Enchantment (4)

Instant (8)

Unknown (8)

  • 4x Rakdos Cacklers
  • 4x Stomping Grounds


Creature (4)

Planeswalker (3)

Instant (8)

tman007 made the original build. My build of it has advanced a long way since I saw his original build, here is a description of the build and its mechanics


Spire Tracer - Good first turn, mix with the buffs like Giant Growth for best results in damage.

Burning-Tree Emissary - An amazing ramp for this aggro deck, good for a turn 2- three creature drop combo.

Gladecover Scout - 1/1 hexproof for 1? Need I explain more?

Ghor-Clan Rampager - An amazing +4/+4 bloodrush! not really seeing his creature side much just a good buff for the weenies.

Giant Growth - Buff the weenies

Hero of Leina Tower - Good to target with buff, turn that turn 5 giant growth into a turn 5 Giant Growth + 4 +1/+1 counters! Even better when you can get multiple heroic triggers.

Legion Loyalist - Turn 1 for 1? also his battalion is amazing, always nice to see someone drop Elspeth, Sun's Champion as last resort and then see a [Legion Loyalist]] hit with battalionready for the lethal.

Madcap Skills - Amazing buff with Legion Loyalist, even better against creature-light decks.

Rakdos Cackler - Can one make an aggro deck without this little devil spawn?

Titan's strenght - Can do the same as Giant Growth basically with Legion Loyalist active, plus a scry trigger!


Domri Rade - Good for games you need to slow down on like Control.

Magma Jet - For weenie and other aggro decks.

Gruul Charm - To kill flyers or power through against another creature heavy deck

Witchstalker - Anti Esper, Grixis, Mono-blue, etc. Good for all standard control decks.



Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 3 Mythic Rares

8 - 4 Rares

12 - 4 Uncommons

20 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.56
Tokens Emblem Domri Rade
Folders Standard
Ignored suggestions
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