Who needs a Scion, when Ur-the Dragon?!

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 239 | 102 COMMENTS | 38739 VIEWS | IN 100 FOLDERS

Rhadamanthus says... #1

Looks good. If you're interested in more reanimation effects, check out Exhume, Stitch Together, Corpse Dance, Victimize, and Miraculous Recovery.

January 11, 2015 4:22 p.m.

tigerwoman says... #2

I would say consider Midnight Recovery as it is copy/regen

January 11, 2015 10:17 p.m.

VexenX says... #3

Exhume looks perfect! I am reanimating stuff earlier that most decks, plus my reanimation are going to be a lot more painful in the long run. "I'll take my big dragon beater and you can take back your little dude." I will think about Corpse Dance and Victimize. I own both, i'll play test to see how many regen cards I really need. Thank you for the insight!

January 11, 2015 10:33 p.m.

VexenX says... #4

Ok, I made 11 changes to my deck. The list is in the 'Update' section. Let me know what you think! Thanks again

January 12, 2015 2:44 a.m.

VexenX says... #5

make that 13 changes lol

January 12, 2015 2:45 a.m.

tigerwoman says... #6

I just play tested your deck and it is good the only thing is that you have no basic Island + Mountain that cards like Bloodstained Mire, Flooded Strand, Polluted Delta,Windswept Heath and Wooded Foothills need to work otherwise they are pointless cards.

I would suggest at least putting at least one of each basic land type into this deck: Like

3x Swamp

2x Forest

1x Mountain

1x Plains

1x Island

January 12, 2015 9:58 a.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #7

@tigerwoman: Since the fetch lands don't say they specifically get "Basic NN", they can get any land with the given types. For example: Bloodstained Mire can get Blood Crypt, Godless Shrine, Overgrown Tomb, Sacred Foundry, Steam Vents, or Watery Grave. Each of those is either a Swamp or a Mountain.

January 12, 2015 1:41 p.m.

VexenX says... #8

Yup, you summed it up for me. What do you guys think about the changes I made?

January 12, 2015 2:39 p.m.

MrAwesomeSocks says... #9

Your deck looks great! I have one quick suggestion. Since you're running Scourge of Valkas, I highly recommend running Rite of Replication. If you kick Rite, targeting Scourge, that's an automatic 180 damage. Too good to pass up, IMO.


If you ever want a bit of inspiration, check out my deck at Who shall I be when I devour your soul?. Maybe you'll see a combo you like.

January 15, 2015 11:33 p.m.

Kozelek says... #10

First off I love "scion the any-dragon" (you can tell by the name of my deck just how I feel about him A Dragon by any other name yes like the old saying "a rose by any other name will still smell as sweet") next I'd like to elaborate on MrAwesomeSocks suggestion of Rite of Replication in case you did not understand the way you get (a minimum of) 180 direct damage, the math goes like this 5x6x6 or 5 dragons ETB triggering 6 Scourge of Valkas with 6 dragons in play (if you have more than just 1 dragon out at the time you play rite of replication the last number goes up) next you said you want to get scion out asap Channel the Suns gets him out T4 (or as early as T1 with the right mana ramp to back it up but that can cost $200, Mana Crypt+Sol Ring+, or $5 Lotus Petal+Dark Ritual/Mana Vault+, depending on how you do it) T2 however is cake T1:green producing land+Sol Ring, T2: any other land tap both lands and sol ring play channel the Suns then scion.

January 16, 2015 10:32 a.m.

VexenX says... #11

Thank you both for the insight!

-MrAwesomeSocks, I am loving that Rite of Replication + Scourge of Valkas combo! ( Thank you for clarifying how that whole thing worked Kozelek!) It is a pretty affordable card, so I will get it and try play testing, and Ill let you know how it works out. My only concern is the fact that you need 11 mana to make it work....but in EDH getting 11 colorless for a win is not that unreasonable. The major question is what to take out...

-Kozelek, I like the differant ramp. What I have put together as a "God Hand" is; T1 Forest, Sol Ring, T2 Lotus Cobra, Fetchland(Trigger), Fetch(Trigger), Skyshroud Claim, (Trigger,Trigger), Play Scion, T3 ...Win. Thoughts? lol

January 19, 2015 12:14 a.m.

Shathief says... #12

sorry but your math is off - that "God hand" only leaves you with 4 mana at the end of that chain, not enough for a t2 Scion (unless you meant that you were also casting a Channel the Suns no make it to 5)

March 1, 2015 9:59 p.m.

H3llfir369 says... #13

Deck looks great. Just curious why you remove Ojutai, Soul of Winter and Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund? Ojutai can be used if your opponent has a enough blockers to block most of your dragons. Declare attackers, after they declare blockers, use Scion's ability in response to tap down all their critters. Bonus, they can't swing at you next turn.

April 29, 2015 8:53 p.m.

Your deck looks very solid. The only thing that seems out of place are the counterspells. I understand that counterspells are universally awesome, but only running two seems to be like a waste of deck space.

One combo I'd like to present for your consideration is Hellkite Tyrant + Mycosynth Lattice . Ever have that guy around the table that just annoys you? Ever think that "I just want to take his deck and beat him over the head with it"? Well now, you metaphorically can! Cast Mycosynth Lattice to turn every permanent on the battlefield into an artifact. Swing with Scion of the Ur-Dragon at the person who you want to ruin their day. Transform and trample through with Hellkite Tyrant, and PRESTO! All their permanents (even lands) now belong to you.

Council's Judgment > Mortify/Putrefy/Vindicate. Consider taking one of these out for it. Exiling any permanent is better than destroying only specific cards.

Another thing to consider is using the pain lands over the taplands. Taplands (example: Drowned Catacomb) still has a chance to come into play tapped, cutting its effectiveness, whereas painlands (example: Underground River) always come into play untapped. It all comes down to personal preference. I would prefer to have my lands NEVER come into play tapped.

April 30, 2015 11:10 a.m.

VexenX says... #15

H3llfir369: I put Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund back in my deck. I didn't like the idea of someone else using it against me and taking over my dragons. But on the flip side, it is amazing to play with. You can still get the haste with Dragonlord Kolaghan if our meta make Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund risky to play.

Now, Ojutai, Soul of Winter.. looking at it now i might have to give it another shot. I don't really play with a meta that runs nearly enough blockers to some my dragon assault, but it is good if i just need to get a bit more commander damage in.. or just want a guarantee a alpha strike to go through. But i think you need to turn him into Ojutai before it attacks because it says "whenever a dragon you control attacks". I could be wrong.

MrAwesomeSocks: The reason I am running counters is because of my meta. Almost everyone runs counters, which forces me to run counters in order to counter there counters.... really lame... that's why I really hate blue. I think i might add a couple more counters.. sadly.

I like the Hellkite Tyrant + Mycosynth Lattice combo! The only problem is that i think Mycosynth Lattice is a unexciting card without the combo. I am not a fan of running cards that aren't good without another card paired to it. Plus, it's very bad for politics to suddenly double all your permanents lol.

Ill definitely take note to Council's Judgment. It depends on having an ally... but will get rid of any major threat.

The taplands are just filler tell i can get the other fetchs when Zendikar is back. Taplands aren't bad. With all my mana fixing they almost always come in untapped.

Thank you both for the advice!!!

April 30, 2015 9:32 p.m.

H3llfir369 says... #16

I feel ya man. I prefer Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund over Dragonlord Kolaghan because the Dragonlord's ability is really crappy for EDH. Plus if you play someone else with dragons, you can take them. I only use him as a last resort anyways. I actually just modded my deck. Took out Broodmate Dragon and Dragonspeaker Shaman to put in Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and Curiosity. I playtested it a few times. Works very well. Cast a Wargate after using Scion's ability, boom, game over. :D

May 1, 2015 12:06 a.m.

VexenX says... #17

I very much agree with your changes. I don't think you should be hard casting dragons all that much with this deck, if your playing it right.

I have played my deck AT LEAST 30 times in the past few month. I have yet to lose, I lie to you not! It is going to happen one of these days, but my meta just can't handle Patriarch's Bidding into Atarka, World Render, Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund, Scourge of the Throne and gang lol. This is talking 1v1 and multiplier. I kind of had to play other decks to keep friends lol... it also got people to play a ton a early game counter to try and stop Scion from coming in... which is why I am forced to play counters haha. I'm just glad I have 4 other EDH decks to play so I don't attract all the hate haha. After a turn 6 multiplier sweep with Scion I bring out Phelddagrif to make everyone like me again =D

May 1, 2015 12:35 a.m.

VexenX says... #18

Oh H3llfir369, how does Wargate interact with Scion?? I might be missing something

May 1, 2015 12:37 a.m.

Shathief says... #19

VexenXcast where x = 1 to fetch Curiosity after you make you Scion all Niv Mizzetty

May 1, 2015 12:51 a.m.

VexenX says... #20

I see, another combo. I might try that play style at one point, but for now I just enjoy my huge army of reanimated dragons to much lol

May 1, 2015 12:54 a.m.

VexenX says... #21

Random question, how do people get their score so high??? I have like 1000 views but only 4 points....:(

May 1, 2015 12:55 a.m.

Shathief says... #22

The Rite of Replication + Scourge of Valkas is very mana intensive and Scourge of Valkas is not that great on its own.

But the new enchantment Dragon Tempest + Rite of Replication + any dragon will do the same damage (if you copy a legendary dragon they still all enter the battlefield and trigger Dragon Tempest before you are forced to sac all but one of them - obviously copying a non-legendary one is better lol)

And a Dragon Tempest is cheaper and more useful as a standalone combo piece then Scourge of Valkas.

May 1, 2015 1:10 a.m.

VexenX says... #23

I took all three of those cards out of my deck. I MIGHT have to relook Dragon Tempest.. but I just don't know where it would fit. I would almost always play ether boots turn two over it..

May 1, 2015 10:45 a.m.

thatgingerguy says... #24

This deck looks awesome. I just built one myself recently and it's been the deck to beat in my playgroup. There's a Kaalia deck, a Rafiq deck, a Surrak Dragonclaw deck and a Prossh deck amongst my group and the 5c deck makes it fun for me and not anyone else. Check it out, would love your feedback on it. Not your mother's Scion

May 6, 2015 4:05 p.m.

VexenX says... #25

thatgingerguy: Thank you! I have put in a lot of work and play testing into this deck! It is almost crazy how consistent this deck is!

My play group is extremely diverse. I personally have 5 different EDH decks (Scion being my personal favorite), and pretty much everyone else in my Meta has at least 2 or 3 as well. I can say that Blue has been the color of choice recently... So because of that I have been forced to play counterspells.. and might have to add some more... But that is a beauty of a 5c deck, you can add anything you want!

Like you, my Scion deck has been the deck to beat. When we pick commanders people flinch at the sight of him, and then pull out a more competitive deck lol.

There are THREE paths that I have seen Scion take as a commander:

1) The most competitive, and hated version is the Hermit Druid combo. This style is extremely competitive, so don't play it unless you want to lose all of your friends. It also doesn't have anywhere near the same feel as any of the Dragon/Tribal decks (which is what makes Scion of the Ur-Dragon so cool if you ask me).

2) The Second is a more 2 card combo based deck likeMrAwesomeSocks's deck (it won't let me tag the deck for some reason). His lists all the combos he uses on his form, so if you wanted to go that route I would check it out. The downside with this build is that a lot of the combos rely heavily on the second card. This is normally very bad, but Scion is a built-in tutor for all of the second pieces for each combo.

3) My play style is very similar to the last one. The difference is that I focus mainly on using Scion's ability to fill up my graveyard, and then pop a mass reanimation card, like Living Death. The downside of this build is that GY hate is a thing. You need to play smart, and time your final assault just right.

I hope this give you a bigger picture of how Scion of the Ur-Dragon is played. If you play Scion in a different way please share it! These are just the most successful methods that I have seen.

May 6, 2015 7:45 p.m.

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