Sanguine Gary ( 3 Weeks Straight top 3@FNM )
DovahWalrus says... #2
I would add the thoughtsiezes but they are just too damn expensive but thanks for the suggestions, I was thinking for adding in some Pack Rat , whats your opinion on that?
December 14, 2013 4:08 a.m.
Valentine35 says... #3
Pack Rat really is not worth having in here unless your running 4xMutavault s...if you don't think Desecration Demon is good, i see he's in your maybe board, he should be in your mainboard, because he is amazing.
Thoughtseize is expensive and hard to come by for most of us normal players, so if you can find them great mainboard them, but if not its ok. Underworld Connections is very good and adds to your devotion, and if your trying to get devotion, why not have Erebos, God of the Dead . he is fantastic with Devour Flesh ...
if you really want the trifecta of witch, newt, cauldron combo, you need to have 4 of each. its just too inconsistent to get out if you don't, which is why more card draw is needed, as i said before Underworld Connections is great, and i would also use Read the Bones to help you look for what you need. the loss of life really shouldn't matter.
as for sideboard i agree with Dark Betrayal , and Ultimate Price , but you need to think specifics for sideboards, so adding stuff like Ratchet Bomb helps agaisnt that pesky Master of Waves tokens, and Pithing Needle is really good sideboard material.
Hope this helps. you can check out my mon black devotion deck also if you'd like. The Dearly Devoted
December 14, 2013 6:23 a.m.
This deck requires so much synergy I don't think Thoughtseize fits in the main board. Its a great sideboard answer to Thassa, God of the Sea and a lot of other enchantments though. My sideboard list was just general stuff that I thought might eb worth having. As I said Devour Flesh is great against Blood Baron. My list left a little extra space for Pithing Needle , Ratchet Bomb or any other metagame requirements. I probably should have mentioned them though.
I don't like Pack Rat here. MBD also plays Mutavault and Underworld Connections , neither of which I think you need. And the devotion isn't really a big deal. You also have no intention of being aggressive.
I don't know if I'd play 4x Desecration Demon , but maybe as a 2-3 of... I think hes fine with 2x Bubbling Cauldron , since you don't really need more than 1, and you can search for it with Bogbrew Witch , so its almost like having 6. I see this deck as a sort of control deck. You want to draw the game out and gradually deal damage with lifegain. Thats why I say add a few extra removal spells, and maybe extra Dark Prophecy . Long term you want to draw lots of cards and keep the board clear while you slowly drain them, and there cards help with that. I also think Pack Rat doesn't fit this strategy, although Desecration Demon does.
December 14, 2013 6:52 a.m.
DovahWalrus says... #6
Bestach is that looking any better? And thanks for helping out man.
December 14, 2013 3:52 p.m.
Agent.of.the.Fates says... #7
I think you should try remove 1x festering newt, 1x bogbrew witch and 4x gray merchant of asphodel (his mana cost is very high, you will have problem fighting x aggro decks) and put 2x Desecration Demon and 4x Drainpipe Vermin (his mana cost is low and will help with pack rat). And remove 2x dark prophecy, I don't like this card. I think you should put 2x ultimate price or 2x gray merchant of alphodel (same his having a high mana cost, but you can use the devotion, like you want).
December 14, 2013 4:14 p.m.
Yeah. I'd try to cut 1 card if at all possible because you're at 61. Otherwise looks good. I haven't played the deck so keep playing other people and just see what works and what doesn't. I've seen Dark Prophecy work really well in a B/W humans deck prerotation, and this deck reminds me of that. If any deck is meant to play it, its this one.
Cut Gary? What are you talking about? Gary is one of the best cards in there, especially considering the synergy with Bubbling Cauldron and Whip of Erebos .
December 14, 2013 4:46 p.m.
DovahWalrus says... #9
Yeah not cutting gary out his is a core card in this deck man XD
December 14, 2013 4:47 p.m.
DovahWalrus says... #11
You should change the name to Drain.Gain.Drain....
December 18, 2013 6:43 p.m.
why do you have 2 Ultimate Price in your sideboard when you have 3 in main?only 4 of one card
December 18, 2013 9:46 p.m.
DovahWalrus says... #15
I was thinking of throwing in two of them in place of Two bog brews, I will think it over though, thanks for suggestion!
December 23, 2013 10:17 p.m.
Nice deck! im really glad to see that it is preforming well, I just ordered some cards to for my own rather similar deck, check it out if you want to.
Now that Im checking your out I realize i should probably add some more removal though....
I haven't yet tried it out but I will laugh my ass off if I copy Gary's ETB with Strionic Resonator ;)
December 27, 2013 5:01 a.m.
DovahWalrus says... #17
Thats a pretty funny combo with the Resonator and thanks man it works surprisingly well against the meta as you can control the board and really deal no damage through combat.
December 27, 2013 5:27 a.m.
Flashkiller says... #18
Ever though of Tenacious Dead ?? Being able to sack him for 4 life with the cauldron and bring him back is really good. Gain 4 life every turn from turn 3 .
December 28, 2013 4:11 a.m.
DovahWalrus says... #19
He is no use to me honestly, it takes up to much mana that could be used for better things. Trust me I can't fit him in.
December 28, 2013 4:36 a.m.
DDrew56936 says... #20
2 weeks in a row congrats! Looks as if you have the correct brew. Any ideas to further the idea or pretty happy as is? 1st twice so not much to change. I hate net decks as well. I was really angry when I lost to one last week.
December 28, 2013 4:57 p.m.
DovahWalrus says... #21
Well I'm thinking 2 less bogbre for crypt ghast I'm going yo play test it though.
December 28, 2013 9:40 p.m.
Similar idea to what I was going for with
Devoted to the Dark Realms Playtest
I just picked up a couple Sanguine Bond and was contemplating putting them in.
I don't have enough Cauldrons, Newts, etc. for those shenanigans, but I think I can do similar things.
When I used my deck at FNM, all the games were really close against very strong decks (essentially all net decks, except for Slivers guy, and newbie G/W/B Timmy deck). I think if my draws were more consistent and I didn't miss so many land-drops (What's a mono-black deck without swamps on the field?!) I would have won a couple more matches.
January 1, 2014 2:23 a.m.
Mightywiggy says... #23
Devour Flesh on your Gary, you gain 4 life. With a bond out, opponent loses 8 life. I say nice.
January 1, 2014 8:22 a.m.
DovahWalrus says... #24
Yeah this deck can really destroy the meta, I dont know why either lol. I have not seen another deck that plays like mine on this site but there is only one card that attacks and even then its not really there for the damage its desecration demon. And the devour flesh is great against hexproof but I actually one a game by using it on a 10/10 tapped desecration with sanguine bond out it was funny.
January 1, 2014 8:28 p.m.
Devour Flesh on Desecration Demon is lovely. I've also used it on a very Swampy Nightmare when times were tough. Sometimes you get so hungry, you gotta eat your own horse!
Oh well, will just have to Whip it back into play next turn!
Bestach says... #1
More removal, especially Hero's Downfall , but maybe Ultimate Price as well, or even Devour Flesh although that can be sideboard. Devour Flesh is especially good against Blood Baron of Vizkopa .
I'd get at least 2x Whip of Erebos . That card is extremely powerful: it gives lifelink, which you like, and it can recur Gary or any creature sacrificed to Bubbling Cauldron . Being able to block with a Gary, Sac before damage and whip it back next turn is insane.
I'd play less Corrupt . Its a six drop and even then it will do 6 damage. I'd run 2, and maybe 3 at the most. I'd put 2x Dark Prophecy into your sideboard. Against decks like Esper control, or MBD with lots of removal it will draw you a lot of cards. I'd also have maybe 2x Thrull Parasite in your Sb.
As a Sideboard I'd look at:
4x Dark Betrayal
2x Dark Prophecy
2x Thrull Parasite
2-3x Devour Flesh
2-4x Thoughtseize
December 14, 2013 3:59 a.m.