Savage Cheeks

Commander / EDH Philoctetes


HEXPROOOOF says... #1

@Philoctetes i have playing with ur kami deck in cockatrice and I found much better all the assemblies I've ever played, at least for me xd. But I'm thinking of making this deck in real life and currently it does not fit into my budget. So I took some cards: Grim Monolith , Pithing Needle , Sunstone , Blightsteel Colossus , Spellseeker , Back to Basics , Copy Artifact , Treachery , Cryptic Command , Academy Ruins , Maze of Ith , Tolaria West and Expropriate (I accept suggestions on removing some non-essential and expensive cards.)

Could you give me suggestions to replace them? I think you're the best person for this, I admire your post.

Is my first time on tappedout and sry for my english.


January 16, 2019 3:46 p.m.

HEXPROOOOF says... #2

Philoctetes I added the following cards because I already have them or they are cheap: Caged Sun , Ivory Tower , Thaumatic Compass  Flip, Basalt Monolith , Clever Impersonator , Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur , Viseling , As Foretold , Mystical Tutor , Swan Song , Terrain Generator .

Ahh and I took this card Sunstone , because I do not have snows lands and ~27 are a little pricey for me.

Thanks again!

January 16, 2019 4 p.m.

IAmTheWraith says... #3

My regards on being the former #2 Kami of the Crescent Moon list...

March 13, 2019 9:21 p.m.

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