SBT Combo

Commander / EDH* Voidia

SCORE: 121 | 80 COMMENTS | 68248 VIEWS | IN 81 FOLDERS

darklord1135 says... #1

November 22, 2017 6:16 p.m.

Voidia says... #2

Blighted Bat is part of the Necrotic Ooze combo to grant haste so that it can tap using Chaneller Initiate's ability

November 23, 2017 1:13 a.m.

Coheed935 says... #3

Hey there, I'm currently turning my Nath into this decklist! I've never played a full on combo deck but boy does this look fun, and recently my LGS has been offering price support for EDH so something like this is going to be awesome. I'll be staying in touch while I collect the cards and if you play on Cockatrice, i'd love for you to play it against me and show me some tips and tricks.

January 4, 2018 4:56 p.m.

Voidia says... #4

Sure thing, I play on cockatrice occasionally and will absolutely show you some ropes

January 4, 2018 10:23 p.m.

SlavicGhaespar says... #5

Could you check out this budgety brew and give some advice on improving deck :) I would really appreciate it.

January 9, 2018 5:44 a.m.

Lazaruz13 says... #6

Hi! Voidia

I was playing a bit diferent version of the deck, because my personal style and skill.

What i want to ask you is what do you think about playing Telepathy and Scroll Rack?

In my LGS there is a lot blue control and stax deck, and been able to check all of my oponents and would let me been able to know when to go off. Scroll rack its just a powerfull unpainful way to sculpt my hand.

The deck is feeling great, always threatening the win. And after several weaks going for the combo in between 3 -5 turn, its been dificult to go around the hate (Blood moon, cage, container, etc) any suggestion to how to adapt?

Thanks for your answer in advance!

GG from Portugal!

March 10, 2018 4:57 a.m.

Manalito says... #7

Hi, Voidia! I am interested in this deck but I was wondering if you have a list that runs Flash Hulk, because it was mentioned in the Lab Maniacs protean hulk strategy spotlight video that you did. I will like to check that out. Thanks in advance.

March 14, 2018 7:18 p.m.

Niahburn says... #8

Hey I am building a very similar sidisi list to the one you have here and I really enjoy the deck.

My question is what would be the best way to go about playing this deck against a blood pod deck? Out of all the cedh meta decks I have played against I find this one to be the hardest to face for me. The deck runs many anti meta cards like blood moon, linvala keeper of silence, anafenza ect.

Do you have any tips for playing against this deck or similar stax/hate bear style decks?

June 7, 2018 6:14 a.m.

The_Squirrel says... #9

Why is Necrotic Ooze not in the deck anymore. Isn't it part of most the combos?

August 16, 2018 5:54 p.m.

JohnFlibls says... #10

The new combo uses Muldrotha and infinitely looping lions eye diamond, animate dead, and phantasmal image.

August 18, 2018 5:04 a.m.

Fenix15 says... #11

Hey, I enjoy the list a lot, keep up the good work! Any reason why you are playing Phyrexian Delver over Body Double here?

September 18, 2018 4:18 p.m.

Voidia says... #12

@Fenix15 Phyrexian Delver creates an additional body for Razaketh to sacrifice.

@Niahburn I do not have much experience playing against blood pod because nobody I play with owns it in paper and my online practice dropped off before the deck became super popular. That being said, some good anti-hate cards are stuff like Wipe Away, Reclamation Sage, Natural State, Gilded Drake, and a few others that can be catered to what you face specifically.

@Lazaruz13 I have always been opposed to Telepathy because it does nothing that a little foresight and caution can't handle. If you are interested in this effect Gitaxian Probe will be able to accomplish, provided you have a read on your meta. Scroll Rack is really slow. It seems like Sylvan Library provides the same advantage faster and with a negligible cost. The synergy of putting things on top to be milled with Sidisi is cute, but ultimately not worth it in cEDH.

October 9, 2018 9:41 p.m.

CommanderDD says... #13

Hi there,

Love this current deck-list with LED, animate dead, PI, Muldrotha combo.

I play a very similar brew. I have played around with some additional combos which you might want to comment on :) I like Cephalid Illusionist + lightning greaves combo (often switching between mana dork and Cephalid) as an additional enabler to mill your library (in case you lose hermit and have trouble getting him back). The lightning greaves can be clunky but sometimes they are a free play with colorless mana and sometimes really handy with hermit as well. I have also tried out basalt monolith and mesmeric orb, but they are too clunky to get going - mesmeric can give you nice stuff to reanimate for alternative wins, but don´t think they are cEDH compatible (but fun in EDH with sidisi on board). I really like Apprentice Necromancer as an additional way to get hermit in and tap right away but you often use turn1 or turn 2 to play him which may cost you mana to response. I like natural state in addition to natures claim as that saves your day a lot.

November 26, 2018 10:56 a.m.

dps720418 says... #14

I just realized food chain says exile instead of sac because I was gonna tell you it doesn't target scourge but your right. Sweet deck, I gotta try it!

March 22, 2019 11:59 p.m.

NighthawkBotH says... #15

I've been following this deck for a while and I think there might be a formatting issue in the combo lines section? I'm having a hard time following the Muldrotha section since it was added. They don't seem related to Muldrotha unless I'm missing something. I see we've also eschewed Apprentice Necromancer and Devoted Initiate as infinite mana lines, so how are we killing with Walking Ballista? Great write-up, hopefully you're still active around here!

April 29, 2019 2:04 p.m.

NighthawkBotH says... #16

I see now that Muldrotha+LED+PI make infinite mana. So I'm assuming we're reanimating Muldrotha with a flipped deck? I believe I'm still missing something here as that would mean a flipped deck with Nooze on the field no longer goes off with Blighted Bat+Infinite mana engine?

April 29, 2019 2:24 p.m.

Voidia says... #17

Muldrotha making infinite mana allows you to cast an infinitely large Ballista from the graveyard and dome the table. Natural State is a great include if your meta is big on hate pieces rather than one-shot hate or stack interaction. Apprentice Necromancer floats in and out of the maybeboard and is perfectly serviceable.

April 30, 2019 9:24 p.m.

NighthawkBotH says... #18

Wow, thanks for the quick response! That makes sense. I didn't even realize at the time of posting that the whole Nooze package was taken out. Muldrotha+PI+LED seems a lot more compact. I guess I have to ask then what does our Buried Alive pile look like then? Since we can't do Nooze+Hermit+Blighted Bat anymore. Also, without Phantasmagorian, is Survival of the Fittest our only plan B if we draw into any of the Muldrotha line pieces? Great write-up, cheers.

May 1, 2019 12:10 p.m.

Voidia says... #19

Buried Alive gets Phyrexian Delver, PI, and Razaketh which brings back Razaketh and 2 bodies. From there you can set up any combo you want pretty easily. Plan B is either Survival or adding in Cabal Therapy.

May 7, 2019 11:44 a.m.

N.T.Smith says... #20

Hello, I'm currently building this deck, and I'd like to know if some interactions are viable due to newly printed cards.

Emry, Lurker of the Loch and Conjurer's Bauble plus Arcbound Reclaimer for recursion amd to regrow your library, plus some artifacts like Mindless Automaton to make a draw instant for Lab Maniac and maybe run it instead of Phantasmagorian for the discard. Endling + Glen Elendra, Archmage for counterspells and undying.

Also I'd like to know if Dregscape Zombie, Bloodghast, Gravecrawler and/ore Vengevine are possible inclusions for the deck to sacrifice to Dread Return and if they were tested at some point, especially the 1CMC ones cause being black and both Dregscape and Fatesticher being zombies can bring Gravecrawler back, just in case you don't have blue mana available or Narcomoeba in hand or they kill Druid in response etc.

Thank you and keep being awesome.

November 9, 2019 2:32 p.m.

KuyaKun says... #21

With the Theros Beyond Death set here, Thassa's Oracle might be worthy of replacing Lab Maniac and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy. Thassa's ability will hit the stack either way and even if hit with creature removal, would still win the game. On top of that, Thassa can be more useful than lab maniac outside of the combo.

January 31, 2020 1:43 a.m.

lehdantes says... #22

how CAN YOU get extra green mana if to pay for necromancer ability you need to sacrifice him? You cant respond the sacrifice by putting a counter on it with wall of roots

February 19, 2020 7:30 p.m.

Voidia says... #23

Sorry I have been not as responsive lately but here we go.

Thassas Oracle has changed the deck in a very major way and I will need to do a pretty comprehensive overhaul of the list.

February 21, 2020 2:30 p.m.

Sultai_Sir says... #24

I love this decklist! I've been making a Sidisi primer, The Deck that Death Forgot, and was wondering if you could help me out. It's not your level of competitive, but I'm trying to make it a bit more powerful. One question about the decklist, though. What's Narset's Reversal for? It may be serving some purpose I'm not seeing, but couldn't you just sub in a better counterspell?

June 4, 2020 5:27 p.m.

DJYavimaya says... #25

Looks like you've moved off Muldrotha combo as well as Ballista all together. Is that solely because of Oracle? I moved back off of Oracle when Flash was banned because I felt it was overall easier to layer the different Ballista enablers, and I have Raza to facilitate it. So I have FC, Mike+Ball Hulk pile, and Muldrotha combo. Do you find what you have to be more consistent?

June 25, 2020 12:36 a.m.

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