Selesnya Defense
MOAR AGGRO —Feb. 24, 2014
Gonna try some new things out
After some consideration I've figured that Ready / Willing will benefit me more than rootborn defense, as much as like cloning the wurm token, it doesnt happen every single time and untapping 2-4 creatures to block next turn means I can attack without worry
Gods Willing being used as a finisher sounds pretty good as i can count the times my opponent has been at 5 life only to kill me first, wall me, or draw that damn Gray Merchant of Asphodel...
Pit Fight is also gonna make an appearance as an experiment to see if its as useful as Banisher Priest
so the changes are as follows:
4Ready / Willing over 4rootborn defense
3Gods Willing over Soul Tithe
2Pit Fight over Pithing Needle (just for experimentation, may eventually end up as Revoke Existence, if Pit Fight performs well, it may just replace Banisher Priest)
last note: Pithing Needle just has been sitting in my sideboard lately so I'm taking it out for now, if a time arises that i need it again, it will come back in
AndyReveler says... #2
Thanks for your comment fnmfan1997, i've been wanting to try out Ready / Willing for a while now, but i honestly almost always have at least a centaur to populate and half the time a wurm (and rarely the odd white knight), against aggro decks it might be better than Rootborn Defenses , but against control decks this is where it shines more and having 2 indestructible wurms really pisses off the opponent who just tried to boredwipe or Doomblade. I do wanna try Brimaz, King of Oreskos in place of Loxodon Smiter , tho loxodon smiter can block him no problem as ive recently done and the other way around just give the person a 1/1 which my deck can handle. i would only run Eidolon of Countless Battles if i was gonna run more creatures and more one and two drops as my deck typically only has 2-3 creatures out at a time normally. Gods Willing i will try out in place of Soul Tithe as having something help me finish the game faster sounds great, Thank you for your tips!
fnmfan1997 says... #1
i recommend ready instead of Rootborn Defenses . you simply don't have enough tokens to make the latter worth it, so why not get the same effect and untap all your creatures? Just a suggestion. Also try Brimaz, King of Oreskos or Eidolon of Countless Battles in your 3 drop slot? Both are very good cards for their cost in such a creature heavy deck instead of Loxodon Smiter who doesn't really do anything special? Also try out Gods Willing to make a creature indestructible or virtually unblockable. I personally adore the card! Other than that great job playing around a lack of voices! Massive props to you so. +1!Also make sure to checkout my deck or leave suggestions of you want over at
February 21, 2014 12:26 a.m.