Savra, Queen of Sacrifice

Commander / EDH Amaterasu3531


AcidBrn says... #1

Greater Good is a House in your deck! And so is Braids, Cabal Minion , and other The Abyss -effects.... (cheaper effects (of course)). You haven't lived Life until you've Recurred Deranged Hermit with Lifeline over and over. Would Gleancrawler be a good addition?

December 20, 2011 12:32 p.m.

deathbygiraffe says... #2

Bloodghast works perfectly with Perilous Forays and is a great creature to sacrifice to anything. Another good token generator is Nath of the Gilt-Leaf .

I think I'd rather have Victimize in this deck than Diabolic Servitude

Griselbrand is now banned in EDH so taking that out is an easy one. Saproling Symbiosis seems like a very situational card. Once you have enough creatures in play to use it, you'll probably already have enough creatures to make your strategy work. And if you don't have enough creatures yet, it doesn't seem to create a big advantage. I'm not really sold on this card.

High Market , Miren, the Moaning Well and Phyrexian Tower could be some good inclusions in your landbase. (just replace with some basics or the Everglades /Jungle Basin )

June 24, 2012 6:19 p.m.

Amaterasu3531 says... #3

Thanks for the advice! I will definitely put Victimize in for Diabolic Servitude . Also thanks for mentioning Griselbrand , thats news to me. I think i'll replace him with Nath (who i completely forgot about, 1 or more tokens a turn is nice).

I actually recently took Everglades and Jungle Basin out of my deck, the untapped land thing was too much... I think i'll use Miren and Phyrexian Tower . Though High Market is a nice sac outlet 1 life is a bit pathetic especially in EDH.Thanks, if you think of something else feel free to mention it. Also please rate if you like it.

June 25, 2012 10:04 p.m.

Zifier says... #4

Great looking deck! Looks like lots of fun. You may want your land count to be at least 36. Since you will be having a lot of creatures on the field with all those tokens...maybe Harmony of Nature could help with giving you some more life. Just a suggestion. I really like your deck.


I was hoping you could comment on my commander deck. Damia's Zombie Army

Thank you!

June 25, 2012 10:33 p.m.

Amaterasu3531 says... #5

I would like to add at least one more land, but i really don't know what to take out. The deck does run pretty decently mana wise because i have a lot of ramp, but i still think i need a least one more land. Any suggestions would be nice.

I'm going to consider Harmony of Nature because i do run low on life occassionally because of Savra, Bitterblossom , and Phyrexian Arena . 4 life per creature, yes please!

Also, i forgot in my last comment to mention Saproling Symbiosis . I do like this card, it has surprisingly come in handy, especially with token doubler out. I tend to play with lots of people and to kill lots of people i need lots of tokens, so i think i'm going to keep it, at least for now.

June 25, 2012 10:48 p.m.

Zifier says... #6

also might want to consider Skittering Invasion

June 25, 2012 10:56 p.m.

darklordnot says... #7

Ashnod's Altar goes infinite with Fecundity and Saproling Cluster

also Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Woodfall Primus is a combo every savra deck needs

you can find my deck here

every card in my maybeboard i just ordered and got 2 days ago and made the deck so much better i just havent updated my tappedout deck

May 18, 2013 4:19 p.m.

Ragen87 says... #8

I like it, some cards in here i need for my savra. I thought about Fecundity but I control the board through sacrifice and don't want to let opponents draw answers. Mine is not a token theme'd deck. +1 I like the whole thing

June 24, 2013 11:01 p.m.

Amaterasu3531 says... #9

Why thank you. I've been working on this deck for soooo long. I originally ran it as a recursion-sacrifice deck, but I didn't like that as much because i needed both recursion cards and creatures to sac/recur. But, running tokens solved this issue. I could still run a sacrifice deck, and no longer need recursion; just the cards that made tokens. It made the deck significantly more manageable.

More recently i discovered how marvelous self recurring creatures are and added some of those (Nether Traitor , Nether Shadow ,Reassembling Skeleton ,Bloodghast .)

I agree about Fecundity . I don't like letting my opponents draw and possibly give them solutions. I've got in the "sideboard" because its a combo piece, and if I need to combo more I put it in.

Thanks for the comment and +1. I'll check out your savra deck...

June 25, 2013 2:04 a.m.

Ragen87 says... #10

Reposted the current version of my savra, some cards are in test mode atm but perhaps you've tried some and can let me know how they are. i put a Deadbridge Chant in the deck but don't know how i feel about it. I have resolved it once and before i untapped had a Serra Avatar flung at me by Brion Stoutarm with Gratuitous Violence in play. if you've tried it i'd love to hear another opinion

June 25, 2013 7:19 p.m.

Ragen87 says... #11

It sounds like my deck is what your deck used to be. I have gone the token route with savra but decided it wasn't as fun for me. just added two token producing cards but as more of a lifegain, and gy control strat. I don't know if you ever have trouble with reanimator decks but Night Soil is great for a few tokens and some gy hate

June 25, 2013 7:27 p.m.

Demyx says... #12

I'm not sure about Killing Wave in here. It seems like you'd usually have more creatures on the field and would end up having to pay more life if you wanted to keep them. Then again, I suppose you could just sac all your tokens, gain life if they're green, and force them to sac the creatures they kept anyway if they're black. I take it back. :) Haha. I'll have to add that to mine.

Maybe try adding Smokestack . You can set it at a comfortable 2 counters or so and watch as your opponent's fields disappear, then sac it with its own effect when you no longer need it.

It seems your deck is a little more focused on life gain. I have a Savra deck as well and it mostly focuses on black creatures, and by turn 4 or 5 I have the board cleared of all creatures but mine with a few sac outlets set up to be able to wipe their field at instant speed. I love playing this deck (Savra, Queen of Sacrifice) even more than I love playing my reanimator deck (Teneb's: The Walking Dead). But when I play Savra, people suddenly don't want to play Commander anymore, so I don't get to play her too often. I'm going to be making a bunch of edits to my Savra deck soon, but if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears. I've only been playing her a few weeks.


August 14, 2013 5:02 p.m.

Dorotheus says... #13

Reasons I run Angel of Jubilation . Reasons.

September 1, 2013 12:57 p.m.

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