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While I was waiting for GRN to be released, I started trying to modify my mono green stompy. I settled on splashing red for Sarkhan's Unsealing and that opened up Inferno Hellion use. Between those and the already beefy green stompy foundation, I had a deck plan. Now that I've built a Selesnya Tokens deck (Token White-Bi) that I lose with on FNM, I'll return to this concept and see if it fares better!
I'm slowly accumulating the cards for this on Arena, so playtesting should speed up here soon.
Sarkhan's Unsealing - The foundation of this deck - triggers on cast, so even countered creatures of the appropriate size triggers unsealing. 4,5,6 Power is 4 dmg on target, and 7+ Power is 4 dmg on opponent, creatures, and planeswalkers.
Thunderherd Migration - 2CMC, sometimes 3 CMC to boost a land onto the board. Ideally on turn 2.
Grow from the Ashes - This one nets 3 mana for a land or 5 for 2. Lands come in untapped. Seek out a missing Mountain. Feels great to kick it, grab 2 lands, use them to cast Thorn Lieutenant.
Thud - I might have just tossed these in because it would make me happy to thud a buffed Thorn Lieutenant for the win.
Llanowar Elves - Duh. Speedy mana bois.
Thorn Lieutenant - Need someone to fill that early space until we get up to Sarkhan's Unsealing and start cranking out 4+ power triggers for it. If she sticks around til mid/late game, she gets buffed and hopefully thudded!
Steel Leaf Champion - Single target Unsealing trigger. Stompy.
Vine Mare - Single target Unsealing trigger. Hexproof. Dodges black.
Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma - Single target Unsealing trigger. Many try to use this for the trample, but we're using it for the power subsidy on our Unsealing triggers.
Inferno Hellion - Are you kidding me?? 4 mana? 7 power means this is a board wipe Unsealing trigger. And if it survives combat we get to shuffle it back into the library for another shot at board wipe trigger? 4 of these, please.
Nullhide Ferox - Single target Unsealing trigger. Okay, this just got boosted to a 4 of, 2 additional copies replacing 2 Traxos, Scourge of Kroog. We take away a couple big Unsealing triggers, but what we gain against control and the resiliency of Ferox vs Traxos made this a pretty clear 4 mana choice. (Inspiration was having one in hand when Disinformation Campaign forced me to discard a card. Ferox to the battlefield. Discovery//Dispersal sends Ferox back to hand, discard it again, back to the battlefield. Booyah!
Carnage Tyrant - Board wipe Unsealing trigger. Can't be countered. Hexproof. Trample. Dude is sticky, 6 mana isn't a problem, there's really no downside. Just wish he weren't so money expensive. Maybe a 4th copy when I come across it naturally.
Ghalta, Primal Hunger - Board wipe Unsealing trigger. Can get very cheap very quickly in this deck. Goreclaw adds a 2 mana discount, so it's not crazy to expect a Ghalta that wipes small enemy creatures on entry by turn 4 or 5.
Vivien Reid - Filtered card draw, artifact and enchantment hate, answer to flyers, and the ultimate wins the game.
Plummet - Flyer removal
Rabid Bite - Flyer removal, anthem creature removal, deathtouch removal. Basically removal for pesky creatures that don't enter combat often.
The Mending of Dominaria - Answer to mill decks if it comes up at the right time. Returns creatures from graveyard and in occasional scenarios, puts lands on the battlefield.
Reclamation Sage - artifact/enchantment removal with a body
Broken Bond - ramping artifact/enchantment removal
Beast Whisperer - Opens up card draw if it survives
Declare Dominance - Creature based board wipe. Slap this on a Ghalta and you've practically got a token board wipe.
Other Notes
I'm not entirely certain where I'll land on the sideboard pieces yet, would love to hear y'all's thoughts. I had a couple Blanchwood Armor sideboarded, but they're not as reliable now that it's not mono-green. That leaves me with at least a couple sideboard spots left. Should I fill them with Banefire ??