Selesnya Defense
Brimaz and Voice —Feb. 19, 2014
So I beat another G/W deck that had both Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Voice of Resurgence, i feel pretty accomplished and its a good example of you don't need money cards to win.
I know decks can be very expensive but I don't think budget should be $112
January 25, 2014 12:21 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #4
While I am a huge fan of Witchstalker Angel84, I just feel Loxodon Smiter s strength and toughness just make more of a difference that I chose the elephant over the wolf. Sure the elephant can die to Doom Blade , but it can block things wolfy can't, and not only that, but its uncounterability is just as relevant as wolfys hexproof against Esper as I found out at last nights FNM (the wolf can be sacrificed and be killed a la Anger of the Gods tho). I'm currently experimenting with Skylasher right now in place of my usual Mistcutter Hydra , if i feel its just not working out, i will happily sideboard some wollfys as more Esper trouble is always appreciated.
January 25, 2014 1:51 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #5
It's a budget Selesnya deck, and not only that, but a highly competitive budget Selesnya deck jedijoe99, but the thing that makes it really budget friendly is that, drumroll doesn't run a set of Voice of Resurgence ! A set of that card alone makes up the cost of this entire deck! So I am essentially running a Selesnya deck that cost me half of what it should, but still manages to be very competitive. Sure it doesn't cost between $20-$50 like a "true" budget, but its not easy coming up with a competitive budget deck that isn't red aggro or white weenies. Really tho, the most expensive card in this deck is the Temple Garden which you can just choose to exclude.
January 25, 2014 2:13 p.m.
Jacksonskier says... #6
Don't know what to say besides that I like it. Would you suggest +2 Guildgates +1 Forest +1 Plain, or +2 Forest +2 Plain, when I remove the shock lands?
January 31, 2014 7:35 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #7
Idk....its kinda hard to say...i guess for sure id run the 4 guild gates Jacksonskier, as much as i dont like them cause they slow the deck down, they are needed since alot of cards have double color cost, so they are necessary for mana fixing
January 31, 2014 8 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #9
thats a mighty fine suggestion APPLE01DOJ, for sure its a way better late game draw as well as a decent early one. I will test it out, tho atm, i only have 3 and they're in my jund deck.
February 3, 2014 10:33 a.m.
Personally, I think this deck needs a little bit of an overall in regards to your mana curve. Your 3 drop spot is very heavy. Here are the changes that I would make :
-4 Unflinching Courage mainboard -2 Spear of Heliod -1 Rootborn Defenses
In favor of :
+4 Soldier of the Pantheon +2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride +1 Plains
As far as the sideboard goes, I would structure it like this :
2 Glare of Heresy - for Detention Sphere , Elspeth, Sun's Champion , etc.4 Banisher Priest - for your Gruul matchups, as well as ways to deal with Master of Waves , Gods, lots of pesky threats...great removal.2 Plummet - Literally your only way in this colors to deal with Stormbreath Dragon , I have died too many times playing G/W and getting stomped by this guy.2 Pithing Needle - No explanation necessary4 Unflinching Courage - for your aggro match good as this card is, it really does not belong in the main board in my opinion. Lifelink is nice, but not necessary in most match ups. Selesnya Charm does the same thing minus the lifelink, and is instant speed which makes for great combat tricks.
I also recommended Ajani, Caller of the Pride here because it is literally a win condition in of itself. I think if you are going more of a weenie strategy with a green splash, then Spear is better....but I think in a build with Loxodon Smiter , Boon Satyr , and Advent of the Wurm , Ajani is much more valuable.
Anway...those are my thoughts, obviously Brimaz, King of Oreskos , and Voice of Resurgence are amazing cards here but I know you said they are out of your budget. I think even without them this deck has the potential to be a very competitive build. Hope this helps!
February 5, 2014 11:32 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #11
Thanks for your suggestions tbabb632, im a bit iffy about more one drops, i usually end up siding out Experiment One for Soul Tithe depending on what im playing, but i wouldnt mind testing Soldier of the Pantheon out as I know its a good card. I honestly like Spear of Heliod better because it puts my creatures out of burn range and because i do occasionally use it as removal, although, there have been times where the bored is stalled and i could use a flying double striker, so ill try out Ajani, Caller of the Pride in place of the spear, and in place of a Boon Satyr and Loxodon Smiter to see if i can get away with playing both. As far as mana goes, I hardly ever get screwed in that i don't have enough, if anything i get more flooded than screwed, so ill probably leave that alone, especially if i decide to run with the pantheon soldiers, in either event, ive got some testing to do!
Nigrescence says... #1
I like this just because you run Soul Tithe for removal. You are awesome.
January 25, 2014 3:08 a.m.