Selesnya, Attack of the White Greenie

Standard* raverswivel


moose340 says... #1

I would removed the red. and remove rattleclaw mystic. add Ainok Guide(3) or Whisperer of the Wilds(4) to your deck. reduce dromoka and dragonscale general to 3 each. put Ainok Bond-kin to 2 also. That should speed up the deck. Reduce hardened scales to 2 and add frontier siege(4) for ramp. Shamanic revelations to 2 also. Just some ideas.

February 17, 2015 11:23 p.m.

raverswivel says... #2

yea, I was considering getting rid of red, but kinda wanted to keep it to function furnace whelps with dromoka, I think I will do that, and maybe throw in two wardscale dragons as a suppliment. im gonna play around with some of your other suggestions.

February 17, 2015 11:58 p.m.

arcorax says... #3

Try running a couple Reclamation Sages or Back to Natures in the side Honor's Rewards are a good sideboard card against rdw, Jeskia tokens and Bw warriors, Tormod's Crypt I've found to be useful against any reanimator decks that you might play against it really depends on your meta. Glare of Heresy is a amazing sideboard card right now though. If you want to make it faster try cutting Shamanic Revelations, Wardscale Dragons and Brave the Sands for Sunblade Elfs, Fleecemane Lions and Boon Satyrs

February 18, 2015 12:12 a.m.

raverswivel says... #4

great suggestions for the sideboard (an aspect of the game that I tend to neglect) I will look at a few of the other recommendations, thought, I kinda want to keep the wardscale dragons in there simply because it makes dromoka a beast of an asset when they are out. I am having a tough time seeing the benefit of sunblade elfs and boon satyrs simply because they dont really play off the bolster and counter mechanics.brave the sands is a tricky one for me. on the one hand, I dont like that it prevents creatures from tapping because it makes dragonscale general essentially useless... on the other hand, it allows me to attack with ramp that may have become a big creature mid game after the combat phase.anyone have thoughts on this?

February 18, 2015 12:25 a.m.

arcorax says... #5

The Sunblade Elfs and Boon Satyrs don't really tie into the counter theme they are just good cards that helps speed up the deck a bit. Also Abzan Falconer>Tuskguard Captain because flying is better that trample. And try to stay 60 cards for a more consistent deck.

February 18, 2015 12:31 a.m.

raverswivel says... #6

very fair points. also yea... I tend to get a little overzealous with my card count

February 18, 2015 12:33 a.m.

raverswivel says... #7

I think I may sideboard the tuskguard captain, for no other reason than that my best friend plays a hornet token deck that just spawns chump blockers all damn day =P

February 18, 2015 12:34 a.m.

raverswivel says... #8

just thought about the fact that brave the sands allows me to use outlast abilities more often... I think I am gonna keep that in.

February 18, 2015 12:56 a.m.

arcorax says... #9

Well if you want to hate out etb abilities have you considered Hushwing Gryff? Shuts down Hornet Queen, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, Wingmate Roc and Master of the Waves and hurts Siege Rhino, Doomwake Giant and Eidolon of Blossoms .

February 18, 2015 12:57 a.m.

raverswivel says... #10

I almost kinda cant believe I have never heard of that card... that should be in every single one of my decks, regardless if I run white =P . or at least in the side board. I cant tell you how many people in my area run constellation and token spawning decks (a la master of waves)

February 18, 2015 1:03 a.m.

raverswivel says... #11

I gotta admit, Im loving all your recommendations right now. this deck looks like it could be getting mean.

February 18, 2015 1:20 a.m.

moose340 says... #12

I am thinking you should remove Brave the Sands and add cached defenses. Or add sunbond.

February 18, 2015 6:31 p.m.

raverswivel says... #13

I was really strongly debating that, simply because of the implications of brave the sands for Dragonscale General, but opted out because it does allow me to attack and then use outlast abilities if i am simply not drawing my bolster/counter gen cards. I do like the idea of adding sunbond, but it really does rely on having abzan battle priest or drawing honor's reward, and (while it isnt really soon) it will roll out in the near future, and Im really trying to make this deck future proof.I deffinitely appreciate the suggestions, and I may still add in cached defense, at least as a side board.

February 18, 2015 8:20 p.m.

Ulturas says... #14

Seeing as you're trying to bolster Ajani, Mentor of Heroes comes to mind. Then when you want to swing with counters Ajani's Presence is an awesome card for when all your creatures are buffed up.

February 19, 2015 7:50 p.m.

Ulturas says... #15

Citadel Siege also not too bad for what you want.

February 19, 2015 7:52 p.m.

Charioteer says... #16

FLion is still a 3/3 2 drop, though... still a good card for a small drop attacker early.... the option to make it monstrous is always there. Like a good triple option, you can give your mana to the Lion, pull it out from the monstrous belly and keep it for the Siege, or pitch it to the General for the bolstering around the end. Whatever the situation warrants. The more options you have, the better off you are, IMO. If you like your curve, compare it to other 2 drops creatures and what other options those would bring to the table... where does Fleecemane stand against those? I would playtest this against various types of decks to see how many times you'd use the monstrosity and how many times you passed on it.

March 4, 2015 10:01 p.m.

raverswivel says... #17

definitely a good plan. Ill admit, I have had a tough time finding a comparable 2 drop, although I did toy around with putting in Abzan Beastmaster to help out mid to late game. I suppose having the option is definitely nice though. I think I will keep fleecemane around until the next set rolls out, then see if there is anything worthy of replacing it.

March 4, 2015 10:14 p.m.

dantekratos says... #18

one of the newly spoiled cards is enduring scalelord

Would he be an option for your deck?it looks strong :p

March 7, 2015 6:22 a.m.

raverswivel says... #19

while that does look pretty strong, it looks like its cmc is rather high, and might fall into that same category as Wardscale Dragon, which was great in conjunction with Dromoka, the Eternal, but ended up being too slow if it was in my starting hand.definitely something to keep in mind for when theros block rolls out though.

March 7, 2015 6:07 p.m.

JANKYARD_DOG says... #20

1st cut 2 in main, add 2 side. Not a fan of the outlast ability as I find it slow. I like the mass abilities though, but think you need more than Ajani to spread the tokens. Also, with all the counters you could add a large threat Dromoka, the Eternal, or Enduring Scalelord come to mind.

Maybe improve your sideboard options if you have trouble with removal, but with 4 feat and 4 stance, you should be covered. Dromoka's Command is good against burn, + adds a counter. Only other thing I can think of is splash blue, replacing all your prevention with control.

March 30, 2015 11:45 p.m.

TheHroth says... #21

Elvish Mystic isn't needed. You have nothing that costs more than 4 mana, and you have no real advantage by playing any of your 4cmc cards on T3, so I'd cut them for Fleecemane Lion. It's quite the powerhouse creature.

You're a deck that seems to want to have lots of creatures at I'm thinking Ajani Steadfast may not be great if you're only using him for his -2. Dromoka's Command on the other hand is an absolutely amazing card, and easily the best or second best card from Dragons of Tarkir (for Standard at least). If you can play it, there is almost no good reason not to. The versatility of it is just too good to pass down.

March 31, 2015 12:11 a.m.

TheHroth says... #22

Inspiring Call could also be nice to have, as well as Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit.

March 31, 2015 12:15 a.m.

libraryjoy says... #23

Enduring Scalelord? I've seen some interesting Standard decks using a combo of 2 Scalelords and Feat of Resistance for a near-infinite combo (near infinite because you can stop the counters any time you want and then attack, so the game doesn't end in a draw.) It's a bit high for your curve, but maybe it'll find a place here...

March 31, 2015 1:03 a.m.

JKLawson89 says... #24

Soul of New Phyrexia seems perfect.

Enduring Scalelords can be infinite, but it seems like a card that when you play it, makes you think wow I shouldive already been winning.

If you want to get through to your enchantments why not check out Commune with the Gods.

You mention having trouble with Deathtouch, but you could just go the Archetype of Courage route and skip ainok bond. With brave the sands first strike seems really good lol.

You could use Arashin Foremost to combo up with Dragonscale General

April 14, 2015 11:40 p.m.

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