Selesnya Defense
Resurrected, Revised and 2nd at FNM —June 28, 2014
Brought out my awesome Selesnya deck since i had been on a losing streak and made some changes i didnt get to try out, but ultimately worked, such as cracking and bringing in Brimaz and sideboarding in some Setessan Tactics. If I went to a more competitive tournament id probably take out unflinching courage in favor of mistcutter hydra, but other than that my decks working efficiently.
AndyReveler says... #2
Thank you for the comment. I originally decided against Voice of Resurgence for budget reasons BobTheImam, but after a while of playing with it and having some decent success, I decided I would show everybody you could play Selesnya without needing Voice. Gods Willing is a great card because it protects my creatures from the plethora of kill spells, can save my creature from another creature, lets me push that final bit of damage and I get to scry, which as everyone knows, is super helpful. Call of the Conclave is great, because besides being an awesome 3/3 for 2cmc, it doesn't feed Scavenging Ooze and it dodges Lifebane Zombie , which is super important. Of course I know it has its downsides too, but everything does. Ultimately, I think I've found an awesome combination of G/W cards that are completely playable without the need of Voice. Granted, Voice is an amazing card and nobody can argue that, but I just don't feel the need to go out ad drop $80 for a set. This is the deck that won me my trip to phoenix, and this is the deck I'll be playing.
March 20, 2014 8:03 p.m.
BobTheImam says... #3
I agree completely that a deck can be competitive without voice. Its just bloody expensive, and there is enough in Selesnya for me to be excited about playing it rather than just voice. The only issue is that this deck will have a tough time against MB because without voice, your creatures die for naught to common removal.
And about the Conclave comment, that is the only thing I disagree with, as although it will dodge Lifebane, most likely you will have 1 of your 16 creatures in your hand which it will hit, so if not conclave, it will be something else (not to mention conclave is out T2 whereas Lifebane is T3.
March 20, 2014 11:30 p.m.
pokeyrabbit says... #4
how has the deck been doing lately? i play a selesnya deck and i just cant seem to beat control. i personally like Rootborn Defenses over ready just for the populate which can help swing games in your favor. screw your counters and removal
March 24, 2014 5:34 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #5
Its been pretty weird actually pokeyrabbit, I went 0-3 at a small tourney on Thursday, I made top 8, then lost to a Jund deck I beat to get into top 8 on Friday, and Saturday I got 3rd at another GP Phoenix Trial. Fnms have been pretty sucky lately, but I guess my deck shines when it counts.
I agree with you 100% that Rootborn Defenses vs control is better, but against decks with creatures, which make up a higher percentage than control, Ready / Willing is the better choice I've found.
I have yet to try my current iteration against control, but I'm hoping 4 Mistcutter Hydra will be enough to stop it (Azorius or American, since Esper has kill spells and doesn't worry about a pro-blue creature).
My biggest weaknesses are: Esper Control, Esper Humans, Azorius Control, Orzhov Humans, and Orzhov Midrange. Mono Black and Mono Blue are 50/50.
March 24, 2014 5:55 p.m.
pokeyrabbit says... #6
i actually like the small creature match ups such as humans and mono blue because we have Banisher Priest Selesnya Charm and Mistcutter Hydra to hit there keys cards. i honestly think esper is an almost unwinable match up but the azorius and midrange decks are beatable. i plan on taking my deck to a SCG IQ next weekend so i will let you know how i do. i might run Ready / Willing after i test it
March 24, 2014 8:52 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #7
I honestly think you'll like Ready / Willing since you don't have very many tokens so it becomes way more relevant and your opponent will have to be careful way more careful about attacking and defending.
The humans match up sucks mostly because of Xathrid Necromancer , but both Esper and Orzhov humans will both side in kill with Esper also running Detention Sphere . I think with Mistcutter Hydra , I will at least make Azorius worry, but Orzhov Midrange isn't like Jund or Monsters, they have less, but harder to kill creatures and more kill which sucks horrendously, I'm still coming up with a strategy around that, hopefully you can just overrun it tho.
Let me know how it goes pokeyrabbit!
March 24, 2014 9:10 p.m.
pokeyrabbit says... #8
i just finished a match against a monsters deck with screw your counters and removal and found Gods Willing to be insane at swing the game in your favor. do you think Scavenging Ooze might me something to test with? it gives some staying power and allows you to do something with all of your dead creatures.
March 24, 2014 9:21 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #9
im glad you liked Gods Willing , i think its pretty amazing against any deck.
However Scavenging Ooze is mostly good if your deck is backed with kill spells like Golgari or Jund imo. Granted it could be useful in Selesnya as well, its better in a deck with open mana and nothing to play, being Selesnya we want to play something every turn and leave mana open for our tricks or for bluffing, i think the ooze will only slow Selesnya down.
March 25, 2014 3:47 a.m.
WilliamsIan says... #10
could I get your opinion on my Selesnya deck? Token Time I want to play it competitively...and win... I built it as a budget, but the goal is for it to pay for itself with tournaments. You think you could give me some advice?
BobTheImam says... #1
So remind me again why you aren't running voice? If its for budget reasons fair enough, but otherwise I don't see how it doesn't improve this deck. There is also plenty to remove, like gods willing, conclave, and other underpowered cards that are fine on a budget but in reality are not the best.
March 17, 2014 11:15 p.m.