Selesnya Aggro without Voice of Resurgence
Extremely well balanced.
Experiment One The Evolutionary Wonder: A good early drop especially turn one, also used to bait kill spells and burn.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos King of the Pride: Above average 3 drop that can produce board advantage a la Vigilance tokens and take on creatures bigger than him with help from a friend. Finds a home here because sometimes
Boon Satyr
just don't cut it sometimes, especially against all these red decks.
Fleecemane Lion The Lion of Invincible Courage: A solid 3/3 for 2cmc, if need be, can go hexproof/indestructible mid-late game to block/stall or we can start bestowing and enchanting onto it to win.
Call of the Conclave
The Creature that isn't: Another solid 3/3 for 2, isn't multicolored for
Soldier of the Pantheon
purposes (tho they still gain life) and doesn't feed Scavenging Ooze
Loxodon Smiter The Heavy-Duty Elephant: A solid 4/4 for 3 that can't be countered and if it gets discarded comes out for free (tho it rarely happens)
Boon Satyr
The Saytr of Strength: Has three purposes; to surprise block and trade with a threat (looking at Blood Baron of Vizkopa), (flash) bestow onto a creature mid-late game, and as a general creature that can be flashed after board wipe or at the end of an opponents turn
Advent of the Wurm The Unexpected Guest: Plays more or less the same role as the satyr minus the bestow and also doesn't feed Scavenging Ooze
Banishing Light White Hole: Used to remove anything that stand in our way
Selesnya Charm A Charm for Good Luck: Used to deal with big threats and gods, push damage or keep our creature alive, and the occasional 2/2 white knight with vigilance can be useful as well
Gods Willing The Will of the Gods: A one mana trade to protect from a kill spell or a creature, but can also be used as a finisher vs mono colored decks, The Scry is also very helpful.
Ready / Willing
The Protection of Nature: Defend without worry of death or attack without mercy while staying vigilant, now even better with mana confluence!
Side Tech:
Boon Satyr
vs Mono Black w/White, Control
Nyx-Fleece Ram vs Burn, Aggro, Mono Red
Unflinching Courage vs Burn, Aggro, Mono Red
vs Anything with troublesome Gods and/or enchantments/enchantment cretures
Setessan Tactics vs Monstrous, Mono Blue, Aggro, Mono Black w/anything, (maybe reanimater)