Seky Seky Five Dolla: Sek'Kuar Lands Primer

Commander / EDH* Philoctetes


Philoctetes says... #1


That’s great to hear! I can’t wait to get your feedback, I’ve been running this solo for quite some time now, it will be great to have a sounding board.


Thanks for following this deck! In regards to your question, you most certainly can run a more budget land base. Notably, Gaea's Cradle is obviously great but really more of a vanity inclusion. Also, the colored sources can be downgraded at the expense of some speed and consistency. Dark Depths really does add a ton to the deck, but I played for a long time without it. Strip Mine effects are very essential, but Tectonic Edge does a reasonable impression. I think Kessig Wolf Run is a must as well. And other than that, a lot of the interaction out of the lands slot are cheap cards like Ifnir Deadlands.


I have begun the makeover of my primer, I will be fully updating the layout, reorganizing card choice sections, making it more user friendly, and adding a few detailed sections on core cards vs flex slots. I will also add vanity cards that I currently don’t own but would fit in the fully tuned list, ie Mox Diamond, Library of Alexandria, etc etc.

July 4, 2018 1:39 p.m.

TheMightyHoju says... #2

@Philoctetes Thanks for the response!

I am incredibly eager to see what you would add with a higher end budget for sure! I own a lot of staples like Mox Diamond and would love to see how you fit them into the deck, etc! (Although I am sad you recently cut my favorite card Worm Harvest haha)

July 4, 2018 8:08 p.m.

TheMightyHoju says... #3

Philoctetes ^Hopefully that tagging worked, never did it before on tappedout, but I should have the full list assembled next week (as long as shipping of cards cooperates) and have a day planned with my playgroup for next Saturday, so I'll give you a shout afterwards about my thoughts! Been goldfishing it a lot and love how it plays so far.

July 4, 2018 8:16 p.m.

Philoctetes says... #4


Primer has been updated with a new layout and updated card selections! I have sub-divided my card selections into Core, Flex, and Old Inclusions to help readability - no more long walls of text! (or at least not as long...)

@TheMightyHoju pop those bad boys in there then, by all means! I believe that Library of Alexandria and Mox Diamond are two very near to the top for inclusion, you can check out my new Wishlist section for cards I would definitely add if I owned them. as for the cuts, well.... That's the challenge I think! One word of advice though - don't cut any lands. If anything, the deck wants to run 50% or greater lands, it feels light right now.

Let me know how the games go!!!

July 5, 2018 4:20 p.m.

TheMightyHoju says... #5

Fantastic and thanks so much! I'll be adding in most of the wish cards. I am currently on the hunt for a Living Plane myself, as I would be throwing it in as well! Very excited to play some games with it!

July 5, 2018 11:16 p.m.

TheMightyHoju says... #6

@Philoctetes Have you considered running this deck as Adun Oakenshield, cutting Sek'Kuar and the other synergistic cards like Natural Affinity, Zulaport Cuthroat, etc and adding in land bombs like Avenger of Zendikar, maybe running more basics and good recursion targets like Sakura-Tribe Elder?

I am not proposing a whole swap. I love Sek'Kuar a lot, and really enjoy having a deck with a commander that isn't super required, but I feel like with the purchase of 4-6 additional cards that are relatively cheap, you have a viable way to "swap" decks between Sek'Kuar and Adun!

July 9, 2018 5:43 p.m.

TheMightyHoju says... #7

@Philoctetes Sorry for the double post, but I figured I would get this in quickly. As mentioned, I am playing with some friends this weekend. We allow infinite combos in our group, so I will be testing Nether Traitor and also will add in Cavern of Souls, Grier Reach Sanitarium, Avenger of Zendikar, and a few other cards over the several matches we play. Will comment back when I return home!

July 9, 2018 5:51 p.m.

Philoctetes says... #8


Hey! No problem double posting, if anything it helps break up the ideas :)

I think that your Adun Oakenshield idea is phenomenal! I have a few commanders that I play interchangeably in other decks, and while it may require a small changeover that could be a very cool line for the deck. Adun in particular seems awesome, any Legends commander gets my approval.

In general, I feel that Jund lands and even EDH lands in general needs to continue to be explored - it is a fun, powerful, and very unique take on the format.

Also, good luck on your games this weekend! I’m looking forward to hearing about it, those additions are all excellent choices.

July 9, 2018 9:50 p.m.

Olde_English says... #9

Very cool decklist, +1 from me!

I've looked extensively at your and VesuvanDoppelbanger's decklists and I like them a lot! I've run Sek'Kuar for around two years now and have had a lot of success with a more token-centric build, focused around combos. I'm looking to retool my deck to fit somewhere in between where you both are.

Combos like Ashnod's Altar + Cryptolith Rite + Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper + Nether Traitor have put in serious work for me. Making infinite tokens and mana is almost too easy with Sek boi! My main problem is if I don't pull off an infinite combo I get hated off the table or have a bunch of creatures that don't impact the board enough to kill three other players immediately.

What are your thoughts on Obliterate, Sylvan Awakening, and Jolrael, Empress of Beasts? They seem like they could add a lot to a "lands matter" theme.

Also, how has World Shaper performed for you? I have one I could add but I'm iffy on putting him in.

July 10, 2018 9:05 p.m.

Philoctetes says... #10

Hey @Polybius!

Thanks so much for the kind words and following! I’m so happy you’ve found inspiration in my list!

I’ll take our card questions one by one: Obliterate I love this effect, and ran a similar card in Jokulhaups for quite some time. Obliterate is likely better as it can’t be interacted with. I removed but I will likely cycle it back in at some point, so long as we have the Sek Dad in play we are likely to get enough value to win in a few turns.

Jolrael, Empress of Beasts another card I ran for quite some time. This is something of a pet card for me, as I really started playing in the Mercadian Masques block. I think she is a good version of the Natural Affinity effect, but she is a little slow and clunky. She does have other uses like deterring wrath’s for fear of wiping an opponents board. I ultimately cut her because I feel like my deck has room for only 2-3 of the effect and I prefer the versatility of Life and the surprise factor and universality of OG Natural Affinity

Sylvan Awakening this one I’ve struggled with. I would love to find a spot for it because it seems actually reasonable to cast even with no synergies in play to alpha strike or just hold up blockers for a critical turn. It also had mad synergy with Omnath, Locus of Rage. But as stated above, I feel like since my deck is less all in combo centric I have limited room for the narrow Natural Affinity effects. But I do think I can cap at 3 and currently run 2, so.... might find it’s way in!

World Shaper has been really great as a second copy of Splendid Reclamation. Every time I cast either card I feel like I’ve gotten away with something nasty. It’s definitely not as good as reclamation, the setup cost is higher, but both are worth running imo.

Let me know how your deck transformation goes, I’m excited to hear how you’ve struck a middle ground!

July 12, 2018 11:59 a.m.

Auronit says... #11

I hope no one has asked this already but Sylvan Awakening should be an auto-include, right?

July 12, 2018 4:46 p.m.

TheMightyHoju says... #12

@Philoctetes Hype for C18 spoilers listing Jund Lands as a deck archetype for one of the decks!

July 12, 2018 10:19 p.m.

Darkersun says... #13

Thanks for the feedback, I will definitely work towards a Land based version (I run a normal creature sac version of Sek'Kuar).

July 13, 2018 5:15 a.m.

Philoctetes says... #14


Hey there! Thanks for posting and the suggestion! I address Sylvan Awakening one post above yours. Currently, if I decide to add one more Natural Affinity effect then awakening is it, but I feel comfortable with 2 for now, as the effect is pretty all in and requires some table maneuvering first.


So glad to hear it! I feel that if you enjoy challenging lines of play and unique interactions you will very much enjoy this style of playing Sek.


That’s incredible! I hadn’t seen the announcement but that is so perfect! Here’s hoping for some awesome cards to go in the list! I will say I’m gonna be a bit bummed if the commander they print is just miles better then Sek, but I will adapt if I have to!

July 13, 2018 9:34 a.m.

TheMightyHoju says... #15

@Philoctetes I do agree. I like Sek'Kuar! And I like the swaps I have made to run Adun as well. It gives a good focus on both the lands and the creatures, while also providing their own value/wincon aspects. I hope whatever commander(s) we get can slot into the deck though. I feel there are some creatures we can swap for sure if we get something good enough!

July 13, 2018 9:20 p.m.

Auronit says... #16

Oh, I'm soory Philoctetes, I missed that somehow.

Btw, I didn't say a lot other than the suggestion but you should know, the deck is awesome and I'm curretly working on it myself, it's just so much fun.

We had the themes for C18 revealed on Friday and "Jund Lands" is one the C18 EDH decks, SO EXITED!

Also, I'm really glad I bought that cradle like half a year ago. Price is getting absurd, I got a sweet deal on it :)

Keep it up!

July 14, 2018 3:56 p.m.

Yooniverse says... #17

Hey, so I have been low key following your deck development over time.I was wondering how you feel about doubling season in this deck and also the new planeswalker, Lord Windgrace.

July 23, 2018 9:48 p.m.

Philoctetes says... #18

Hey all! Just a few comments, been busy lately but I really appreciate all the interest in my build, and as one of the few folks who has already fleshed out a version of Jund lands ahead of the imminent C18 I hope I can offer some insights and thoughts.

I will be waiting for the full spoiler before I update my build, comment on all the new goodies, and make final decisions, but early on here in spoiler season I already have a few things I’d like to say.

First, I think Lord Windgrace is a very interesting card, and while personally I’m not a Planeswalker in commander can I think he would be an excellent pilot for a more controlling, less combo oriented version of this list. He does simply accrue value quite nicely and has a high loyalty. If not your pilot, I would rather include Nissa, Vital Force in the 99, as I feel she just does more after hitting her ult and also protects herself which is dope.

The card I’m currently most excited for is a new Golgari staple, Windgrace's Judgment. Card should just go in every deck with B/G and will always do work. The fact it is an instant is silly. I’m debating which removal spell to replace - it may be personal favorite Acidic Slime due to same CMC, either him or Manglehorn which is a card I’ve grown to love.

Other cards that have peaked my interest are Nesting Dragon and Reality Scramble, though I think both are maybe like between 110-120 options and miss the cut for me.

July 25, 2018 11:34 a.m.

Is it weird that, as a Golgari fan, I kind of dislike Windgrace's Judgment? It's just so much better than most other removal spells that, as you said, it goes in every B/G deck, which I think is rather boring and homogenizes deck construction.

July 25, 2018 11:57 a.m.

Philoctetes says... #20

@harbingerofduh couldnt Agree more, I really dislike commander products mostly for that reason =/. Price will also be high due to limited production run. I already have to put it in at least 3 decks, possibly 4. Lame.

Side note, just saw the spoiled [Turntimber Sower and wow, I love it! That card is most likely finding a spot, it’s recursion, a sac outlet, and mini Titania all in a 3 mana 3/3 package! 0/1s aren’t ideal or anything but it’s still value and Purphoros and Goblin Bombardment are gonna love it!

July 25, 2018 12:15 p.m.

Philoctetes says... #21

Hello All!

Updates - er Update - for Commander 2018 is now live! Text added to the primer, as well as an update post!

August 3, 2018 5:02 p.m.

Errast says... #22

I'm sure you've been asked this before, but is there a reason you're not running Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker? With Zealous Conscripts he's an easy win, and he works well with other cards like Protean Hulk, Reclamation Sage, or Tireless Tracker.

Otherwise, great looking deck dude. Really excited to build it for myself soon.

August 8, 2018 4:32 p.m.

Panas says... #23

I would be scared to play this deck in my meta... How would you handle Blood Moon and Ruination?

August 12, 2018 4:57 p.m.

Philoctetes says... #24

@Errast - I think Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker is an excellent consideration for the deck. I go on about how my meta doesn’t allow infinite combos, but I’m mostly playing in a different meta now that does. It’s probably a worthy inclusion.

@Panas - Blood Moon is basically just hope the table can deal with it, or if I have a basic Forest in play Reclamation Sage I guess? No one plays Moon in my meta.

Ruination - it’s very possible to rebuild after MLD with this deck, between Life from the Loam, Crucible of Worlds, Splendid Reclamation, World Shaper, Ramunap Excavator, Oracle of Mul Daya all help build back up to varying degrees.

August 13, 2018 10:13 a.m.

TzickyT says... #25

u have stil some cards on your sideboard if u could have them all what would u stil change to your deck ?

August 21, 2018 3:48 a.m.

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