Esper Salt Mill (KHM Update)

Modern TheSurgeon

SCORE: 180 | 100 COMMENTS | 12500 VIEWS | IN 64 FOLDERS

littlestavie says... #3

You might want to look at 2/3 Open the Armory since it can grab Fraying Sanity and you are already splashing white.

July 24, 2017 3:16 p.m.

TheSurgeon says... #4

littlestavie- Thanks for that suggestion! My problem with this deck is, I don't have anywhere to put it. If it cost 1, I'd find room.

With a CMC of 2, I have to decide whether dropping that Mesmeric Orb is better than searching for my enchantment and wait another turn to cast it.

I will, however, use this suggestion in another deck of mine: 13 Reasons (Why Mill Can Do Modern).

Thanks for the feedback!!
Play on!

July 24, 2017 3:43 p.m.

RowdyMagic18 says... #5

Have you considered the Fraying Sanity + Traumatize combo?

Yeah I know, Traumatize was stupid even before HOU was released but now, it's just funny! I think it would be a fantastic option for your deck! :D

July 25, 2017 9:44 a.m.

TheSurgeon says... #6

RowdyMagic18- Before Fraying Sanity was released, Traumatize was a useless card. It costs 5, and CAN'T win you the game since it rounds down. So, even if the opponent only had 1 card left, you'd spend 5 mana, and the end result would leave your opponent with 1 card anyway.

That being said, I have considered Traumatize with Fraying Sanity but had decided to go.a different direction with it. The combo can be found in another competitive deck of mine: 13 Reasons (Why Mill Can Do Modern).

For this deck, I've opted for more control with a steady mill, with explosions of mill activity through Archive Trap and Trapmaker's Snare, coupled with the static mill of Mesmeric Orb and Hedron Crab, there's plenty of mill power in the deck, leaving room for the control framework.

Thanks for the input! All input is important and appreciated!!


July 25, 2017 10:11 a.m.

SayoKel says... #7

This Deck is fantastic. Hits me right in the nostalgia.

August 11, 2017 5:31 p.m.

TheSurgeon says... #8

Thank you SayoKel! It's been in the works for me to make a modern competitive mill deck for about 15 years. It's nice to see wizards printing some decent cards for it. I think there's a need for mill in a competitive setting. Any idiot can do direct damage with burn, and trample with muscle; it takes answers and forethought to win with mill.

Play hard!

August 11, 2017 5:36 p.m.

SayoKel says... #9

How consistent is it? I'm new to competitive play.

August 11, 2017 8:12 p.m.

TheSurgeon says... #10

I run light on land compared to most decks (My formula is: CMCx7=L, but L cannot be <18). Droughting is only a problem about 5-7% of the time. Since the deck's avg cmc is so low, I can win a game with 2 mana.

Mill consistency is great, and with the control improvements I've added (haven't playtested the current list yet) it feels to have improved it's overall solidarity. Thanks for asking.

I wish I could provide more info on how it playtests against the meta decks of Modern, but unfortunately, I live in a hick town, bereft of LGS's and players of competitive caliber.

August 11, 2017 8:49 p.m. Edited.

SayoKel says... #11

Thanks for the info. I'm definitely going to run this once I get the money for it.

August 11, 2017 8:57 p.m.

TheSurgeon says... #12

Rejoice, friend, I just took out 2x Snapcaster Mage. LOL

August 11, 2017 9:03 p.m.

AtAoekt says... #13

This is incredible. Most attempts at mill I've seen stray so far away from the heart of the strategy that I lose interest, but this execution is both true to form and practical.

August 18, 2017 3:04 p.m.

TheSurgeon says... #14

AtAoekt- I am humbled by your kind words! Really! High praise doesn't seem to come to mill often (playas hatin' on mill), so that means a lot. This has been in the works for me for about 12 years, it's like watching a child grow. LOL

Thanks again!
Play hard!

August 18, 2017 3:25 p.m.

beebsman says... #15

Have you seen the Ixalan card Field of Ruin? Archive Trap enabler?

September 20, 2017 11:14 p.m.

TheSurgeon says... #16

beebsman- interesting, it calls to mind Ghost Quarter, a card that has been bounced in and out of this deck, but without the guarantee of a lib search. I'm not crazy about the colorless mana, as it is the reason I took out Quarter in the first place. But, this might just have a place in here. Thanks for the heads up, man!


September 21, 2017 6:40 a.m.

osotogari says... #17

No worries mate! I think it'll be great in this deck, the 2 mana's not an issue, as it replaces itself. The beauty of it is that it forces a search, as opposed to Paths and GQ's may.

Maybe it's best for the sideboard, as a secret weapon. Game 1, your opponent is unsuspecting of your Paths & GQ's. Game's 2 & 3 are when you will need to force the Trap trigger.

September 21, 2017 8:20 a.m.

TheSurgeon says... #18

osotogari Interesting thinking, but I'll stick with it in the MB, as I don't have the room in the SB for it.

September 21, 2017 8:26 a.m.

NCN946 says... #19

You can always add Fraying Sanity to cut down on the excessive amount of mill spells you need.

October 19, 2017 11:21 p.m.

TheSurgeon says... #20

NCN946- see the update from September 2nd. This explains why it is not inculuded.

October 21, 2017 2:46 p.m.

beebsman says... #21

Hey TheSurgeon, any reason you prefer Ethereal Haze over Darkness?

November 10, 2017 10:38 a.m.

TheSurgeon says... #22

beebsman- Thanks for asking. Darkness is actually one of my favorite cards for U/B mill, but since I've gone esper, I've dedicated white mana to defense as most of my mill spells require UB to cast. Furthermore, it stops ETB or triggered damage effects from creatures, not just combat damage.

November 10, 2017 2:18 p.m.

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