Nice budget deck!
This is a deck I would love to play, bookmarking it for future reference and checking out your profile..
December 9, 2013 11:05 a.m.
Salvaging Station says I cost 6 mana. Try getting that out of your 17 lands. If the deck was slower, I'd put it in. But as it is, the highest mana cost here is 2, and I'd like to keep it that way. Thanks for taking a look, though!
December 23, 2013 7:56 p.m.
amishrambo says... #6
oh pfft I forgot how little land this deck had
a shame though Salvaging Station looks so good in this kind of thing
December 23, 2013 9:23 p.m.
Phyrexia's Core is not much of a good card in here not even worth the 1 life and other cards are better off sacrificing any other artifacts you have. I see Darksteel Citadel has replaced the furnaces to make it modern legal. Not bad at least they are indestructible until you sacrifice two of them. This deck has seen much love! :D
December 29, 2013 7:31 p.m.
xKrenko, the single Phyrexia's Core is just there in case I don't draw a Shrapnel Blast or a Kuldotha Rebirth and need to sac an artifact. It's really just a last-ditch, I don't want the life. Might as well do something interesting with those land slots, huh?
December 29, 2013 9:39 p.m.
patchemon1984 says... #9
This deck proves what I was saying about "it's all an illusion". You don't have to spend lots of money on all rare cards for a deck to work well. Nice "outside of the box" thinking!
January 5, 2014 8:13 a.m.
Thanks patchemon1984! That's kinda the creed my wallet forces me to live by. Any suggestions? Maybe help building a sideboard?
January 6, 2014 3:52 p.m.
do you get often 3 or more artifacts in play? if so what about Galvanic Blast looks could help, yes your deck has a lot of synergy really like it it is well thought
why you dont have Great Furnace here?
March 7, 2014 6:56 a.m.
Thanks for the suggestion! It's rare that I get metalcraft, I usually sacrifice too many artifacts for that to work. That said, I'll keep an eye out for metalcraft. If I see it enough, I'll put in the Blast.
I don't have Great Furnace because this is a Modern deck, but they're easy enough to take out when in a tournament and put back in for casual play. I'll add those.
March 7, 2014 10:03 a.m.
volcomstone2892 says... #13
Scrapyard Salvo could be pretty cool in here as a finisher. Atog is also nice, though I could see it being pretty disappointing if he just got Doom Blade d after you sac a bunch of artifacts. I have no idea what I would take out though, you might just want to keep the deck as it is. If you want, try playtesting a bit with Goblin Bushwhacker s and Memnite s in there, because they'd be good together and with Kuldotha Rebirth . Oh on second thought Chimeric Mass seems pretty removeable since you only run 17 lands so he won't get that big and would often be a 0/0 for 0 that you just sac anyway so Memnite could be better than him. If you can fit in Whacker for something such as Perilous Myr , I'd try him and Memnite . Awesome deck idea by the way. If only Goblin Welder were Modern legal haha.
March 7, 2014 1:37 p.m.
I originally had Scrapyard Salvo in here, but didn't like it. It costs a lot of mana, doesn't let me sacrifice anything, and Slag Fiend is a Salvo on legs, anyway. I'm considering Atog , but I think that Kuldotha Rebirth , Shrapnel Blast , and Greater Gargadon work better.
Chimeric Mass is great because it's so flexible. I can play it for 0 on the first turn to get a superfast Kuldotha Rebirth , or I can play it as a 1/1 chump blocker, or later in the game I can play it as a huge, hard-to-remove threat, anywhere from 4/4 to 5/5. That said, a lot of people have been saying it doesn't look good, so it's a card that I'm watching carefully and may be cut.
Memnite is great. I don't see any real problems with it, definitely going in the maybeboard. I like Ornithopter a little more since it flies and does a better job of chumping while I set up, but that's certainly something I'll consider. Thanks for the suggestions and +1!
March 7, 2014 1:46 p.m.
Steam Vents fits in the deck just because of the name :P
July 7, 2014 12:09 p.m.
I've been playing around with the same core interactions and have gravitated towards the Red Deck Wins end of the spectrum: Mr. Fusion. Some of the recent changes I've made include dropping the Ichor Wellspring (wanted to keep most of my artifacts self-sacrificing), and adding Hammer of Purphoros (deck has lots of scaling creatures with no-haste, hammer lets you exploit the turn after a board wipe.)
Does Ornithopter do much for you beyond blocking? Affinity takes good advantage of it, but I don't think Slag Fiend decks play like that at all. Which can work in your favor sometimes, because your early board can represent Affinity, leading people to waste removal putting things in the graveyard for you. Following on from that, I wasn't too happy with Galvanic Blast , when compared to options like Lightning Bolt or 4 Shrapnel Blast .
July 30, 2014 8:50 p.m.
Thanks, inferenz! Your deck looks awesome, I definitely want to gravitate in that direction adding black seems like a pretty good idea, though I'm not sure about Salvage Slasher . It's a pathetic imitation of Slag Fiend , even if it is an artifact.
No, Ornithopter just blocks stuff. It's a relic from a slower version of this deck and I can definitely afford to leave it out. I love the idea of the Hammer, I'll definitely add one or two. It looks like your deck has fewer artifacts that stick around for any length of time than mine, which might be why you're having problems with Galvanic Blast . I'll test it and see if I can keep the metalcraft around, or if I should just swap over to the Bolt.
August 4, 2014 10:43 p.m.
Salvage Slasher is definitely the weakest of the attackers, and would be the first thing I reduce. I've been thinking about switching basics for Darksteel Citadel and using Terrarion as a fixer/pay-1-draw-1 card with Atog . I'm not sure it makes the deck any faster though, and the hammers have been good for mid-game recovery as they increase the number of live top decks.
The way I've been playing it, Galvanic Blast was working at odds with what I wanted to do for combat boosting. The heavy Atog sacrifice route is more risky, and I've had to be careful to play around removal before going all-in on an attack. I prefer to lead with artifact creatures when facing a heavy removal deck, as forcing removal on those only makes the other creatures better.
It's certainly a fun deck. The number of sequencing decisions in aggro is often underappreciated, and this deck has even more than usual.
twospires says... #1
And, you know, Chromatic Star isn't really going to do enough, now that I think about it. I pay 1 to get it out. Then I pay 1 to sacrifice it and get another mana, and draw a card. So I've invested 2 mana and 1 card and gotten 1 mana and 1 card back out. Yes, I get an artifact into the grave, but that only affects my 4 Slag Fiend s. I can sac it with Kuldotha Rebirth , Shrapnel Blast , or Greater Gargadon , I guess, but I can do that with anything. So I don't think it will be all that great.
November 26, 2013 9:18 p.m.