Selesnia Aggro | $20 G/W Butt-Kicking [THS-KTK]

Standard* Mortem

SCORE: 280 | 322 COMMENTS | 45139 VIEWS | IN 227 FOLDERS

i dont understand your hate on phalanx leader warped when its in your deck?

February 3, 2015 5:05 p.m.

w4rped says... #4


It's not in my deck. I am not sure which deck you mean, but if it's this one it's not mine. My version is The New Gangnam Style ($50 Budget). I used a blue splash to fix a few issues that selesnya has. I haven't modified it for the new set, so it is outdated at this point, but still is a solid deck as is. And so you know, I don't "hate" Phalanx Leader. I actually love the card. I have used it in many decks because it is powerful. My point in all this is that it is bad for this deck because of the double white cost, and it is weak in general. There are much better options for heroic creatures. And since you will generally win with one creature with a heroic deck, it isn't all that important. The only way to really get value out of him is with Hardened Scales and that means turn 3 before you can have anything on the board TO pump since the first 3 turns are dedicated to Hardened Scales and Phalanx Leader (T1 Plains Favored Hoplite, T2 Plains Phalanx Leader, T3 Forest Hardened Scales and 2 open white for spells to protect/buff). With that strategy turn 2 is completely open to removal and often you will lose your phalanx leader if you play him that early. Better not to play him until you can protect him, but that leaves you going into turn 3 with all white mana played for the protection, or having Ranger's Guile. It just doesn't work in the deck because it is slow. This deck needs to be fast and agile to work. Reaction based protection/buffing wins matches.


Exactly as I thought. Scared to try and prove yourself right and have proved me right in the process. Obviously you know that you are a fool for making all your random comments. You can't even back up your bluster. Pathetic.

February 3, 2015 10:51 p.m.

i see, well what would you suggest as substitution for him. i cant think of any other low drop white or green heroic creatures.

February 4, 2015 2:03 a.m.

w4rped says... #7


I didn't see your acceptance. Though I don't know what is. So you will admit your ridiculousness when I beat you?

February 5, 2015 8:10 p.m.

w4rped says... #8


there are many 2 drops that would work. There are some good cards in the new set too. One that comes to ind most is the 2 drop that pumps out 1/1 prowess tokens for 2. Looks like a great card though I haven't really played any new stuff yet since I've taken a break from magic while I take care of personal matters. There is also Hero of Iroas which isn't bad if you add some auras like the ordeals (blue and white are best, green isn't as great for the deck), and Akroan Skyguard works good for evasion. There are some good options in white, even though I believe that adding blue for access to Sage of Hours works best (many extra turns when combo'd with Solidarity of Heroes and draw removal away from your real hitters since they risk a lot by leaving it). Basically you can't lose with many cards, even if they don't have heroic. I also like Seeker of the Way for a potent threat that pumps without targets and gains life to give you more time, which gives the ability of pumping multiple creatures with one spell.

February 5, 2015 8:20 p.m.

Dave says... #9


Popcorn, anyone?

February 5, 2015 8:25 p.m.

yeah ive tried a blue/green/white combination and i just run into mana problems way too often, since there is no khan to support it. especially against rush decks. when i did get sage of hours out, and he survived i usually won if i had the correct cards in my hand just because i would take 4 turns in a row after swinging with my 20/20 sage, but it was just too difficult. my deck is already running 4x lagona, 4x hoplites, 4x akroan skyguards, and i have 4 phalanx and 2 fabled heroes. hero of iroas is good but as you said it requires auras that are more than a 1 drop to be truly good, i used to run a bestow/aura deck with him and it was amazing last set. there just isnt another heroic creature, other than hero of iroas, to make it a solid 16 creatures without fabled hero or phalanx leader with green/white.

February 5, 2015 10:13 p.m.

w4rped says... #12


I personally only run 16 creatures. Especially since having more than 3 hit the board usually means you don't have much protection in hand which is a death sentence. I run what you use minus the Phalanx Leader and Fabled Hero (which both are slow and definitely cause mana issues if you have 3 colors). In their place I use 4 Sage of Hours which I have never really had a problem with. I run a lot of fetches instead of basics and Mana Confluence as well. Having all of those makes my mana base easily workable. As for Hero of Iroas... it's not bad even if you have no auras. 2/2 heroic for 2. Having another ability would be great, but it's not terrible and there are definitely worse cards cough Ainok Bond-Kin cough. Truth is the deck works better with a blue splash. Opens up Ordeal of Thassa and Sage of Hours for main board and Stubborn Denial. Retraction Helix, and Triton Tactics in the side (which are decent cards to combat the decks difficult matchups). Regardless what Jdvanliew says (he's not too bright, huh?), my version wins a lot and has almost no mana issues. Granted it becomes non budget once you use the fetches and Mana Confluences. Without the lands my version is a lot less viable, but that's how things are.


Just because THIS deck is selesnya, it doesn't mean that it wouldn't be better if it, well, wasn't. Selesnya heroic is only so good. To take it to the next level you add blue for card draw and control. But I wouldn't expect you to know this since you are terrible at deck theory.

Give me the information for and I will play there if for some reason you don't like cockatrice which makes no sense. I am willing to learn another system so I can prove that you are a bum and incessantly make stupid comments.

February 5, 2015 11:49 p.m.

iischris says... #13

Fun concept, but I built this deck and have been getting absolutely SMOKED.

February 6, 2015 8:34 a.m.

LuPaiPai says... #15

i just wish everyone would shut up and just play the damn deck, bitches be buttmad.

February 7, 2015 12:38 a.m.

Vito1014 says... #16

Yeah, Please take this somewhere else. Getting pretty annoying with the new app and getting alerts all day hearing you guys bitch. Take it to one of your pages.

February 7, 2015 12:40 a.m.

LuPaiPai says... #17

criticism is fine, just not when you do it like this, just give your opinion and thats it, dont pitifully whine when someones opinion is also posted, even if it sucks, because this is the internet, no one cares about opinions. Have a nice day!

February 7, 2015 12:42 a.m.

LuPaiPai says... #19


February 7, 2015 2:23 p.m.

Mont3y says... #20

Not sure if it has been suggested and I haven't checked in on this deck in a while but Citadel Siege now that FR is out? (it's only 55c on starcity)

February 7, 2015 8:47 p.m.

Mont3y says... #21

Also Valorous Stance would be a sensational 2 CMC card for this deck.

February 7, 2015 8:49 p.m.

w4rped says... #22


Lol, bro. LuPaiPai was talking about your posts. You were the only one whining about anything.

But ya... I give up with trying to show you anything. You are beyond my help. You are extremely butt hurt over what I say for some reason. I was never disrespectful when I originally posted, but you made it personal and I reacted. Just as I always will. You make bad suggestions even within the selesnya and budget constraint. You also regard other's suggestions as less that yours. You obviously do not play this deck or any variant, or your posts would reflect that. Hero of Iroas, as I said, was not a great choice. But it is passable. And more so than Ainok Bond-Kin. It is a 2/2 for 2. That alone makes it mana efficient. Add heroic and it becomes even more so. Ainok Bond-Kin is a one trick pony that is easily removable and doesn't win games as you claim. I never claimed that Hero of Iroas would, only that he was a good heroic option. As for your claims of me not adhering to the deck concept, you are correct in a way. But budget isn't the reason this idea exists. It is to win. If non budget cards would do it, then that is what is better. Budget or not, this deck plays just about the same. In all honesty, every card in this deck SHOULD be budget. Excluding mana. The deck runs cards that are completely budget better than any others. Adding Ajani, Mentor of Heroes is a bad idea unless FR has new cards I haven't seen that makes him more viable. He is slow and doesn't do enough since he can't pull instants. 3 counters is not all that important in the grand scheme of things. As far as your other card, I wouldn't know. I haven't seen any FR at all, let alone tested it. My first look opinion though is that it has a high cost for the deck, and wont do much. Flying is the best part of the card and there are much cheaper flyers if that's the direction you want to go. As far as Bant vs Selensya... I shouldn't need to explain myself here. In my deck I run 3 cards that are blue. It's a splash for power. Which works very well. The only thing that would make it not work, is having budget mana base. But I don't even think of mana as in a budget. If I couldn't afford to get the non basic lands for my deck, then I wouldn't even play it. Magic is an investment and mana is more important than the cards you actually play. Of course if you play casual, which I assume is what you do, then it really wouldn't matter. Competitive requires the investment if you want to win. I'm not saying that you may not win sometimes, but at the end of the day it's deck crafting 101 to have the proper mana for your deck.

Your opinion of "..the deck theory you claim to have (I don't), is absolutely non-existent. You are the lousiest, most useless, card replacement suggesting, excuse for a Magic player I have ever witnessed." is ridiculous. It is an insulting opinion even if you used no proper nouns. I don't care what you say as far as "name-calling". I will call you anything you are acting like, and be unapologetic about it. The proof is out there. My decks win for the most part even if they are not tier 1. My suggestions make decks better, not worse. And even if they are not in YOUR play style, it does not make them bad suggestions. You can do searches on every theory I have posted on here. More people that are well versed in the game will agree with me on every point. Casual players may agree with you, but I don't play casual and am uninterested in casual players for opinions. Competitive decks must adapt to become better, whether that means add or remove a color, or not. Sideboards must be used to be ABLE to adapt to many situations that you will have in a three set game. Sticking to selesnya in this situation is ignorant since there are decks where it will be impossible to win by sticking to these colors alone. You can argue with anyone you like now. I have refuted all of your points, and you have proof that you could see if you wanted. I wont be responding to you again unless you make a personal attack. This is your chance to end the conversation and appease everyone that follows this thread.

In regards to everyone else, I am sorry if you do not want to read any comments I make or comments made by people I am responding to. But I assure you that unsubscribing is easy enough. When I have a person respond to me, I respond back. Call it childish, rude, or anything else you want. But I refuse to let people say what they wish, when they wish, at the cost of my pride. The internet gives many people courage to say ridiculous things to others, and I don't let it go on without saying something back. Again I apologize for the inconvenience that it is to clear away your notification, but I will respond to anything that I feel it necessary to respond to.

February 7, 2015 11:16 p.m.

w4rped says... #23


Valorous Stance would be an amazing addition. I will likely use it in my own deck once I get enough time to really get into the new set. Good eye on the card. If they have gems like that in the set it might change this deck into something really nice so I can remove the blue.

February 7, 2015 11:20 p.m.

w4rped says... #25


Stop being a troll. I'm done with you until you decide to actually make a point instead of trying to call me down to your level. I said nothing that you should have gotten more butt hurt about, but here you are again, more butt hurt. Take criticism and move on. Stop trolling and stop complaining.

February 8, 2015 3:35 a.m.

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