Selesnia Aggro | $20 G/W Butt-Kicking [THS-KTK]

Standard* Mortem

SCORE: 280 | 322 COMMENTS | 45139 VIEWS | IN 227 FOLDERS

t_rev99 says... #1

No. Only cards in the Theros block (Theros, Born of Gods, Journey Into Nyx), Magic Core Set 2015, and the Khans of Tarkir block (Khans of Tarkir and soon to be Fate Reforged and Dragons of Tarkir) are legal in standard tournaments.

November 18, 2014 12:46 p.m.

Behgz says... #2

have you tried Ordeal of Nylea I've seen it used online and it gets insane with Hardened Scales out and you enchant Favored Hoplite or Hero of Iroas with the ordeal and immediately swing in and fetch two lands and get a lot +1 counters.

November 18, 2014 3:33 p.m.

Chewy35 says... #3

With all the removal out in the meta I would suggest Return to the Ranks in your sideboard , if Phalanx Leader would come back and any other creatures it's ability would since it was targeted by the spell , just a thought and since Hardened Scales would be out he comes back as 3/3

November 18, 2014 4:03 p.m.

HoweYouDrewin says... #4

Seeker of the Way takes advantage of procing Heroic on Phalanx Leader so well. the life swings are real

November 18, 2014 4:30 p.m.

Chewy35 says... #5

Does anyone mind taking a look at my G/W heroic deck and letting me know what they think ? Soldiers of the Forest !

November 18, 2014 4:35 p.m.

streaming the deck in action right now at

doing standard daily as well.

November 18, 2014 4:53 p.m.

recording standard daily tourny right now

November 18, 2014 5:56 p.m.

Scorprix says... #8

Sweet! :D

November 18, 2014 6 p.m.

Mortem says... #9

Ok. I'm Watching. : )

November 18, 2014 6:01 p.m.

You deleted the sideboard guide!!! NOOOO!!! lol. please post a SB guide if you get the chance, thanks Mortem

November 18, 2014 7:04 p.m.

Mortem says... #11


Abzan: Bring in 3x Hushwing Gryff, 2x Suspension Field, 2x Pillar of Light, and 2x Glare of Heresy. Take out 2x Ajani's Presence, 3x Abzan Falconer, and 4x Launch the Fleet. This game will probably not be in your favor, so expect the worst.

MGD: Bring in 3x Hushwing Gryff, 2x Suspension Field, and 2x Pillar of Light, and 2x Erase. Take out 4x Launch the Fleet, 2x Ajani's Presence, 3x Gods Willing. This matchup is simple. As they grow, you grow bigger. Keep in mind, I am assuming they are splashing black.

Mardu Control: Bring in 2x Ajani's Presence and 2x Hopeful EidolonMTG Card: Hopeful Eidolon. Take out 4x Launch the Fleet. They have removal and value creatures. Unless you can establish a good foothold mid- to lategame, you're boned.

If you have any more questions on machups, just ask! : )

November 18, 2014 7:22 p.m.

w4rped says... #12

@BFG I'm not a dbag. I am giving constructive criticism to someone who posted a deck in a public forum. I never said the deck was bad, it is just weak in many ways. It needs to be fixed to win every time.

@Jdvanliew Stupidest? You are the idiot if you think that the cards I mentioned are not very well used in this deck. It is only selesnya because that is all he has in it. The tri colored way that this set works allows splashing for one or two cards EASILY. Those one or two cards can completely change your deck to a powerhouse. Again you are the moron if you believe that those cards are not good. Sage of Hours alone is a win condition if you play it in a deck of this type... ridiculous that you can say anything when you obviously know nothing.

@Mont3y So becauseI do not post decks on here it makes it so I can't offer advice? You my good friend are trying to be an elitest while you are in fact trash. The decks I posted on here are concept decks that I ask for opinions on. One of the decks I posted is a variant of the winner of an SCG Open. So how is that not solid? Again, another idiotic comment.

@godofcruelty Problems for me? Those cards create a combination that allows you to play two, three and four cards every turn. So it what way would they cause problems for me? It is an amazing combo that can also lead to an infinite combo that swings for lethal in one turn. You don't have to play a combo deck for them both to have serious usefulness in this deck. Each one on it's own is amazingly useful in a deck that is all low casting cost. Springleaf Drum by itself makes this deck extremely fast. But I wouldn't expect someone who obviously is clueless to understand that.

@Mortem So sorry for all of that, but idiots need to be scolded sometimes to prevent further idiots from talking. You have a good deck, and I thought I made that clear in my first post. I was trying to help you learn the weaknesses of it before you bring it to an FNM, or even after you come back from one so you know where you have to improve. I hope that came across, but if not then I am stating it here. The things I told you about came from experience. I played this deck almost card for card, and found the things I found. Having them pointed out puts you in a situation to fix the problems before you notice them yourself. Keep going on the deck, don't give up. It can be really good if you just fix the small problems it has.

November 18, 2014 7:56 p.m.

Mortem says... #13

Yea, don't worry about it w4rped. Even if i don't agree with all your points, I definitely agree with some others. I don't like it when people insult others, especially if it is for no good reason. That is why I cleared the comments.

November 18, 2014 8:12 p.m.

w4rped says... #14


Also, I thought about some stuff as I was rereading and responding to people. Just a few suggestions of cards that could be useful.

First off I always found Nature's Panoply to be very good when I played this deck. One counter for one, or two if you have extra mana. Very useful since it only costs one.Springleaf Drum makes this deck versatile in it's mana and fast on turn two since you can play an extra creature or spell.Defiant Strike on the surface is not great, but the card draw is invaluable and it triggers heroic.Sage of Hours is a win condition and does the same thing as any other heroic. Getting a little blue mana in a deck is not hard and can have great impact when you have hardened scales out with this guy and then use Solidarity of Heroes.Jeskai Ascendancy is also amazing. Again mana base is not hard to fix with Springleaf Drum, Mana Confluence and the tri colored lands. It can fix your hand and buff your creatures. Also acts as defense with the untap function. The unlimited combo factor is there too, but definitely not it's only use.

There are also a few cards in there that I think may be in excess.Launch the Fleet seems like it does not fit in the deck other than for heroic triggers. Those 1/1s don't seem like much when you have such big creatures. Plus, what are you casting it for? 4 at most?Abzan Falconer is a evasion win condition. It is expensive for your deck at 3. You could likely do just fine with 2. Other than that, it is not really that good to draw multiples of this guy.Reap What Is Sown and Solidarity of Heroes are great cards, but 3 of each may be too much. Again getting multiples of these is not very good, especially early game. Reap What Is Sown had a problem for me because I didn't usually have three creatures on board. Solidarity of Heroes doubles counters but doesn't add them itself, so multiples slowed me down a lot with that one.The other thing is that you should be able to get by with 18 lands in this since you curve out so low. Especially if you add the Springleaf Drums in.

These are all just suggestions. But being mutable is what makes a deck great. This deck does have the ability to do great things if it can get to them. Bringing out it's best qualities is the trick. Getting card draw in here would be a good start though. A full hand allows you to constantly build creatures up, and protect them.

November 18, 2014 8:37 p.m.

Mortem says... #15


Maybe I'll make a new deck based on your suggestions and see how it goes. : )

November 18, 2014 8:45 p.m.

w4rped says... #16

Heh, ok. I am currently working on a Jeskai deck that operates a lot like heroic decks. It concentrates more on the unlimited combo and the general breaking of Jeskai Ascendancy. It is somewhat like the one that one the SCG Open a couple weeks ago, but concentrates more on the digging and drawing to get what you need faster. It wins about 85 percent of the time, but I don't much like how it runs because it is very time consuming to be triggering every two seconds and drawing every three. I am actually considering going back to the deck's roots which was basically like this one. I will post you my progress if I ever decide to pick up the project again. I really want to make this heroic type deck a winning type so I can have fun while I play too.

November 18, 2014 8:54 p.m.

Doomerrant says... #17

Grats on #1!

I've got this built on MTGO and it's fun as hell.

November 18, 2014 9:08 p.m.

tacticalgoose says... #18

so if you target "feat of resistance" on "phalanx leader" with "hardened scales" on the field. you will add the original +1/+1 on phalanx leader, by doing so you add a +1/+1 from hardened scales affect, then the heroic affect activates so you add another +1/+1 to all creatures but in the end you add two +1/+1 from hardened scales ability again. please let me know if i am correct on that. also @w4rped great idea to add those, are those standard legal? the sage of hours i mean and the drum, i just ordered all of these cards and i want to make it a fun and challenging deck to face in standard.

November 18, 2014 11:20 p.m.

Trying morterm's new list out. after spending over 20 hours playtesting the original build, I am eager to try the new brew out! Thanks for tweaking it mortem, will post results shortly!!

November 18, 2014 11:56 p.m.

TheHroth says... #20


If you target Phalanx Leader with Feat of Resistance, while you have Hardened Scales in play, it will get 4 +1/+1 counters, and all other creatures you control will get 2 +1/+1 counters.

It will get '2' from its own heroic trigger, 1 from the counter and +1 from Hardened Scales, and '2' from Feat of Resistance, 1 from the spell resolving and 1 from Hardened Scales.

November 18, 2014 11:57 p.m.

TheHroth says... #21

Also, Mortem, I'd really like to know how you managed to italicize all the text on this page. It looks really good. Congrats on making #1, dude!

November 18, 2014 11:59 p.m.

w4rped says... #22

tacticalgoose, yes the Sage of Hours and Springleaf Drum are standard legal. It's a really broken and cheesey combo, but its also easy to do in a few different ways. Main way is just the Retraction Helix (which is a card I forgot to mention to you Mortem! if you splash blue it's amazing!)

And as far as what you were saying, no it doesn't work that way. Hardened Scales read that you add one extra to it. Basically if you were going to add one to the creature you add two, if two add three, etc. Phalanx Leader says that every time you activate it's heroic, add one counter to all creatures. Not every time you add a counter add one to all creatures. With your scenario what will end up happening is this:Phalanx leader will be targeted by feat of resistance which triggers heroic which resolves first and adds a +1/+1 counter to all creatures. Because you are adding one +1/+1 counter to all creatures Hardened Scales makes you add two +1/+1 counters to each instead. Then Feat of Resistance resolves and adds a +1/+1 counter to Phalanx Leader, which Hardened Scales will again make two. Then you give your creature it's protection color for the rest of Feat of Resistances resolution.

This would make your Phalanx Leader have four +1/+1 counters and all other creatures have two +1/+1 counters. Off one spell it's amazing. Also works very good with Nature's Panoply! Phalanx Leader is amazing when you have spells that add +1/+1s counters because of the double effect.

The issue with doing all this is that you have to have all the cards out just right to make this work well. Getting Hardened Scales out seems easy because it only costs 1. But since it's the only enchantment in the deck it becomes a target for enchantment hate in game 1 and usually they make sure they take care of it in game two. So keeping one in play is not the easiest, and this deck is a lot less powerful without that card in play. Speed is the key to this deck. Get 4/4s by turn 3 and start forcing them to block your creatures to stay alive. No removal is risky, but works with speed decks because you should be punishing them enough by turn four that they are forced to make decisions they usually wouldn't. You need to protect your creatures with this deck because with only 17, you can't afford to lose many. And without a couple creatures in play... this deck does not work well. Hardest matchups are heavy removal decks and funny enough RDW.

November 19, 2014 12:09 a.m.

scholar says... #23

@Mortem, Are you actually playing with this deck at FNM? How is it doing?

November 19, 2014 1:44 a.m.

Cyaxx says... #24

So, I bought the Deck and I've been playing with it for a few days, the only weak point in an other wise Powerful deck is the Card Draw. I added a Few Defiant Strikes and that helps a Bit, I'm also going to try out Life's Legacy to see how well that helps out. Also, I added 4 Fabled Hero for the Heroic + Doublestrike, which can be pretty Nasty with Hardened Scales + Solidarity of Heroes . The deck is amazing, I haven't had this much fun with Standard in a good while, You have reminded me how much fun standard can be. +1 From me, Keep up the good work.

November 19, 2014 4:37 a.m.

Mont3y says... #25

@w4rped, Sorry for the personal attack in my previous comment. I deserve the backlash from you about it.
I only lashed out at you because I mis-interpreted your first comment and thought you were just coming off as a jerk trying to shoot down mortem; but now I know you were just trying to be constructive with it accidentally coming across quite blunt.

@mortem. My deck should hopefully be here by friday, if so I will be testing it out at my local FNM and will report back with result. cannot wait! expert even more exposure for your deck cause I'll be getting the word out about your awesome work on budget decking :)

November 19, 2014 5:21 a.m.

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