Scry For the Win (UPDATED - Jeskai)

Modern* A_Magikarp


LOLCHICKEN92 says... #1

I can't say I'm completely onon board with this suggestion, but have you considered Battlewise Hoplite ? Everything you target him with instantly triggers your flamespeaker. Just gives a bit of synergy to the deck. And he gets a little perma-pump from targets. Also, my thoughts are just dropping treasure cruise for another dig through time. DTT is just better (in standard, at least) than treasure cruise. It only nets you two cards, but they're the best 2 of the top 7, vice three randoms. And it's end step-able. Saves your open mana through their turn so that you can use instants for removal or protection, and then dig at the end. And I would say maybe one more Chandra, depending on how well she's been performing for you. Her card advantage is insane in a deck like this. Being able to cast an extra card every turn is nutso, especially at a cmc of like 3 and below, typically. Anyways, just my thoughts! Good luck! Love the build, +1 from me.

October 17, 2014 11:34 a.m.

LOLCHICKEN92 says... #2

Also, an amendment, I would suggest 1-2 more lands, since curving out to 5 can be somewhat difficult in a 22 land deck.

October 17, 2014 11:35 a.m.

A_Magikarp says... #3

I'll definitely consider Battlewise Hoplite ! The synergy seems nice and it's a 2-drop. I'll try it out eventually. :) And maybe I'll just drop the Treasure Cruise to fit it another land; we do a lot of scrying and lots of cards with card advantage, so I'm thinking just running 1 DTT would be okay.

So far I've only tested against a Temur aggro / midrange deck; it's so hard to deal with a turn-2 / 3 Savage Knuckleblade , followed by a turn-3 / 4 Polukranos, World Eater . :( Went 1-2 in the match-up, beating him the first match before sideboarding..

October 17, 2014 4 p.m.

magicalhobbits says... #4

have you considered Prognostic Sphinx ?

October 22, 2014 6:05 a.m.

A_Magikarp says... #5

I had in the initial building process, but I thought it would be too slow.. However, maybe against a control match up it could work? I'll consider it magicalhobbits, thanks!

October 22, 2014 1:07 p.m.

I think I'll play this list minus 1 magma jet and 1 dig and just run 2 treasure cruise instead. I don't think with this build dig is as good as cruise.

March 3, 2015 3:54 a.m.

kengiczar says... #7

This is a lot of fun. I love that it's got Sarkhan and keranos main.

March 3, 2015 10:52 p.m.

A_Magikarp says... #8

Let me know how it works out ColdHeartedSith! I am interested to hear how it goes. :) Any reason why you think Treasure Cruise would work better than the DTT? I originally had the cruise and took it out for extra lands.

And I'm glad you like it, kengiczar! I think both those cards are just too good to not have at the top of the curve for this deck. Still debating on the running Stormbreath Dragon in place of Sarkhan, though. I wish I had more time to play around and test it. :)

March 3, 2015 11:06 p.m.

twistedblood says... #9

I'd say your deck is a rather linear strategy, so you may want to check out this (Linear Strategies) article if you haven't. It may help you decide what you can change to make the deck more consistent (if that's still an issue).

March 11, 2015 11:11 p.m.

A_Magikarp says... #10

Thanks for the read, twistedblood! That was definitely helpful! :D

March 11, 2015 11:35 p.m.

twistedblood says... #11

Glad to hear it! It seemed like it would be.

March 13, 2015 2:59 p.m.

zebeg says... #12

If it would work with the deck, Knowledge and Power is a red enchantment for 5 that lets you pay 2 each time you scry to deal 2 damage.

March 15, 2015 5:29 p.m.

6tennis says... #13

Alright, let's do this.

Sideboard Suggestions

Pre-DTK Rotation

Searing Blood


Disdainful Stroke

Voyage's End

Post-DTK Rotation

Encase in Ice


Rending Volley

Surge of Righteousness

Ojutai's Command

Other Suggestions

- If you haven't been struggling with your mana base, here's what I would recommend: -1 Island, -1 Temple of Epiphany, +1 Mana Confluence, +1 Temple of Enlightenment.

- You should probably put some Prognostic Sphinxes in the mainboard. Also, single scry engines are great here, so look into Sigiled Starfish and Oracle's Insight.

*Dissolve would probably work in the mainboard too, if you can find something to take it out for.
March 18, 2015 11:13 p.m.

A_Magikarp says... #14

@zebeg: I think the enchantment is too slow for this deck. By Turn 5, I'm hoping that the opponent is already almost set up for the killing blow. Thanks for the suggestion, though. :)

@6tennis: Thanks for the suggestions and the time you put into your post! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to test much recently to test out the mana curve, but if it does give me issues in the future, I'll try out your mana base. :) Also, I originally had Dissolve mainboard, but then I had too many directions for the deck; as twistedblood posted, this deck is mainly an aggro deck. I replaced them with Gods Willing and Ride Down for protection and removal. However, I will take your sideboard suggestions into consideration. I still have yet to work all that out (As you can see in the maybeboard).

As for the scryfish and Oracle's Insight, I originally had those in the deck as well. I loved the interaction they had when Ral Zarek was in standard, but that's been so long ago already..

March 19, 2015 12:22 a.m.

6tennis says... #15

Oh, I see. Yeah, Ral Zarek was amazing. Even still, though, you want to scry as many times as possible, and I think the scryfish is amazing for doing that. As for Dissolve, I can see what you're talking about. This is an aggro deck, but at the same time, it has Dig Through Time, AEtherspouts, Banishing Light, and other things that I would find in a control deck. By the way, Encrust? WHAT? Sure, it gets artifacts, but how many of them actually tap to do their stuff? If anything, I'd bump it down to 1, and maybe bring in more Banishing Lights.

March 19, 2015 7:36 a.m.

twistedblood says... #16

I'm with 6tinnis on the Encrust issue. Banishing Lights are the same CMC, don't have a 2-color in their cost, and you don't have anything like Eidolon of Countless Battles that cares about the number of auras you have.

March 19, 2015 5:20 p.m.

twistedblood says... #17

Also, Dig Through Time doesn't scry and costs a lot. I'd switch it for something that does.

@6tennis: Sorry I mis-typed your name. That said, this is deck probably wants to be r/w aggro with blue control to get through; so I have no issues with AEtherspouts

March 19, 2015 5:24 p.m.

A_Magikarp says... #18

Oh wow, TappedOut didn't notify me you guys have been continuing to post on this, sorry for the late reply! The Dig Through Time was a way to refuel the hand in case the game got drawn out too far. I plan on using lots of instants, so the delve would make it manageable to get to early.

The Encrust was put in there before DTK, and I was trying to figure out ways of dealing with big problem creatures. I also thought it would be an okay fit for trying to get Thassa, God of the Sea online as an attacker. However, there are definitely better options that I can switch them out for. I just like that Jeskai has so many options open to completely change the function of the deck just with sideboarding options, which I feel can really throw the opponent off-guard.

The more I think about it, I also am really leaning towards putting Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest in; maybe replacing a couple Mantis Riders with it?

April 9, 2015 1:51 a.m.

Buscus3 says... #19

I didn't read all the comments so I don't know if this was said already, but Unsummon is another great removal card, just like Voyage's End. For the specific intentions for this deck, Voyage's End is better for the scry, but I just wanted to put it out there.

July 1, 2015 8:53 p.m.

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