Saskia's Blitzkrieg

Commander / EDH Blitzak

SCORE: 89 | 117 COMMENTS | 40534 VIEWS | IN 56 FOLDERS

SavannahLion91 says... #1

Would you Consider Captain Sisay. You run enough legendary cards that it can be useful. It can help in a toolbox kind of way.

December 13, 2017 4:43 p.m.

freshdemon says... #2

Hero of Bladehold, Ogre Battledriver, Accorder Paladin, Cryptborn Horror, Goblin Wardriver, Akroan Hoplite, Goblin Rabblemaster, Mardu Ascendancy might be good inclusions in a hyper aggessive deck. Have played with Battledriver and Bladehold before, disgusting amounts of damage

April 10, 2018 4:26 p.m.

freshdemon says... #3

I've overlooked Rabblemaster. I don't see the value of cutting Bladehold when high cmc cards like Elesh Norn remain.

April 10, 2018 4:46 p.m.

Blitzak says... #4

Hey freshdemon, thanks for the suggestions! Especially accorder paladin, great call.

Hero of bladehold was a hard cut to make. The reason it came out when other more expensive cards stayed is because it doesnt do anything when it is played. It comes down turn 5 and sits there till turn 6. I cant be playing cards that arent doing anything. Every turn counts.

Do you have any ideas for cuts at all? Thats my biggest issue right now.

Thanks again!

April 10, 2018 6:03 p.m.

freshdemon says... #5

Well there are certain questions you need to ask yourself:

  • How do I want to balance goodstuff and aggro

  • Do I want a card, that can hit for 3 this turn or a card that hits for 6 the following turns?

  • At what cmc do certain effects matter the most?

eg. Gaddock Teeg is a great card on its own, but is this effect really relevant when try to close the game out before t6, or does his low attack hurt us more. Does this deck even need removal or swords? Every removal or high cmc card has the risk to be dead in our hand.

I have played a similar deck with Iroas, God of Victory as commander, and I thought that removal doesn't matter because my opponents can't take advantage from enchantments and artifacts, because they die without playing blockers. What mattered was that I have consistently a grip full of one, two, and three drops that attack.(I had a human subtheme with Champion of the Parish,Thalia's Lieutenant,Honored Crop-Captain and alike.)

I can't really say what to cut, because neither do I know how all in you want to be (and I can't decide that for you), nor do I know your playgroup.

April 12, 2018 10:06 a.m.

Blitzak says... #6

Unfortunately I don't think I have the ability to cut out my answers. Blockers or things like Peacekeeper that no amount of attackers can take care of.

Gaddock isnt just goodstuff. He is a silver bullet. You cant kill people by turn 6 when they start dropping wrath of gods on turn 4. Gaddock is there to stop that from happening. He steals wins from the jaws of defeat!

Thanks again for the suggestions. Like you said, meta makes a big difference. I wish I could go all in, but I would end up losing more I think.

April 12, 2018 8:14 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #7

Would you consider Grand Abolisher?

+1 for a non-blue deck!

July 20, 2018 1:35 p.m.

Blitzak says... #8

Hi SynergyBuild! Glad you like ths deck.

Grand Abolisher was in the deck before, but I ended up taking it out. It wasn't the kind of creature I felt comfortable attacking with very often. Other times it sat in my hand in favour of other more aggressive options. It just didnt feel right in the deck.

July 21, 2018 3:47 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #9

That is fair, thanks for the response!

July 21, 2018 3:53 p.m.

TCG-Player says... #10

I fell on love with this deck along time ago, and lately someone in my playgroup shit-talked aggro, so I knew it was my time to built my own spin on this deck to prove them wrong >:)

But I have a few questions to your list first:
- How does this deck deal with turn 4 or 5 boardwipes? Gaddock Teeg can't always be around. Maybe cards like Selfless Spirit or Dauntless Escort?

- Who do you usually target with Saskia? Do you target the opponent you are going after to deal double damage to them or do you rather target your biggest threat/the person that is the hardest to attack to then hit the 'weakest' player at the board, trying to kill them both at once?

- Are you running out of cards often? There is only pretty little card draw in the deck and I think it would also not be beneficial to the aggro gameplan to use to much mana on drawing cards, so what would you advice to keep your hand filled?

- And my last question is depending budget cuts. What expensive cards currently in the deck would you say are absolute necessary? What are replacements for the other expensive cards? And the most important: What would you do to the mana base to make it reasonably priced, but still working efficiency and consistently?

July 21, 2018 9:06 p.m.

Blitzak says... #11

Hiya TCG-Player, thanks for the thought provoking questions. Im glad you like the deck so much! Ive put a lot of time into it.

Turn 4-5 board wipes is absolutely the worst case scenario. This deck was made in part to combat a friend's boardwipe tribal deck. Selfless spirit and similar cards could fit pretty well. Ideally you want the opponent to be dead or close to it by that point, but that is hard with 2 opponents. If you do get board wiped in a multiplayer game, it can be advantageous to hold back as long as possible to reduce your threat level, then steal the game once the attention has turned from you. A secondary benefit to overall lower cmc is that when you do recommit to the board later in the game, you can often play several threats at once.

To tie it in with your next question, Saskia's ability can be used politically in addition to the options you mentioned. If you are facing multiple opponents you can sometimes go after one player, lulling the other into a false sense of security. They might hold back a board wipe if they think you aren't after them. If you don't know their opponents or their decks, sometimes you just have to try to guess how the game is going to play out. You could also add some flicker effects of you want the flexibility of changing targets.

Card draw is an ongoing problem. Like you said, you want to be attacking while the opponents are setting up, not setting up yourself. I rely heavily on my tutors to get the cards I need to win.

Which brings me to the last question. Of all the expensive cards, I would keep the tutors and Gaddock Teeg. The tutors can find you more tutors like stoneforge and ranger of eos. Or silver bullets like Gaddok Teeg. He is needed just because he is so strong vs the deck's biggest problems. Other things like the swords can be replaced with other ways of being unblockable. The creatures are mostly on the cheaper side thankfully. For the lands, all I can say is avoid lands that come in tapped. I would play 36 basics before I put tapped lands in this kind of deck. You can't afford to be losing turns.

I hope that answered your questions, and I would very much like to see what you come up with once you have a list!

July 22, 2018 11 p.m.

TCG-Player says... #12

First of all, thank you for the detailed answers ^^
Well, my deck is (kinda) finished after 20ish hours of work. I ended up sticking pretty close to your list, as I think/realized it is really optimal. I tried my best to give a detailed explanation to why I play or don't play certain cards.
I would really appreciate your oppinion and feedback on my list, and maybe you will even find a card or two to add to your deck :P

Here is the deck: "Aggro can't win multiplayer games."

July 26, 2018 9:34 a.m.

Blitzak says... #13

Hey again TCG-Player!

Thank you for the shout out on your list. That was very nice.

You definitely make some good points about the 2 mana ramp and phyrexian arena. Going to have to find a copy of mirris guile.

You have also accurately identified athreos as a creature I often consider cutting.

I think your choices of higher cmc creatures will help close out games with more players. The only change I would suggest is Gisela, Blade of Goldnight over Thunderfoot Baloth. The synergy with saskia is just so strong. She also is still great if saskia is removed.

My only concern is your land count. I have gone as low as 32, but even at 34 you start to miss land drops. I don't think I could go lower than 35. Obviously you should still try it with 30, but I think you will have problems.

July 26, 2018 12:57 p.m.

TCG-Player says... #14


I am very glad you like the list and I am actually amazed that you are really changing your deck because of it ^^
Thunderfoot Baloth is one of the cards I thought about cutting because I still have 2 cards to much in the deck. My thoughts when taking Gisela out of the deck was that she is a very big and clear threat to my opponents and the throwback through a boardwipe after she hits the board would be huge. But you are right that I have to play more big creatures when I want to close out a 4 player game, so I might add her again.
Also, I am sorry that there was confusion depending my landcount. My manabase is still in development. My plan was to run 36 lands aswell.

July 26, 2018 2:06 p.m.

Blitzak says... #15

Hello TCG-Player.

Im always looking for ways to tighten up the list, and as I said, you made excellent points.

On the topic of 1 drops, what do you think of Keen Sense and Utopia Sprawl?

Good to hear about the lands, seemed a pretty ambitious, lol.

July 26, 2018 4:22 p.m.

TCG-Player says... #16


Keen Sense:
Drawing 2 cards for each time enchanted creature gets trough while Saskia is in play for only a single green mana seems very good. It also might help to combat this decks weakness to boardwipes. Drawing 3 or 4 cards for just attacking could make it a lot easier to rebuild after a early boardwipe.

Utopia Sprawl:
It definitely has some advanteges over a simple mana dork. I think the biggest plus is that it is harder to remove/does not die in boardwipes as collateral damage. But a downside that needs mentioning is that it is really vulnerable to early turn land destruction. Things like a Strip Mine could be a huge throwback. But still, I think it's just better that turn 2 ramp.
I personally wouldn't run it in my list, simply because it would be inconsistent due the lack of Dual Lands.

Concerning lands, are you going to run the Duals from Battlebond? Also, I personally really like the Odyssey filter lands

July 27, 2018 2:37 a.m.

Blitzak says... #17

Hi TCG-Player,

The battlebond duals are great, but I play this deck 1v1 as often as not. Too lazy to switch them in and out.

Also trying to maximize the use I get from fetch lands, so lands without types generally take a back seat.

Both these types of lands are great if you have multiple opponents regularly and aren't worried about fetch lands though.

July 28, 2018 11:24 a.m.

firecast92 says... #18

lol, i have a very similar saskia deck and i believe 41 lands are absolutely necessary. How do you even manage to cast the high end stuff with so few lands? Also in my deck Gryff's Boon is MVP.

October 12, 2018 5:06 p.m.

Blitzak says... #19

Hi firecast92,

Thanks for the suggestion, Gryff's Boon is certainly an interesting option. Kind of similar to Rancor.

As for the lands, I'm not sure I agree with you. 41 lands is way too many for any deck. I never play more than 36. So while I agree my land count is slightly on the low side, it isn't nearly as low from my perspective.

October 13, 2018 10:50 a.m.

With 20 humans in the deck, why no Champion of the Parish?

December 15, 2018 3:51 p.m.

Blitzak says... #21

Hey Wurmspiralmaschine14, that card is definitely close to being on the list. Its right up there with Pelt Collector and Bloodhall ooze, but they are both just a little bit easier to use.

December 17, 2018 7:13 a.m.

DRmagic2017 says... #22

Hi! Is there any place for Tireless Tracker ?

March 21, 2019 7:38 a.m.

Osbert says... #23

I have a Saskia best friends deck but the gameplan is still the same. Here are some cards that aren't often considered but are potent: Druids' Repository , Rhythm of the Wild , and Equipoise . Equipoise reads a bit weird but if your opponent's outnumber your creatures it lets you phase out whichever creatures you want, and then removes troublesome artifacts like crawlspace and if your opponent has an artifact creature you can actually order your targets so they are one creature down from your board state.

July 20, 2019 8:27 p.m.

Blitzak says... #24


Hello! Sorry I missed your question, not sure how it happened, but I was in school at the time so I will blame it on that! Tireless Tracker is definitely a good card, especially with all my fetch lands. It was in the deck originally, but I have added more fetches and anthems since, so it might be worth another shot.


Hey, thanks for the ideas, especially Equipoise! What a weird card. I think its one you have to play with to understand how good it is. I'll have to try to find a copy. The other two aren't bad either, and I have definitely considered Rhythm. Only problem is on turn 3 I would usually rather have a threat.

July 31, 2019 4:34 p.m.

Kmwark10149 says... #25

What do you think of Marisi, Breaker of the Coil for this deck? And your decklist is awesome, keep up the excellent work.

September 5, 2019 3:46 a.m.

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