Savage charge
Testing the build with friends —March 15, 2014
Playing my friends esper control deck:
-opening hand- Temple of Abandon, Forest, Mountain, Legion Loyalist, Burning-Tree Emissary, Giant Growth, and Burning-Tree Emissary
Turn 1: I open with Temple of Abandon on the feild, my scry reveals Madcap Skills so I keep.
Opponent Turn 1: Watery Grave tapped
Turn 2: Draw Madcap Skills, Play Forest > Burning-Tree Emissary > Burning-Tree Emissary > Legion Loyalist + Giant Growth. Swing 4, 16-20
Opponent Turn 2: Hallowed Fountain, Shocked (obvious Azorius Charm )
Turn 3 : Draw Gladecover Scout, Play Mountain, Swing all out, he bounces Burning-Tree Emissary, Second main Gladecover Scout + Madcap Skills. 13-20
Opponent Turn 3: Island (I sense a Dispel or Detention Sphere
Turn 4: Draw back Burning-Tree Emissary, Cast Burning-Tree Emissary and resolves (D-sphere it is then?) Swing all out. 7-20.
Opponent Turn 4: Detention Sphere on Burning-Tree Emissary, Temple of Enlightenment with a keep on the scry trigger.
Turn 5: Draw Ghor-Clan Rampager > Legion Loyalist + swing. 2-20.
Opponent turn 5: Island > Supreme Verdict, pass.
Turn 6: Draw Hero of Leina Tower, play.
Opponent turn 6: Elspeth, Sun's Champion +1.
Turn 7: Draw Giant Growth, cast +2 on heroic, swing. Blocked by tokens..
Opponent turn 7: Swamp > AEtherling. +1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion, swing. 2-19
Turn 8: draw Burning-Tree Emissary then play and pass.
Opponent turn 8: +1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion, swing AEtherling, Divination, play Hallowed Fountain, exile Aetherling until endstep.
Turn 9: top deck Legion Loyalist, play, swing with battalion. GG no RE
Longest game I ever had!