one in my sideboard because the interactions with this deck are just too cool, but four of them is far too many to have mainboard. I would say maybe one, but include at least two efficient removal spells, like Path to Exile or Dismember.

Another idea I'm contemplating for my deck is adding some targeted discard.

This a sweet deck though, I had so much fun making mine, and yours is looking pretty dope. Good Luck!

May 8, 2015 10:47 p.m.

aholder7 says... #21

you're probably right about the Mercy Killing. its slow but fun. but i'm trying to quicken the deck a little even if it means taking out hilarious cards. i've taken out the Virulent Plagues for the zealous because those are much better and i've been looking for something to replace those. i'm not sold on the Golgari Charm though. its too detrimental to my board state. dismember has been added because i don't feel like spending more money on path.

i'll have to disagree with you on the mana efficiency of Suture Priest and Blood Seeker. they are my primary win-cons. they do more work than my 4/6 unblockable.

i may reinstate Blood Artist, but in previous versions of the deck he wasn't as effective as i had wanted. he may be better in the current state. but for now i still need to test the current additions. then i will work him in somewhere.

May 9, 2015 12:41 a.m.

r0Wn says... #22

Love this! +1 for sure!!!

May 17, 2015 10:19 p.m.

Pugh-Pugh says... #23

Been looking at making a deck just like this myself.

what do you think about Genesis Chamber?? Gives the benefit of making tokens for you and puts tokens on the opponents side for creatures they cast.

May 18, 2015 1:20 a.m.

aholder7 says... #24

i tried it before, but it seems a bit too slow. but most of the time it wasn't as effective as i hoped. the problem is that it doesn't come out when you need it. if i had a Suture Priest or a Blood Seeker in hand with my gen chamber, then the creature is played turn 2 and gen chamber has to wait. now gen is a turn 3 play. now i can choose to play it or i might be playing a Hunted Phantasm or some other more pertinent support piece. basically it was meh and i replaced it with other cards like Swan Song and Zealous Persecution which allow me to have a bit more interaction.

May 18, 2015 2:55 p.m.

ubathfenome says... #25

I already though a similar deck and as you are using Blue, I will recommend you to add Leyline of Singularity. It will make that if 2 or more tokens have the same name, they will automatically die due to the Legend rule.

May 19, 2015 10:16 a.m.

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