
Pocahontas wants to have a word with you. You broke into her realm, and she really doesn't like this. Thus, she'll unleash a flood of fierce warriors onto you with this explosive midrangy warrior deck!

After dropping a Jungle Delver on turn one, you usually want to follow this by a turn two Brighthearth Banneret into turn three Bramblewood Paragon and Fanatic of Xenagos. If you start like this, you have 9 power on the table, and if your opponent decides to not pay fanatic's tribute, you'll be able to attack with your 5/5 trample right away.

Ok, back from magical christmas land, what do we have here?

It's warrior tribal. These guys hit hard and can unleash a pretty big punch with just one creature drop. The mentioned Fanatic of Xenagos with one or two Obsidian Battle-Axe is ridiculous. I've had situations where my opponent decided to pay it's tribute to then get hit by an 8/6 trample haste thanks to two axes (stupid decision by the way, but hey: That's life).

Jungle Delver is a very useful one-drop. He can pick up an axe and can pump himself, which also gives him trample as long as Bramblewood Paragon is on the field. And with Grand Warlord Radha out, he becomes an actual finisher.

The deck has some pretty explosive lines of play, like the one I described at the top. Most of them include either Brighthearth Banneret, Bramblewood Paragon or Obsidian Battle-Axe.

Grand Warlord Radha is our warchief. She doesn't give any additional power, but is a very powerful creature. She can really help you put out more warriors a lot.

All of this synergy between my warriors also enables one of my favourite cards from recent years: Ziatora's Envoy is a beefy beater with a damage trigger that allows me to at least draw a card while sometimes being able cheat out a spell from the top. To be honest, the card is worse than it looks, but sometimes, a big creature that draws cards is all you need.

One little sidenote: There are no cards with the human subtype in the deck, so to quote the name-giving song: Barely even human.

You like the deck? I appreciate upvotes and comments. You don't? Or you think I could do better? Please leave a comment, so my gang of savages can become stronger!




Updates Add

After trading some cards from Dominaria and also from older sets, I got some nice upgrades for the deck. The deck is now nearly creatures only, thanks to the newly included Ruric Thar, the Unbowed. Grand Warlord Radha is the newest powerhouse from Dominaria, and she should really give us some speed up. Another interesting spell I'm testing is Warlord's Fury. A cantrip that shakes up combat (though at sorcery speed) is nice to have. A problem that might come up is that I'll run out of spells to cast with Radha, so I'm very open to suggestions on how to draw some more cards. Currently, I'm willng to try a copy or two of Zendikar Resurgent, but it feels weird to play such an expensive card in a partly aggro, partly midrange deck. Thoughts on this or alternative ideas are heavily appreciated.


Revision 10 See all

(1 month ago)

+1 Boldwyr Intimidator maybe
-2 Gornog, the Red Reaper maybe
+1 Kargan Intimidator maybe
Date added 7 years
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.62
Folders Nice, Inspiration, Ghruul, Decks I've Bought, Aggro, Warrior, Deck ideas
Ignored suggestions
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