Imagine a world with a format named standard which is not dominated by Saheeli Cat Combo or Mardu Vehicles. Right, so now you've got the picture. Well, in that world there is a very special deck which is oriented around -1 -1 counters, and utilizing the card Nest of Scarabs will create a big load of scarabs to eventually win you the game. You have a bunch of card with high toughness to stack your counters, which you recieve from creatures such as Baleful Ammit. All these creatures have INSANE value, and on top of that you get a crap load of scarabs. Seems like a good deal? Than this deck is for you.
Baleful Ammit Is just pure power. 4/3 lifelinker for 3??? AND A SCARAB? Playset.
Exemplar of Strength
Put it on another creature or on itself, doesn't matter. 3 scarabs and some lifegain, so playset.
Crocodile of the Crossing I'm not sure about this one, but haste and a big body for 4 is OK so I put 1 there.
Metallic Mimic buffs all your little insects and can make them a tad bigger. Really helps with zombie matchups, since most have a toughness of 2, so your chump block can actually kill the zombie.
Hapatra's Mark Weak creatures? No problem, this fixes them by removing all their counters, so playset.
Fatal Push - Who heard of a deck with the color black without Fatal Push? Also, revolt is almost always active because of the chump blocking of the scarabs and all these minus 1 minus 1 counters.
Defiant Greatmaw Good value.
Vessel of Nascency Digging for that Nest of Scarabs.
Benefaction of Rhonas
A beast card, searches top 5 cards for a creature and helps dig for the Nest of Scarabs. Auto included playset.
Soulstinger Big body, dump your counters on it for scarabs, and when it dies, destroy opponents' creatures and as a bonus you get more scarabs! Auto-include of a playset.
The sideboard is mainly adjusted to the world WITH Mardu Vehicles, so there's the reason for those choices.
This deck has has little to no playtesting, so feedback is appreciated. Most importantly though, have fun!