The number one thing about this deck is its pretty well insulated against most single target removal or creature counterspells. With Sefris, its almost too easy to get things back from the graveyard for free. Coming back from a board wipe can be a little more tricky, but its still way easier than with traditional decks.


->Sefris of the Hidden Ways + Angel of Glory's Rise + Sakashima of a Thousand Faces + Cartel Aristocrat BONUS Buried Alive. Have Sakashima enter as a copy of the Angel of Glory, when the trigger is on the stack sacrifice Sakashima to get the Sefris trigger, and then sacrifice Sefris before the Angel of Glory trigger resolves so that both Sefris and Sakashima are resurrected. Repeat. Since Sefris refreshes every time you bring her back as a new instance she triggers infinitely. Using the Dungeon: Lost Mine of Phandelver dungeon you draw infinite cards and trigger "Each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life" infinitely. If for some reason your opponents have more life than you have cards in your deck you merely need to switch over to the Dungeon: Tomb of Annihilation to finish them off. The cool part about this combo is if you are on the second to last stage of a dungeon, and you cast Buried Alive, you can tutor this entire combo and set it off that turn by resurrecting the Angel of Glory as your trigger from Sefris for completing a dungeon.

-> Out value your opponents. You have a few ways to break parity. Glen Elendra Archmage is so good because she stops your opponents from casting most spells and she triggers Sefris to advance the dungeon. Combined with the Grave Pact effects it can give you ultimate board superiority.

-> Cheat in the big stuff. With several ways to discard things into the graveyard, drop the high mana cost cards, venture into the dungeon, and reanimate them for free with Sefris. You can get extra value by sacrificing and reanimating some cards over and over like Plaguecrafter or Recruiter of the Guard.


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OUT: Obsessive Stitcher - IN: Grim Haruspex

Looting once a turn rotation is less good than drawing cards multiple times a turn rotation.

OUT: Strionic Resonator - IN: Sakashima the Impostor

Copying an ability once for 2 mana is worse than just copying my commander.

OUT: Midnight Pathlighter - IN: Ophiomancer

I'm not really attacking a whole lot in this deck and there are a lot of legendary creatures in EDH. Generating a token to sacrifice each turn and feed the engine is way better.


Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.26
Tokens 2/2 C Artifact Creature Spawn, Bird 2/2 U, Dungeon: Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Dungeon: Lost Mine of Phandelver, Dungeon: Tomb of Annihilation, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Goblin 1/1 R, Golem 3/3 C, Illusion */* U, Morph 2/2 C, Skeleton 1/1 B, Snake 1/1 B, The Atropal, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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