Samut at the Fat Camp

Samut, Voice of Dissent:Just look at her! She's ready to yell at you to get off the couch and start laying down some HURT!

This deck focuses on harsh no nonsense truths under Samut the hard hitting drill sergeant who will WHIP YOU INTO SHAPE Gets out big, immediately useful creatures fast, while keeping your opponents boards from gaining momentum.


Ramp Till You're Swole

Ramp ramp ramp ramp! If you want to be the strongest and the best you need ENERGY and that comes from Mana, so Samut is just loaded with ramp. Outsprint your opponents with Burgeoning and Exploration early game, and finish things out strong with Mana Reflection all of which can be fetched by Enlightened Tutor, Sterling Grove, or Plea for Guidance. Oracle of Mul Daya also earns an MVP slot, getting lands to work instead of sleeping on top of your deck.

Put Them On A Diet

Other players boards getting too fat? Are they sitting there lazily letting their enchantments and artifacts do all the work for them? Letting a ton of creatures just sit around wasting space? Slim them down with cost-reduced board wipes like Blasphemous Act, Sublime Exhalation, and Hour of Revelation. For a little more precision fat removal, Vandalblast and Austere Command get the job done while you pick off the empty calories with Path to Exile,Swords to Plowshares, Krosan Grip and tons of other quick effective removal.

Meanwhile, make sure you keep your own gains safe with Archangel Avacyn  , Cauldron of Souls, Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Teferi's Protection all of which can protect you from enemy board wipes, or your own!

Make Those Fatties Run!

The deck is loaded with big fat creatures like Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre and Hellkite Tyrant, but Samut won't let them just lay around! Samut flashes in to let every creature hit the ground running, while providing ways to get those creatures out of your deck and into your enemy's FACE!

Captain Sisay helps you pull the real heavy hitters out of your deck, and with Samut on the board she can tutor up two legendary creatures to your hand as soon as she hits the ground. Once you've got your fatties in hand, Elvish Piper can start pumping out creatures at instant speed (and untapping with Samut for even more). Sneak Attack can also provide the quick sprint of power you need to beat down the opponent (and works well with Cauldron of Souls) and Tooth and Nail can deliver a devastating burst of power. Meanwhile, Samut's assistants Odric, Lunarch Marshal, Grand Abolisher make sure that your creatures don't slack off or get taken out of the game.

Extra Laps!

Having big fat creatures working out is no use if they keep taking breaks, so Combat Celebrant and Aurelia, the Warleader let you untap and attack with your fatties over and over again, while also putting Captain Sisay and Elvish Piper back to work building your board. If that's not enough, all your extra mana can burned off into nice clean attack phases with Aggrivated Assult.

Meanwhile make sure that you have your creatures in hand by feeling the PAIN of Sylvan Library without being afraid to take that damage and load your hand up with what you need. Greater Good also


-Consistant strong board, beat them down with your creatures and stop them from building a response. Do the work, get results. -Utilize multiple combats to kill multiple players in one turn, -Samut herself will whack whack whack, often being fast and strong enough to eliminate at least one opponent by herself with commander damage. Though she can sometimes be more useful keeping a low profile, since opponents don't tend to realize how useful she can be, and she doesn't draw removal as much as some commanders. -Tooth and Nail can pull out some game-ending combos like Aurelia, the Warleader and Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth and Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, or Odric, Lunarch Marshal and Archangel Avacyn  



  • You want to play big creatures and hit fast
  • You like having an answer to almost any problem
  • You like having enough mana to do whatever you want


  • You're looking to play a combo deck
  • You dislike wiping other players boards and making people angry
  • You want games that end quickly


This deck is constantly evolving and changing. Currently it plays very well, but sometimes has a hard time drawing into it's big creatures to finally finish off the opponent. Greater Good and Selvala, Heart of the Wilds are recent additions that should help. Sylvan Library is key, and can be returned with Sun Titan but the deck could probably still use a little more draw.

I recently cut Avenger of Zendicar and Craterhoof Behemoth which were previously win conditions. Both felt like they were under-performing, only really working as a Tooth and Nail combo, though Craterhoof might be worth reintroducing to the deck.

Overall I've decided to move away from Tooth and Nail as a main win condition of the deck, as it's not tutorable and can be foiled somewhat easily. It's still in the deck as it can lead to some pretty devastating pushes, but the hope is that multiple combats will be the new way to win the game in one turn.

Possible cards to add include Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Serra Ascendant, and Academy Rector along with some EDH staples like Mana Vault, and some additional tutoring like Eladamri's Call, Birthing Pod, and Defense of the Heart. Platinum Angel and Platinum Emperion are also in consideration to combat draining yourself too quickly with Sylvan Library

Thoughts, suggestions, and feedback welcome!


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94% Competitive

Revision 14 See all

(3 years ago)

-1 Guardian Project main
+1 Selvala, Explorer Returned main
-1 Stranglehold main
+1 Wheel of Misfortune main
Date added 7 years
Last updated 2 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.83
Tokens Angel Warrior 4/4 W, Beast 3/3 G
Ignored suggestions
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