Hey guys, this is my preliminary build of Selesnya Aggro/Manifest. The idea behind the deck is to build a good land foundation early game, and populate the board with consistent threats such as Deathmist Raptor and Fleecemane Lion. As soon as I hit mid-game, I want to have a busy field, with each creature posing a threat to my opponent, whilst being able to bolster these threats with Manifests from Mastery of the Unseen and larger beasts like Dragonlord Dromoka.
I'm looking for some help with sideboarding mainly.
First FNM results (3-1):
Round One - Rakdos Tokens (2-0)
A relatively easy match-up. I found myself managing to match his smaller threats (such as Goblin tokens, dash creatures and Rabblemasters) with my own threats such as Fleecemane Lion and Den Protector. The 4 mainboard Dromoka's Commands were useful in helping me dispatch of those Rabblemasters before they became an issue.
Round Two - Abzan Midrange (0-2)
This match-up was tough. Game one I felt confident with a strong hand and a big board, but he had much more removal and big blockers such as Siege Rhino and a buffed-up Warden of the First Tree, both of which I couldn't find the Stances to dispatch of them.
Round Three - Dimir Control (2-1)
This match-up proved to be easier than I expected. I was able to comfortably out-pace my opponent's counters with my own threats, and bypass his Silumgar, the Drifting Death with a mass of attackers, all of which were too big for him to sweep without having two other dragons present. The only problem cards for me here were Ashiok and Bile Blight.
Round Four - Blue-White (2-0)
Again, a fairly easy match-up for me. His deck relied quite extensively on bouncing my creatures and using the Prowess triggers on Seeker of the Way, and the triggers on Ojutai Exemplars. The only problem I ran in to with this deck was a Seeker of the Way with Aqueous Form, slowly pummeling me down to 5 life while consistenly attacking for 3 w. lifelink, stopping it from being a Valorous Stance target. However, Dromoka's Command soon rectified this issue.