Right now it looks like you're going for deck manipulation to milling, burn, and control. That's a bit too open on the focuses of the deck for most cases. From what I can see right now, burn is most important, so take out most of the milling and control. If you insist on keeping control, replace Mana Leak with Cancel or Dissipate . Counterspell is always a good choice to have, so keep that in for sure if you want to keep control in. Increase the Izzet Charm to 4x because of it's versatility. I guess it'd be easier to put this as a list.
-1x Jace, the Mind Sculptor -4x Mana Leak -1x Goblin Guide -4x Brainstorm -1x Scroll Rack -4x Gut Shot
+1x Ponder +1x Preordain +4x Dissipate +3x Izzet Charm +1x Thunderous Wrath
Either +3x or -1x card:Runechanter's Pike (depending on how useful it really is to you.)
That's all I have as far as suggestions. I believe this cuts it down to 63, depending on what you do with the Pike. Do as you wish with the suggestions.
January 1, 2013 12:32 a.m.
Honestly don't understand what you're saying.. I'm using my JTMS because it's cheap acts as a consistent brainstorm and takes heavy aggro. Goblin guide is an incredible 1 drop 2/2 haste, i could care less about it's ability. This is a fast deck so mana leak is infinitely better than dissipate or cancel. I don't like most of what izzet charm does compared to my 1drop cards. Brainstorm is literally the heart and soul of this deck, not touching a single one. Scroll rack is without a doubt the best set yourself up card in the game. Gutshot can be used when you're completely tapped out, insanely important in my opinion. Literally every thing you listen to add, are exactly my most recent cuts, and I'm content with them. Thanks for your opinion though, just not what I'm going for :P
Skywizard says... #1
Looking to make some cuts need to get down to 60 ideally.
January 1, 2013 12:11 a.m.