Selesnya Defense
Split Top prize in an FNM/Fetchland Tournament —July 26, 2014
Split top in a Fnm with a Fetchland as prize, I let him take the fetchland while I took the packs. He seemed to really want it and I honestly wouldve just sold it. I ended up packing a Liliana, Chandra, and Ajani with two Pain lands amongst other things so its wasnt a horrible deal. He was undefeated playing U/W, so theres a good chance I wouldve lost anyway.
AndyReveler says... #2
thank you zaxinou, its served me well having the protective spells as opposed to the all out aggro, and its changed very minimally as the newer sets have come out, tho as you can tell i have at least 1 card from every set thus far
July 2, 2014 10:30 p.m.
As you can see my build varies somewhat from yours Journey into Selesnya - 1st at FNM but I've had success with it so far :)
July 2, 2014 11:02 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #4
Selesnya is great and underrated, i think the right build just hasnt been made yet. i went to two gp trials witn mine and got 1st and 3rd, earning me a trip to gp phoenix, tho i didnt make it to day 2 tho :/.
July 3, 2014 12:02 a.m.
Nice! I've not been in a GP before. But I did do a small tournament for about $1000 prize money but didn't do so well there...
July 3, 2014 12:05 a.m.
Just ran this deck against Jund Monsters, how have you felt it fares in this matchup? I got destroyed, but it could have been not having the cards I need in hand...
July 3, 2014 6:40 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #7
honestly Ghostfim, its pretty much a race, if monsters get its ramp fast enough, im walled and the creatures are too big for me to deal with, especially with domri cutting things down, however If i get my creatures out faster, it gets hard for monsters to catch up and eventually i just overrun with small but strong creatures, using my removal to rid myself of whatever big creature monsters can scrounge up.
July 3, 2014 8:18 p.m.
So since my comment yesterday I've played roughly 20 matches with this deck. I've found what you said about Monsters to be true, but am wondering how you plan to deal with Anger of the Gods, as the vast majority (everything besides Brimaz, Wurm, and a monstroused Fleecemane) of our creatures die to it. I've considered Brave the Elements and Spear of Heliod. What do you think?
July 4, 2014 6:50 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #9
i havent played against a deck running it, but with the rise of that red boss deck out can see it as a sideboard card, tho ramp decks kill their elves and caryatids and slow themselves down as well, i do have gods willing and ready/willing for that, but i realize its not a solid stategy. a sideboarded spear or two is a great strategy tho
July 4, 2014 10:02 p.m.
Dictate of Heliod could also be considered here to flash in and save creatures ;)
July 6, 2014 6:40 p.m.
I like that Spear is cheaper and wards off attackers. That's proved useful in recent testing.
July 6, 2014 10:22 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #12
zaxinou and Ghostfim, Dictate of Heliod and Spear of Heliod are okay cards, but you still have to draw and play them just like anything else, and if not then Anger of the Gods still wins, and i dont see either of them being a more of two of in the sideboard because theres other things this deck would rather be playing. I used to run spear when i first made this deck, but anger became less popular so i took it out altogether. I have Ready / Willing which will protect my creatures at least once, which is especially good if they top deck an anger, and Gods Willing which will protect at least one creature (you could always bestow Boon Satyr onto something and Unflinching Courage will also make a creature bigger). Loxodon Smiter , Brimaz, King of Oreskos ,Advent of the Wurm and a monstrous Fleecemane Lion will all survive it, but if you're really concerned with that card, 2 spears in the sideboard would be awesome.
July 7, 2014 1:07 a.m.
acousticcancer and zaxinou, I'm planning to take a slightly modified version of this deck to a mini tourney on Saturday and I'll let you know how it goes! I don't have the Temple Gardens or Mana Confluences, and I have a sideboard modified to deal with my aggro-heavy meta. Just thought I'd let you guys know!
July 16, 2014 11:18 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #14
Ah man, the Temple Garden s help out the most, but hopefully you do well anyway. Good luck and let me know how you do Ghostfim.
July 17, 2014 2:41 a.m.
Hey guys, I've posted my decklist at Selesnya Defense M15 and there's a report of my time at the tournament lower on the page. I only went 1-3, but had a good time and will return next time with a slightly updated deck.
P.S. acousticcancer, when you side in Unflinching Courage , what do you take out? Thanks!
July 20, 2014 2:14 a.m.
Also, thoughts of Sunblade Elf ? A GW Aggro list running it as a 2-of top 8'd SCG Baltimore today. That list was a lot more creature focused than this one, but perhaps it could replace some Experiment Ones or something?
July 20, 2014 2:56 a.m.
AndyReveler says... #17
man honestly Ghostfim im willing to bet that not having the Temple Garden /Mana Confluence is what made you lose. everything in here is mana intensive so those cards are kinda necessary. the gardens are a really good investment because theyll slowly increase again because of modern play. Sunblade Elf is good if you want to be more agressive, i dont want to be otherwise id run Soldier of the Pantheon too, but without Voice of Resurgence itll never be as good as it should be.
zaxinou says... #1
Interesting build! +1
July 2, 2014 8:09 p.m.