This is my take on Gruul wolves/werewolves. It's designed to get as many flea bitten critters out as fast as possible and keep constant pressure on my opponent. Getting my key creatures out fast and establishing a big board presence is crucial, as they pump my guys to make everything a threat that needs to be dealt with, or risk getting eaten alive.

Deck Breakdown

Mayor of Avabruck  /Howlpack Alpha- One of the key cards to the deck. He boosts all my humans as the mayor, and all my werewolves and wolves when he's flipped. With multiple out, even the smallest creature I have out becomes big and a threat. Even better when he flips to Howlpack Alpha, he pumps wolf tokens out as well to set up an even bigger field presence. If I manage to get an Immerwolf or two out (another key card for this deck), everything get's bigger and my werewolves don't flip back as long as it's out.

Immerwolf- Another key card in this deck. Grants a boost to all my wolves and werewolves, not to mention makes it to where my werewolves don't flip back to their human forms. With him out my opponent better hope they are playing artifact creatures and/or gruul, or he's gonna swing straight through.

Young Wolf- Nice little one drop who can get in a few points of damage. If this little pup is killed off, he will laugh in my opponents face as he comes back from the dead stronger thanks to it's undying ability.

Reckless Waif  /Merciless Predator- Another one drop that usually will flip to it's werewolf side on turn two. This will mean my opponent will be forced to kill it fast or have the damage they take add up fast.

Instigator Gang/Wildblood Pack  - One of my bigger threats when it hits the field. Boosts my attackers by giving them +1/+0, but when he flips to Wildblood Pack  , he gives them and himself +3/+0 and he has trample. With a couple Immerwolf and Howlpack Alpha out, he becomes huge and can win the game with a few attacks.

Wandering Wolf- This guy can swing away unchecked if all my opponents creature's power is less than his. He gets even more deadly when I have a Immerwolf or two out, and Howlpack Alpha out.

Briarpack Alpha- Can be thrown on the field when you least expect it. Can boost anything including himself for the turn when it hits the field. Can turn a jump blocker in to a tank to beat down an opponent's attacker, or get in those last few points of damage needed to win.

Pyreheart Wolf- When this guy attacks my opponent is forced to gang block each creature I have that's attacking. great way to level the field especially if I have my guys that boost everything out. If he somehow dies, he comes right back from the grave thanks to undying.

Village Ironsmith  /Ironfang- Two drop that when flipped becomes a 3/1 with first strike. Can swing and kill most stuff that blocks it.

Mondronen Shaman/Tovolar's Magehunter  - Just a regular 3/2, but when it flips is when it really shines. It becomes a 5/5, and when my opponent plays a spell this big bad wolf deals two damage to them. Forces my opponent to make a decision to keep my guys as werewolves so they don't take damage from this cards effect, or take more damage to get them to flip back to humans.

Huntmaster of the Fells/Ravager of the Fells  - Another one of my heavy hitters and overall great card. In his human form. He grants me two life and a 2/2 wolf token. When he becomes Ravager of the Fells  , he deals two damage to my opponent and two damage to a creature they control. Him having trample is nice too. Personally I found that him staying in his werewolf form is better for me in the long run than having him flip back and forth. This is something I'm sure most won't agree with, and has caused plenty of arguments, but like I said this is me personally.

Garruk Relentless/Garruk, the Veil-Cursed  - With this grizzly bear of a man out, I can pump 2/2 wolf tokens out, and deal 3 damage to a creature. If he hits 2 or fewer loyalty counters, he flips. As Garruk, the Veil-Cursed  , he gives me wolf tokens with deathtouch. I can sac a creature to grab any creature from my deck to my hand and pumps all my guys and gives them trample. Not bad for just four mana.

Hunger of the Howlpack- Gives any creature I control a +1/+1 counter. If something died this turn, it gets three +1/+1 counters instead. Great way to make something big fast.

Increasing Savagery- Gives five +1/+1 counters to a creature of mine just like that. If I flashback it, that's ten counters added on. With this put on a Huntmaster of the Fells or Wildblood Pack  , all it takes is a swing or two to end it.

Full Moon's Rise- Gives all my rampaging werewolves +1/+0 and trample. If my werewolves are gonna die all at once, I can save them by just sacrificing this enchantment.

Moonmist- The Fog for werewolves. Transforms all my humans to their inner animal and prevents all damage done except by them. Great card to hold off my opponent and tip the odds in my favor.

The deck performs fairly well when i play with it. It's fast and brings the hurt just like I want it to. Any advice on how to make it better as well as any +1's are greatly appreciated.


Updates Add

Switched the deck up some. Added in Wandering Wolf, another Full Moon's Rise, and another Pyreheart Wolf.

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Date added 12 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

8 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.23
Tokens Human 2/2 G, Wolf 1/1 B, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders werewolf decks
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