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Selesnya Aggro's Back (w/MTGO Updates)

Modern Aggro Competitive GW (Selesnya)



This is Selesnya Hyper Aggro that aims to kill fast. There is a Warrior theme and some great synergy that goes with it. Aims to dump its hand quick and then turn them sideways while also having some late game mana sinks.

The Ones

Sunblade Elf : Normally will be a 2/2 that has a revelent late game pump

Mardu Woe-Reaper: A solid 2/1 with an etb ability for all of the Warriors in the deck

Warden of the First Tree : Starts off a puiny 1/1 but will normally be a 3/3. Even if its unlikely, his later abilities COULD be utilized

Gather Courage : A great surprise card that can make for some favorable trades or even death strikes with Arashin Foremost

The Twos

Fleecemane Lion: Is a bonafied badass. His resume speaks for itself

Den Protector: At worst is a 2/1 that cannot be chumped by tokens. But when the morph is utilized, damn is she good. Helps to rebuy Valorous Stance, Gather Courage , or even Fetches

Valorous Stance: Mode 1 for pushing damage through, Mode 2 for protection

Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit: With the rediculous amount of low cost creatures, there's no trouble with triggers. And she has great synergy with Collected Company

The Three

Arashin Foremost: She gains value upon ETB, and then continues to do so unless killed. Makes the Warrior subtheme work fantastically. Also synergizes well with pump spells (Like the fun of Become Immense in the SB)

The Four

Collected Company: Surprise creatures and allows for some nasty ETB triggers from Arashin Foremost and Anafenza #2


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Since I couldn't run it through a daily I ran it through some games

Match 1: 2-1(W) vs Temur Midrange

He could not handle the combat tricks that the deck offered esp. Gather Courage, which allowed me to kill every Sylvan Caryatid he believed safe to block

Match 2: 2-0(W) vs Jeskai Ascendancy Tokens

Not sure what the opponent was doing. He was clearly Token Ascendancy, but once he dropped a Sarkhan he focused solely on protecting it. I was able to race easily. The updated SB helped lockdown Ascendancy

Match 3: 1-2 (L) vs Hornet Nest Temur Superfriends

This was a dedicated control list aimed at Aggro decks that would have gotten crushed by any control deck it faced, but it was good vs me. 4 Mainboard Hornet Nest and Anger of the Gods was hard to deal with and created a great defensive wall for PW after PW.

Match 4: 2-1 (W) vs Temur Midrange

I felt bad after winning because Game 1 the opponent got mana screwed and then Game 3 I drew Valorous Stance everytime I needed it for Surrak, the Hunt Caller or Thunderbreak Regent

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Revision 4 See all

(9 years ago)

-1 Citadel Siege maybe
+3 Dromoka's Command side
-1 Shamanic Revelation side
-2 Feed the Clan side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #5 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

20 - 9 Rares

14 - 4 Uncommons

4 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.89
Tokens Morph 2/2 C
Folders Cool decks, Abzan ideas, decks i r build, Selesyna (Modern/Standard), random, Favoriti, standard, cool decks, Others, Aggro
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