Say Your Praers

Commander / EDH* LoneCrusader


Chuff_Bucket says... #1

Odric, Lunarch Marshal may be a good addition here, if for nothing less than consistently giving your team Flying each combat.

Blade of Selves could do some real work in this deck. Think of bouncing a bunch of stuff with Angel of Serenity, or recurring a bunch of stuff with Sun Titan, getting a bunch of tokens/battle cry off of Hero of Bladehold, recurring a bunch of stuff with Karmic Guide, or just copying your biggest baddie to throw at every opponent. I think this is a must-include for this deck.

Heliod, God of the Sun seems like right up this deck's alley; a big, indestructible beatstick that gives universal vigilance and also pumps out tokens to be pumped? I'd hop on that train in an instant.

Secure the Wastes was something I know you were considering from before, and I think it deserves a spot in this list.

Elspeth Tirel has a bomb ultimate for this deck, and it has a one-turn clock for it. Besides that, she gives you some incidental life-gain to keep you ahead of your opponents or puts 3 tokens on the board, which you're always about.

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar has great options on all three of his abilities for this deck. I would strongly consider him once he rotates out of standard and becomes more affordable.

Ajani Steadfast seems to like your gameplan, as does OG Ajani Goldmane. GET DOSE ANTHEMS SOOONNNN

June 23, 2016 12:23 p.m.

XEYeti says... #2

I think Crovax, Ascendant Hero and Obelisk of Urd would fit in well here. Maybe swap out Akroma's Vengeance for a Mass Calcify, depending on the local meta? It's got a higher CMC, sure, but it leaves your guys alone.

December 1, 2016 9:09 a.m.

Razulghul says... #3

Hey, so I'm a big fan of white myself and there's a few things I'd consider:

Weathered Wayfarer is really indispensable to me, he always earns his keep. Might add in Deserted Temple as well but not absolutely necessary.

Land Tax and Scroll Rack are just awesome, I never regret having either.

I really think Sword of the Animist is really good, even though mono white isn't exactly the greatest for aggro it pays off big in longer games/slower metas.

Lastly I'd try and find a spot for Knight-Captain of Eos, Mikaeus, the Lunarch and Admonition Angel all of them are just fantastic.

Some cuts I'd consider: Emeria Shepherd she always felt to slow to me and Intrepid Hero isn't great imo. That's all I've got, hope it helps. Also you can look at my list if you want some other ideas, Getting Mono.

March 9, 2017 2:09 p.m.

GoldenDiggle says... #4

I love Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite! I have been wanting to pick her up since her reprint, but I haven't gotten around to it yet...

I think your deck could use a Crackdown. It hurts everyone who isn't white, and nothing you have is affected by this.

If you are looking to spit out tokens, Nomads' Assembly can crank them out pretty good, as can Deploy to the Front. (which isn't as useful because Elesh Norn kills a lot of stuff.)

Authority of the Consuls and Blind Obedience slow down what survives, and the latter acts as a mana sink that drains.

Since you have got some angels (mono white always does) it may be worthwhile adding Defy Death, cause it beefs things up a bit.

Deck looks fun! +1!

March 9, 2017 10:13 p.m.

Kizrakas says... #5

March 14, 2017 1:52 p.m.

GertzDK says... #6

Aven mindcensor really works magic, though it rarely get to stay on the board for long in my meta :/

July 11, 2017 2:05 a.m.

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