Selesnya Defense
Esper: Check —Jan. 25, 2014
Without getting too much into detail, and maybe it was just luck, but yes, my deck is apparently capable of beating Esper with out Voice of Resurgence.
Very clean, very simple, very effective, and genius because I believe this is the first time I've seen it +1 from me
Have you gotten to test it against Mono-U? I wonder if Skylasher may be more effective just because with 22 land I wouldn't expect a huge Hydra
January 21, 2014 11:23 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #4
Thank you almerican I strived to keep this deck simple and straight to the point without being mostly 1 and 2 drops.
Mono blue beats me the same as anyone else, tokens...but, its usually 50/50 with me against them, if they dont get what they need early and i do then theyre on the defense, but if they manage to survive my early attacks and get their devotion decently early, then I'm out raced. If they don't win that way then they just hold off until they can Cyclonic Rift everything and then its no contest, but its usually 50/50 like i said. I mostly see Skylasher being used in just blocking the two fliers Cloudfin Raptor and Nightveil Specter , i usually dont side in the hydra against mono blue and save it for U/W or Esper, in both cases i dont see Skylasher being as useful, but ill definitely consider it as a Skylasher with Unflinching Courage sounds like it could potentially save me
StinjyJumpingJew says... #1
I think you should go down to 22 land considering you highest drop is only 4CMC and thats your 4x Advent of the Wurm . If you drop the 2 lands you can add another Boon Satyr and another Unflinching Courage . :)
January 18, 2014 8:53 p.m.