Sanctuary - G/W Angel Ramp

Standard fcpack


HoneyBadger says... #3

Hot damn! This deck has told me I need to add a few more orings to Sapping Souls. If its worth anything, this version of angel ramp beat sapping souls while the one on the "top decks" board with, at last viewed, 27 +1's lost 4 out of 5 times.

Druids' RepositoryMTG Card: Druids' Repository is INSANE! I am definitely making a deck for it

May 10, 2012 11:10 p.m.

fcpack says... #4

Awesome dude, glad to know. I need to get this deck more exposure. thanks for the +1. Yeah Druids' RepositoryMTG Card: Druids' Repository+Entreat the AngelsMTG Card: Entreat the Angels is an awesome combo!

add me as a friend mate

May 10, 2012 11:14 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #5

I'll add it to the featured queue for you! I have 2 extra tokens so I can spare one.

May 10, 2012 11:30 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #6

with your permission of course

May 10, 2012 11:31 p.m.

fcpack says... #7

oh of course. i really appreciate it

Thank you very much

May 10, 2012 11:33 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #8

It has been done

May 10, 2012 11:36 p.m.

fcpack says... #9

I appreciate it mate thanks a lot! I've been looking through your decks. Sometime next week I might post my adaptation of Sapping Souls. I really like the idea

May 10, 2012 11:40 p.m.

pyrotrojan says... #10

I love the angel ramp ideas. This one seems very interesting and sets itself apart from the others. +1 from me your friendly neighborhood Trojan.

May 11, 2012 4:38 a.m.

fcpack says... #11

Thanks alot! Appreciated

May 11, 2012 8:36 a.m.

Phat_Shadow says... #12

I like this deck! I think it'll give me some good ideas for my angel deck. +1

May 11, 2012 9:01 a.m.

seizan8 says... #13

i like the CloudshiftMTG Card: Cloudshift + Solemn SimulacrumMTG Card: Solemn Simulacrum combo :P

and i love Moonsilver SpearMTG Card: Moonsilver Spear :D that artifact kicks ass! nice deck. +1

May 11, 2012 9:11 a.m.

mcgrobert says... #14

I really like the deck... although, I don't like Moonsilver SpearMTG Card: Moonsilver Spear. It's a really bad card.

May 11, 2012 9:16 a.m.

fcpack says... #15

Awesome! glad I could help

May 11, 2012 9:16 a.m.

fcpack says... #16

Moonsilver SpearMTG Card: Moonsilver Spear is there for a few reasons...It gives me angel tokens in case, for some reason, im not pulling my angels. Also it gives me health every time they enter the battlefield, thanks to Suture PriestMTG Card: Suture Priest

May 11, 2012 9:24 a.m.

mcgrobert says... #17

Well, that being the case, maybe run like two Seraph SanctuaryMTG Card: Seraph Sanctuarys as well.

May 12, 2012 midnight

fcpack says... #18

Good point mcgrobert, I've thought about thy some. I'll play around with it a bit and see how well it fits in. Thanks for the input!

May 12, 2012 12:12 a.m.

HoneyBadger says... #19

You might want to run some Revenge of the Hunted MTG Card: Revenge of the Hunted . It turns your mana dorks into big damage while clearing anything the opponent leaves untapped

May 12, 2012 1:39 p.m.

fcpack says... #20

Yes, I actually had Revenge of the Hunted MTG Card: Revenge of the Hunted in the deck for a while. I'm going to try to find a place for it again. What do you suggest taking out?

May 12, 2012 1:50 p.m.

fcpack says... #21

I think I might sideboard AsceticismMTG Card: Asceticism and add in two Revenge of the Hunted MTG Card: Revenge of the Hunted .

May 12, 2012 1:52 p.m.

HoneyBadger says... #22

You really should- it was one of the main reasons this deck beat some of the ones I playtested against it. It's one of the greatest comeback cards I've ever seen. I never scoop as long as they are in the deck as they can completely clear the board and change the game (which happened all together too often when I playtested vs this haha).

The changes I would be most scared of facing:

-4x rampant growth +4x Avacyn's PilgrimMTG Card: Avacyn's Pilgrim Nevermore, avacyn, angel of hope, and asceticism should keep you safe from mass removal

-3x cloudshift, -2x restoration angel, -3x solemn simulacrum, -4 suture priest (the priest isn't bad, but I feel there are more potent options). You have 6 things that are worth flickring, 3 solemn sims, and anything when suture priest is out. 1 mana for 1 land is good, but it requires that you have one of each and with only 5 things that flickr stuff, its not easy to come by. I like the idea of flickr, but I'd want you to commit harder to it if you are gonna use it.

+1x somberwald sage, +2x druids's repository, +3x angel of jubilation, +4x revenge of the hunted. Angel of jubilation, revenge of the hunted, and moonsilver spear give you 10 cards that make your early game more potent and turn your mana dorks into fighters. The fact is, somberwald sage and druids' repository are the fastest form of ramp in this deck. CRAZY SHIT HAPPENS WHEN THEY ARE OUT- capitalize off them.

idk if the land would need to change if you took these suggestions, that requires testing.

SO, all in all- what I'm suggesting is a shift away from flicker and land fetching ramp, to creature oriented ramp. In its current form, I'm not scared until the big angels come out. Angel of jubilation and revenge of the hunted give you a scary early game now while simultaneously increasing control (i.e. they add both offence and defense).

I'd understand if you want to keep this an angel deck, but Craterhoof BehemothMTG Card: Craterhoof Behemoth is a boss.

There is a lot of potential in this deck and a lot of directions you can take it. Creature based is one of them. If you want something else, pick an idea, theme or card and I'll make suggestions based on that

May 12, 2012 2:30 p.m.

fcpack says... #24

I've changed some stuff around...Playtest it against one of your decks and tell me what you think!

May 12, 2012 3:13 p.m.

Praag says... #25

This deck looks nice. I would personally change a few things though. Honestly i'd -3 Moonsilver SpearMTG Card: Moonsilver Spear and add in 3 Somberwald SageMTG Card: Somberwald Sage. They are so nuts. -1 Revenge of the Hunted MTG Card: Revenge of the Hunted and +1 Entreat the AngelsMTG Card: Entreat the Angels. Also somehow fit in 2 more lands somehow.

May 12, 2012 7:31 p.m.

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