
This is Seth, probably better known as Saffron Olive,'s mono-blue wizard ETB deck Nabanamonicon ( updated after a few rotations, and added new spice with the inclusion of white.

To replace the lost Panharmonicon and Illusionist's Stratagem , the new Lumbering Battlement and Quasiduplicate was added. The original Academy Journeymage and later version's Exclusion Mage was cut in favour of Deputy of Detention . To help against removal-based control, Siren Stormtamer was put in as a two-of.

Changed the sideboard around for a vastly different Meta, mostly geared towards control as Black-Green and similar decks have almost died out in the local community.

Infinite combos:


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Took it to Game Day in Farao's Cigars in Lyngby, DK, and was the only one to go 4-0 before being defeated by a paired-up Jeskai Control deck in the 5th and final round.

The wins was won almost exclsuively with 2-1's, beating Mardu angels, Bant midrange, Orzhov vampire tribal, and Izzet turbo-dragon control.


Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years
Splash colors W

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

24 - 2 Rares

11 - 10 Uncommons

8 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.64
Tokens Copy Clone, Spirit 1/1 WB
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