In Jamuraa, the law of the jungle is Eat or be eaten. Guess which side the Savage Stompdown deck is on? This unruly horde of Rhinos, Cheetahs, Elephants, Apesas well as other not-so-natural animalsdoesnt take kindly to intruders on their home turf, and is ready to do some turf invading of their own. Its time to go feral!
More than half of the cards in the deck cost four mana or more, so spend your early turns developing your mana base and playing defense. Getting an early Quirion Elves allows you to start playing your beefy creatures as quickly as turn three. If you cant find the Elves, dont be afraid to block with a Raging Gorilla to trade with an early attacker or to use Rock Slide to take out a single creature. Targeting one of your opponents creatures with Feral Instinct (while that creature isnt attacking you, of course) is also a good idea, just so you can draw an extra card. Once you hit four lands, youll be plenty busy, so theres no need to hold those spells back.
As soon as you can, start stampeding. Giant Caterpillar, Ekundu Cyclops, and Hulking Cyclops are all ground-shaking attackers. Dont play Bull Elephant if its ability will prevent you from playing your other creatures for a few turns, but be sure to have it join the party when ready. From here on out the plan is simple: Attack and run over any blockers.
The Savage Stompdown deck has an unusual feature for a red-green creature deck: Creatures with flying! Locust Swarm is an excellent blocker, and it can sneak in some attacks while still being ready to defend. Spitting Drake and Kyscu Drake form a reasonable air force, but if theyre not doing the job, they can fetch the mighty Viashivan Dragon. Natural Order can also fetch out the Dragon (since its green), or, if it would help you more at the time, the 8-power Crash of Rhinos. What better way to welcome your opponent to the jungle?