Savra, Queen of the Golgari PreDH

Commander / EDH* Seredin


BloodWolfXVI says... #3

This looks like it does the same basic thing as the Counterpunch Commander deck that I bought a while ago, except it doesn't have white. If you want to be really mean, or want to use something to get out a ton of tokens quickly, use Death Mutation , either in conjunction with Symbiotic Wurm to churn out fifteen tokens at once, or simply on a large creature that's irritating you. I know you dislike sorceries, and this one is costly, but this one is worth it. It works especially well if the combo I just described happens to also have a Sigil Captain in play as well, but you have no White. It gives fifteen 3/3s, and if Doubling Season is in play, it gives 30 5/5s....oh goddess I need a Doubling Season ...

August 23, 2011 12:32 p.m.

Seredin says... #4


I have a Death Mutation , and ran it briefly. But spot creature removal is never something I need more of with Savra. And while the tokens are nice, I don't want to produce tokens with a sorcery when I could more reliably produce tokens with creatures. For instance, let's say I kill a Kumano, Master Yamabushi (which completely devours my deck btw, and must be dealt with) with death mutation. I spend 8 mana, likely tap out or nearly tap out, get 4 tokens, and remove a single creature that gives me a hard time. That's option A.

Or, I can use a creature, say Shriekmaw . I spend less mana, get a creature (which is black, and thus can be used to remove more creatures with Savra) that isn't just a chump blocker like tokens are in EDH. This is option B.

Option B, in this format, is just better. Granted, if I have my Doubling Season on the board, and if I run white, and if I kill my own creature, and if sigil captain is on the board, then I get 30 5/5s. Cool. But then someone board wipes and all I did was spend 8 mana to kill my own fatty and draw a board sweeper.

Never think in EDH "wow, this card is awesome if I have X or Y or Z in play." Because, in this format, you may play a whole evening of cards and never see X or Y, much less Z. Cards have to be good by themselves, or good with the theme of the deck, in order to be considered for these decks. Death Mutation , while fun, is still an 8-mana cost sorcery. Why not just play Plague Wind and play a wholly better card? Sometimes, you need to get rid of a Suture Priest , and drawing death mutation is strictly worse than drawing shriekmaw, or even plague wind for that matter...

August 23, 2011 1:45 p.m.

Seredin says... #6

If you think I can reliably have sumbiotic wurm, doubling season, and sigil captain out, and reliably play death mutation on my own creature, and am willing to change my general, and wouldnt immediately get board wiped...then you're kind of silly.

I run a lot of card draw and tutors. Feel free to point things out that are specifically better than what I have, perhaps suggesting what I might take out, instead of just throwing combos at me that I'm already aware of.

August 28, 2011 4:05 p.m.

57messier says... #7

I notice you don't have cards like BitterblossomMTG Card: Bitterblossom and Squirrel NestMTG Card: Squirrel Nest in your deck. Are those too slow or underpowered for EDH?

April 4, 2012 10:10 p.m.

fd3z says... #8

Hi, i read your deck and looks interesting, but i would like to ask, why don't you have creatures like Grave Titan or Nether Traitor ? they are very nice creatures and are powerful by themselves, I run Savra too and those are part of the fun, if you have Golgari Germination or Pawn of Ulamog you usually get more tokens that you can count XD. I Also use Altar of Dementia and it's another win condition with people who gain life.

July 23, 2012 1 a.m.

ianbrewman says... #9

this deck could use a Greater Good .

Primeval Titan is now banned but you could replace it with Kokusho, the Evening Star

November 8, 2012 2:43 p.m.

Mule Man says... #10

Do you think this deck woukd benefit from Black Market ?

March 8, 2014 4:19 a.m.

shanemrys says... #11

have you considered Mortician Beetle ? this little guy seems innocuous but in Savra he could get very large very quickly and in a pinch is still a cheap (both $ and mana..) black creature to sac

April 14, 2014 3:24 a.m.

TelleoStar says... #12

Deadbridge Chant? With the ressurection you're running, worst case scenario, it gets killed before you get it's ability, but you still have ten more cards to choose from with your other res.

To cut, I'm not a fan of Golgari Germination. It only makes green tokens, which limits your control, and it doesn't give you any bonus when you sac tokens, which limits it's usefulness. Maybe you've been more successful than I, but I wouldn't use it.

December 6, 2014 8:09 a.m.

wheel2068 says... #13

Have you thought about Lotleth Troll with this deck?

January 19, 2015 12:31 p.m.

Seredin says... #14

I need to update this so bad, but I'll try to answer some recent questions anyways:

@57messier Yeah I've always considered Bitterblossom, but it's so pricey...

@fd3z I actually now run Grave Titan and Nether Traitor (dropped Golgari Germination)

@ianbrewman Absolutely interested in Greater Good, solid recommendation. Also, I moved away from my regular playgroup, so I removed Primeval Titan.

@Mule Man Black Market could be useful for this deck, especially since mana burn isn't a thing anymore. But I don't really hurt for mana in this deck. I'll keep it in mind as I continue to change things.

@shanemrys I wouldn't consider a vanilla beater / blocker creature to be necessary for this deck, no matter how big it gets. My win con isn't so much smashing with huge dudes as it is systematically controlling the board with Savra or other sac effects, and swinging with "regular size" fatties.

@TelleoStar Yes Deadbridge Chant is on my acquire list. Thanks for reminding me around tax return season ha. Also, I cut Golgari Germination, just haven't updated the list.

@wheel2068 Lotleth Troll was recommended by tappedout before, but I don't in general see the real benefit. It doesn't satisfy anything in this deck that isn't already represented more strongly elsewhere.

Thanks everyone for the recommendations!

January 31, 2015 8:28 p.m.

selesnyaben says... #15

Now that Dragons of Tarkir is out, seems like Sidisi, Undead Vizier was made for this deck.

April 11, 2015 10:09 p.m.

Kataztrophe says... #17

You should really get a Sanguine Bond in this deck.

June 8, 2015 3:15 a.m.

I find that Thoughtpicker Witch really helps prevent my opponent's combos. Or you could use the "better" version Bitter Ordeal.

September 2, 2015 10:35 p.m.

Seredin says... #20

Fully updated as of Nov 10, 2015.

selesnyaben Thanks for the recommendation.

November 10, 2015 1:10 p.m.

MogMan696 says... #21

This deck has 105 cards in it...

January 17, 2016 4:20 p.m.

LeQuoll says... #22

January 20, 2016 7:04 p.m.

Tyr_W says... #23

The one card I miss is Bloodghast. The card is fun to play with and VERY good in many combinations.

With Perilous Forays: At the end of an oponents turn:

Sac Bloodghast to search for a land

put the land into play, bring back Bloodghast

Go back to step one until you run out of lands.

Be happy about all the tokens you put on Meren.

With Skullclamp

put Skullclamp on Bloodghast, it dies. Draw 2 cards and put counter on Meren.

put a land into play, Bloodghast returns. :)

With any mill-card or discarding:

Bloodghast ends up in the graveyard

put a land into play, hello Bloodghast!

January 30, 2016 9:34 a.m.

Tyr_W says... #24

Oh, ofcourse Meren of Clan Nel Toth

January 30, 2016 9:35 a.m.

Trtl says... #25

March 17, 2016 7:33 p.m.

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