Science & Simic's Ridic.

Commander / EDH* ClutchWorks


JWiley129 says... #1

Well, Panoptic Mirror is banned in EDH, so you'll probably habe to find something else for that slot. I'm on my phone so I can't really go in depth on the other cards, but you have some suboptimal cards in there.

December 26, 2014 3:09 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #2

Here are the cards I would cut for better cards. Gleeful Sabotage should be Krosan Grip. Snakeform, Reality Spasm, Spreading Seas, Rite of Passage, Quest for Renewal, Back from the Brink, Spellbook, Puppet Strings, Sapseep Forest, Slippery Bogle, Omnibian, and Shorecrasher Mimic are all not what you want to be doing in EDH. There are simply better things you can use in those spots, like Seedborn Muse over Quest for Renewal or Reliquary Tower over Spellbook.

You can take a look at my deck Vorel and his Merry Counters if you want some other Simic ideas. But it is very theme oriented.

December 26, 2014 3:25 p.m.

Yeah I saw your deck help post and I remember you saying something about counters in it, and for that Vorel of the Hull Clade is perfect for this deck. I built one a while back, and although they can be competitive, they're usually casual decks but still hold an immense level of power. Look at JWiley129's deck. I referenced it when I built my Vorel deck.

December 26, 2014 3:46 p.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #4

If you're going for counter shenanigans I'd suggest switching commanders to Vorel because he synergizes better with that. Also, Doubling Season is nuts with counters.

Since simic is about science and mutations and such, maybe some some hydras in here wouldn't be a bad idea.

I'd run Turnabout instead of Reality Spasm, I think it's slightly better.

Also, throw in some protection for your creatures especially the Prophet because people hate that card. Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, and maybe a Privileged Position. Spreading Seas isn't great, I'd run something else.

As for the mana base, maybe run a few more lands, most commander decks run 35-37. Sapseep Forest isn't great, one life a turn isn't enough to cut it in a format where you start at 40 life. I'd take out the Simic Growth Chamber and the guildgate in favor of more basics (we don't like lands that enter the battlefield tapped). Breeding Pool and Misty Rainforest are both extremely good but they're also rather expensive. Arcane Lighthouse is a great addition to most EDH decks, I'd run that also. Temple of Mystery and Yavimaya Coast are another easy way of mana fixing.

Looks pretty good from here, hope this helps.

December 26, 2014 3:55 p.m.

ClutchWorks says... #5

Thanks for the quick input guys. I guess my train of thought with Snakeform and Omnibian was to morph an opponent's creature for easy removal, and I saw Back from the Brink as a means of recursion, but I definitely understand your recommendations, JWiley129. I was also thinking of Quest for Renewal as an additional means of untapping my permanents, but that's because I didn't even know Seedborn Muse existed until today (no judging). Might take me a minute to swap those out along with your land recommendations ThisIsBullshit.

The main reason why I focused on Kruphix instead of Vorel is because I originally saw this deck playing towards the benefits of Chasm Skulker and Overbeing of Myth. I also thought about Steel Hellkite as another possible aggressor since I should have so much colorless in my mana pool, in theory. If you guys think focusing on the counters is a stronger tactic, then I'm sure I can pick up a Doubling Season and swap for Vorel. Dunno, maybe I was trying to do too much at once.

December 26, 2014 4:20 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #6

The only problem with ThisIsBullshit's recommendation is that Privileged Position isn't legal in a Simic deck since it's G/W hybrid mana. Otherwise he's spot on. And I personally don't mind the guildgate or Simic Growth Chamber, but that's up to you if you want to take them out.

December 26, 2014 4:25 p.m.

ThisIsBullshit says... #7

*she, and yeah oops I forgot about the hybrid mana.

Steel Hellkite is good in a lot of decks, never a bad idea.

As for who should be commander, I've been of the mindset that the gods are good, but not powerful as commanders. I think Kruphix is great as one of the 99, but he's not quite important enough to your strategy (I think) to warrant getting the commander spot. Having Vorel as your commander would allow you constant access to him.

However, this is all up to you so feel free to try out suggestions and then throw them out the window lol.

December 26, 2014 4:36 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #8

Apologies ThisIsBullshit, gender is usually hard to determine over text only communication anyways.

December 26, 2014 4:40 p.m.

ClutchWorks says... #9

Lol Thanks guys! I had 2 Jace's lying around, so they may just help me cycle and draw a little bit. I've tweaked my ratios and creatures a little based on your recommendations as well. I'll have to do some more brainstorming before I purchase the decklist, since I'm sure there are ways to refine playability between both aggro and defensive. Stay Tuned!

Oh, and thanks again. lol

December 26, 2014 4:47 p.m.

That's fine, there aren't a whole lot of girls on here so it's easy to assume. No worries though.

December 26, 2014 4:50 p.m.

masterosok says... #11

Just a few ideas...not sure if any are worth swapping what you have for:

Increasing Savagery

Inexorable Tide

Forgotten Ancient

Strength of the Tajuru


December 26, 2014 5:07 p.m.

ClutchWorks says... #12

Inexorable Tide and Vigor are too good.. Since I trimmed most of the tapping cards out of this deck I'll just have to swap Hidden Strings and Ponder for them. I think I would have to use my Isochron Scepters with Bioshift and Simic Charm anyway so having the extra sorceries wouldn't do me much good without recursion.

December 26, 2014 5:28 p.m.

masterosok says... #13

Triskelion could be pretty effective in your deck too.

December 26, 2014 5:44 p.m.

serlX says... #14

Triskelion = Impact it creates upon resolution is terrifying in a counter deck

Vastwood Hydra = Can get out of control

Hooded Hydra = Compliments Squid Skulker

Contagion Engine = Great for all counter decks and even better if you want to slip in something like Phyrexian Hydra

Doubling Cube = Amazing with Kruphix

I also love playing with global group-hug effects (Which may or may not work with your meta); cards like Dictate of Karametra, Dictate of Kruphix (All of my god decks have his/her respective dictate for flavor) and Rites of Flourishing; to name a few.

Honorary mentions: Pentavus, Tetravus, Everflowing Chalice, Thrummingbird, Power Conduit, Fertilid, Novijen Sages, Lux Cannon, Novijen, Heart of Progress and Llanowar Reborn, Shielding Plax, Give / Take,

What I would remove and replace with the above:

Tomoya the Revealer

Lorescale Coatl

Cloudfin Raptor

Sculpting Steel

Ring of Evos Isle

Isochron Scepter = You only have 2 viable instants to use with it.

Solidarity of Heroes = Replace with something that will go further; maybe Increasing Savagery

Icy Blast & Blue Sun's Zenith = Replace with something more long-term. Sage of Fables is a good draw engine that is easier to get more use out of than Blue Sun.

December 26, 2014 6:11 p.m.

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