GW Midrange Aggro
Play creatures and turn them sideways. Flash Creatures and Instant Wurms are highly effective in this. Ajani and Courages to make my big creatures extra dangerous. Control elements with Priests, Charms, Gods Willing. The latter is a flexible tool for combat tricks, unblockable, and to counter spot removal.
All in all, a nice mixture of strong GW Aggro cards that are very reactive and flexible, making this deck very consistent.
Not willing to go for Voices, considering their price tag and current metagame weakness.
Any help, comments etc. are greatly appreciated.
Card by Card:
Advent of the Wurm
- Drops a huge instant threat on the board. Is an aggro device, combat trick and curves perfectly. Maybe the reason why I still play this deck. Will be hard to substitute post-rotation.
2x Ajani, Caller of the Pride - Finisher for its -3, can close games with a flying double striking Wurm or similar creature. Perfectly balanced as a 2-of, great synergy with Unflinching Courage.
Banisher Priest
- Makes way for the other creatures and disables a threat on opponent's side of the field.
Fabled Hero
- Insane with Courage, insane when unblocked and flash-bestowed with Boon Satyr. An amazing beater that also makes Gods Willing and Selesnya Charm more powerful.
Boon Satyr
- Flashes on turn three for nice unexpected damage and is a late game winner due to bestow.
4x Fleecemane Lion - 3/3 beater that can be a huge problem once it hits monstrous. All this as a 2drop makes this card very powerful.
4x Gods Willing - Counters spot removal and often makes something unblockable, is a nice combat trick and the scry 1 makes the deck more consistent. What is not to like?
1x Mistcutter Hydra - As a 1of this is a late game bomb and an early threat against blue, which is very prevalent in the current format.
1x Rogue's Passage - Late game winner, simple as that. Making a (hopefully lifelinking) creature unblockable can make all the difference, and the colorless mana on this land has never given me any trouble.
1x Scavenging Ooze - Fairly weak early, mid and late game all star against creature-based decks, the Ooze seldom disappoints as a 1of.
4x Selesnya Charm - This is hands down the best Charm in the cycle and a really powerful instant all around. It does everything from exiling a huge threat to pushing a bit more damage to some nice combat tricks. A turn two 2/2 vigilance Knight flashed can make an aggressive strategy more consistent, or can ascertain that one extra blocker you'd need.
Temple of Plenty
- Debatable because of it coming into play tapped, the scry lands however do a good job in bringing more consistency to decks, essentially making them better. Might consider dropping 1-2 for basics to strengthen the consistency of my curve, but so far I am convinced of the full playset.
4x Unflinching Courage - A ridiculously powerful enchantment. Can enable huge life swings, after which a possible 1 for 2 does not really matter anymore. With this, Wurms and Heroes become really scary, and Lions and Satyrs can capitalize on it hugely as well. I want this in my hand right from the start, so a playset here is mandatory.
2x Courser of Kruphix - Currently testing these. Make land drops more valuable and consistent and the life gain is a nice little bonus, Its body is alright, but a bit weak on the front. More testing is needed here.
Glare of Heresy
- Staple against White
Last Breath
- Against prominent aggro decks in the format, especially MBD and MUD.
2x Pithing Needle - Shuts off Planeswalkers and any permanents with act abilities on the opponent's side that are difficult to handle otherwise
2x Rootborn Defenses - Mandatory against Supreme Verdict and the like, can occasionally grant an extra Wurm. Alright against spot removal.
Revoke Existence
- Deals with Gods, which makes it better than
Sundering Growth
1x Mistcutter Hydra - To further the pressure on blue based decks, especially Control.
- Allstar against MUD and sometimes UW Control. Can also block Nightveil Specter away and fits nicely into the curve.
- Testing this as an all-round answer against aggro decks. Exiles gods.